Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Dad...Larry, Ruth and Rodger


Good morning, friends...It's been an interesting week.  I cooked...did some canning in my favorite canner from Presto.  It's electric and works like a dream.  You heat then fill your jars then (20 minutes) then basically, set it and forget it!  I got up early (3am) as usual, got all my supplies out and put it all together then canned hamburger meat.  Usually, 5lbs hamburger makes 5-pint jars...usually.  I got 4 jars of finished meat.

For just Larry and I, 2 lbs. of canned hamburger should do us for a while. The white stuff you see is fat...also some spice.

I also canned some Great White Northern beans. We love most beans...at least Larry does.  I can't eat Black Beans...never have been able to wrap my head around a bean that was black...It's a mental thing...they look like the dirt wasn't washed off...lol

I had the set since the '80's but the salt one broke years ago.  I kept the pepper one in my desk at work filled with salt... for years.  I still keep it at my desk here at home.  I had no idea it was such an expensive little shaker!

Larry has his 6-month round of BCG cancer treatments starting once a week for the next 4 weeks on Fridays...I guess he'll do these for the rest of his life...don't know yet.
In the photo above, the waiting room was full when we arrived...and then...

You all remember my sister Ruth?  Well, she's doing great and has had a knee replacement since her colon cancer treatments.  Everything has been rocking along pretty well...she still would have anger issues occasionally...but nothing I couldn't deal with... until 
Jan 27th.  
We usually can talk about most things...life, cooking, canning...sewing...you know, the casual stuff.  
Larry had been checking out our property tax payment online (making sure the payment was attributed to the correct account) ...it had been...so he looked at Ruth's account...You can look at other people's accounts here in Texas because it's public record.  Ruth pays a couple of hundred on her account...whenever.  Says she's done it this way for over 20 years...well it's now up to over $6,ooo.  I happened to mention that she might want to start picking up on her payments because the amount she owes was growing.  I offered to help her with the money to try to catch her up... (you know, being we are sisters) Okay...no big deal...she nodded her acceptance of my suggestion, said no thanks to my offer... and we moved on to her birthday gift I had brought her... (a planner for 2025...we both love them).  And then after several hours of visiting, I went home.  
24 hours later, I get a text from her saying how dare I look at her account and get into her business...(I know...I shouldn't have said a thing) Now get this...She says she never wants to see me again...that I will never inherit anything from her "estate" (what estate) and that I'm to never contact her ever again...I'm suppose to "do" my family and she'll "do" her's...What?
I'm so tired...It's in my nature to run out to her place and try to straighten things out when she gets like this, but she's never let it go this far.  Words mean something and you really need to watch how you use them...Larry says to just let it go...she's always been this way and will never change.  There have been other text that were downright nasty, but I'll just let you know...I think I'm done.  She has always had a mean streak, just like our mother...and doesn't try to curb what comes out of her mouth.  "I want my way, and I want it now" no longer works on me...so...I'll let her have her way...because I'm just numb from dealing with her weird way of looking at life and how to treat people and especially, family that has tried to help her.  It's always someone else's fault.  So be it.  I'm tired of walking on eggshells and trying to remember how not to offend her.  She's been "angry" since we were kids...I'm not going to be able to fix it now.  Next step will be hers...if ever. Am I being too cold about it?

She's watching my other sister Mary (long story) and this is Bryan, her son.  I'll go through her ex-husband and his wife Laura to see him...and will ask Laura to check on sister Mary... (cerebral palsy...and another long and ugly story). Ruth has guardianship of sister Mary so there's little I can do except keep a close check on her.
Oh!  I'll bet you wish now that you had just kept rolling on by! lol

And then...lol

I had made Chicken & dumplings the day before, but we'd had a "problem" with Larry's Dad checking himself out of the rehab center...He is doing so much better from the pneumonia now but at the time, they found he also had a UTI.  Well, he got pissed at the place he was at (private room and bathroom...the nurses weren't doing enough for him) so, feeling SO much better... he checked himself out!  Well, Larry's brother Kenny, fell for Dad's threats...picked him up and took him home...got Dad settled then left.  Hey!  Dad demands he gets his way!  So... he got his way.  Later that night, Dad calls Larry...who at this point, is SO tired...zombie tired at this point....get's up and goes to get Dad and return him to the ER because he's demanding they take his catheter out!  He said he just wants someone to come in (24/7) and take care of him...sigh...I told Larry to stay home and I'd go take care of him but he said absolutely not, he'd deal with Dad.
Needless to say...Once YOU check yourself OUT of a rehabilitation center...ADO... (against doctor's orders), the rehab will NOT take you back...no matter What you do or say...and neither will most others in town!  It's the state ...check your own state's rules...  We were SO fortunate to find a lesser quality one that decided to take a chance on him...thank you Jesus...He just needs to gain his strength back in order to function at home again. Getting up, walking...bathroom.  Well, he knows he messed up big time...he now has a roommate that runs the TV nonstop and likes to chatter.  Dad does not like to chatter and definitely does not want a TV on when trying to sleep...he's a bit miserable...but there may be a miracle on the horizon.  There's a rehab about two miles from us that might take him...Encompass.  Please say a tiny prayer for us!
Maybe you're saying to yourself, "why don't you just bring him to your house..."
There is no way we can take him in... we can't give him the rehab he needs, and we both aren't willing to put up with his crankiness...I'm 73 and Larry is 77.  Gerald is 99 and still doing well (other than this recent bout with pneumonia).
I'm really not against bringing him here if he really needs it and have told him so...but Larry says...just no.

Because these are seed oils... (cause inflammation) try using a natural oil...tallow, lard...etc.

I have been trying to get the snap lid to open on this bottle of cleaner for ages...always ended up unscrewing the lid.  Well, I got the bright idea (not many of those left in me...) to use a bottle opener.  It worked!  The liquid had dried the lid shut...now I can open it.

And lastly, we lost a sweet soul last night.  This is Larry's cousin, Rodger.  He didn't answer his son's phone calls so son called the Sherriff's dept for a welfare check...he was found deceased.
Most of our family are now on the other side so I know he's having a blast meeting up, once again, with his wife, parents and great Granson...Fly high Rodger!  We love you.
So... until next time...count your blessings and I'm sorry to have strained your eyes on all this news...we are just in a rough patch right now...hopefully Dad will realize what wonderful sons he has, and Ruth Ann will remember who's been there for her when everyone else ran when they heard about her colon cancer...until then... 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Rough Patch is putting it lightly. I am glad you poured your heart out for several reasons, first I can now say a prayer for you and all in your rough patch, 2nd I now know I am not the only one in a rough patch and since you have more people involved in yours, it makes mine look a little less rough. So sorry Roger is gone but what a way to go and that is my prayer for myself and my husband to co like that. I will not give any advice on all of this because only the person in the patch knows how and what to do. I will not say think positive, because it irritates me when I am told that. I will not say I understand because no one truly understands when you tell them how you feel. I do care and will say prayers for strength and winsome in dealing with all this.
thanks for making my patch a little lighter today, I was sitting here fighting tears and feeling sorry for myself and now I am better.. wow on the canning. I am impressed. burger is the only meat I love..

Shug said...

My condolences to the family for the loss of your loved one. You all have really had your hands full and not in the healthiest of ways. So sorry that you're having to deal with so many issues. Sometimes it seems that you just can't win in trying to help others who are not willing to be helped. Lifting you up in my prayers and trusting that God will ease any pain that you might feel in dealing with those who do not realize what a Blessing it is to have you in their lives. You did a great job canning the meat and beans. I had no idea that you could can hamburger meat. Wishing you all the Best Day and hoping you keep your mind toward the goal of having Peace and happiness. Hugs to you..

Mari said...

First, I have to tell you thank you for telling me about that canner! I've canned ground beef, chicken, Sloppy Joe and Chicken Soup so far!
I am so sorry about the issues with Ruth. And then adding Larry's Dad on top of it is too much! Praying for all of you.

Ann said...

Oh my goodness, you have way too much on your plate to deal with right now. So very sorry for your loss. May Roger rest in peace.
I hope that Larry's dad behaves himself at the new facility and stays put until he's recovered. I also hope That Ruth comes around and doesn't cut you out of her life. I have a half sister who for whatever reason, hates me. I just let it go. It's on her. There's nothing more you can do.

Erin said...

So sorry about your sister. at 70 plus i think it's time to do what's best for you and if that includes avoiding her, then that's what you do. I have four sisters ... we all get along on the surface, but I only see or talk to them if I make the effort. Trump's victory has been hard on them ... hahaha ... so I've not really been in contact. The longer I go without having to tiptoe around their feelings, the better it is. They are so whacked out about Trump, that I've even blocked their nonsense on FB. I live away from all four of them (they all live in the same town), so it's not hard to avoid them. Praying Larry's dad gets into a good facility!

photowannabe said...

(((HUGS))) and Prayers to you and Larry. Far too much drama and issues on your plate. Family can be so hurtful sometimes. I agree that backing off from your sister is the best thing right now. I can't even imagine the ache. No platitudes from me ...just love and concern for you and your Hubby.
Happy canning and creative cooking.
Love ya

Sooze said...

It can be so hard to deal with some family members. We have several problem relatives in our families - two of them thankfully live quite far away and we can largely ignore them, although one likes to badmouth us on social media occasionally (we don't respond in any way). I have one problem relative though who is a big and ongoing problem, which takes up a lot of my family's time. For what it's worth, I think you're right to back off from your sister, if she throws your offers of help back in your face then there's not much else you can do. I hope Larry gets through his treatment ok (oh and what a lovely waiting room, looks like an upmarket hotel!). I trust Larry's Dad gets settled, and sorry for your loss of Rodger.

Bill said...

You definitely got your hands full with all that's going on. Hopefully things will settle down as time goes on. Wishing Larry the best as he goes for his treatment. Take care and have a good week.

Sandra Cox said...

I am so sorry you and Larry are having to deal with so much right now.

The Happy Whisk said...

I am sorry to hear of his passing and your sister and the issues you guys have together. I get that though, at some point people cut bait and run and with good reason. I get that. Though I don't like that people can see each other's stuff like that. To me that's the state crossing a line of privacy that doesn't need shared.

Glad he found a place that will take him. Hope he gets healed up. I am sorry you have all this weight on your shoulders but I am also glad you can share your story with us. Sending lots of love an huggs your way.

Anvilcloud said...

Ah, families eh? Both Our parents were ok thank goodness so no issues like Larry’s father. But Sue has a sister. Well she has two. One is wonderful. One is not.

Far Side of Fifty said...

What a rough patch, family is not easy sometimes. Sending good thoughts your way!

Lowcarb team member said...

'Rough patch' is right!
I am sorry that you and Larry are having to deal with so much at present. Thinking of you and sending good wishes.

All the best Jan

Wanda said...

I do believe that some of our blog friends are closer than family. How sad that your sister doesn't realize how much you have loved and cared for her, and Larry's dad, to realize what a wonderful son he has. I'm reminded of the verse..."In this world you will have trouble" It's a given....but "Jesus has overcome the World, and gives us His strength to be overcomings too. I do believe there is a time when we just say no... and glad you have done that with her. Loving you today, praying for you with all that is on you plate. Love nothern white beans and your's look so great. I've never canned anything but fruit. But then you are the master of so many things and that's why I love coming to your blog. Hugs dear friend.

dori said...

Ooo my best greetings to you, dear Donna! You are so brave and Larry, too! Stay on the light side, Jesus is with you! Ruth looks so happy on the photo and it's such a pity, that she hurts you always so hard.
I'm sorry for the loss of your family-soul-friend

Many greetings and blessings to you and to your family in faith from Dori from the Bavarian forest

dori said...

Ooo, meine besten Grüße an dich, liebe Donna! Du bist so tapfer und Larry auch! Bleib auf der hellen Seite, Jesus ist bei dir! Ruth sieht auf dem Foto so glücklich aus und es ist so schade, dass sie dich immer so sehr verletzt.
Es tut mir leid, dass du deine Familien-Seelenfreundin verloren hast.

Viele Grüße und Segenswünsche an dich und deine Familie im Glauben von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Donna. So sorry to hear about your family drama. Family drama can be upsetting, and believe me I know. We have some of that going on, and I have reached out again and again to some family members to know avail. In my honest opinion, I think that Satan has great hold on many hearts and that is what is causing all of the family problems, estrangement, drama, etc. You will be in my prayers because I know that such things are stressful. I admire all of your canning. It is always good to have some extra food stored away. I truly hope that the coming week is a better one for you. See you again soon.

Margaret D said...

Goodness, troubles galore indeed. Sometimes older people believe they know best, but not the case with your 99 year old, bless him.
Sorry to read of a death, but you have a good idea that he is happy up there. Good on you, Donna.
Shame about your sister, but what can you do! Nothing, guess it's just sitting it out.
Take care and don't over do it.

Linda said...

My condolences to the loss of Rodger...sending prayers...and keep in prayer over your sister...I so understand my friend.

Lin said...

Aw, girlie...I'm so sorry you have all of this going on. Family stuff is hard. I know you will navigate and do what is best for you and Larry. Time to focus on your inner circle that brings you much joy. ((hugs))

Dianna said...

You and Larry certainly have your hands and hearts full of life's trials right now, dear Donna. I will be praying .

Polyester Princess said...

I'm sorry to hear of your family trials and tribulations, Donna! I guess it happens even in the best of families. For some reason my sister and I aren't close and in spite of living in the same village we hardly ever see each other, although when we do we get along just fine ... I'm hoping everything works out with Larry's dad! Had to laugh at the tomato, I'd use holy water :-) xxx

Lee said...

And thank you for a most interesting post, Donna.

I hope very soon everyone....each and everyone of your loved ones...are back to top health and enjoying life to the utmost. Take care all of you...and that includes you, my dear. Best wishes from me here in the Land Down Under! :)

Prims By The Water said...

You have a lot going on. Hope it gets better for you. Sometimes you just gotta take care of you and no one else. Janice

DeniseinVA said...

Thank you for all the great tips Donna. I wish Larry only the very best on his treatments. I’m so sorry about Roger passing away, and about everything else within your families. It’s good to vent, writing things down is a great way for getting all your worries out and you have a lot on your plate. Saying a prayer that it all works out.

Catherine said...

Sometimes it is really difficult to to live with one’s family members, I know what it is , very difficult especially when you have health problems and aging.
I chose to avoid confrontation.
Happy Valentine to both of you!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I was sorry to read that you have so much going on at the moment, much of it unfavorable. From what I’ve read that you’ve written, I know that you will be able to weather the storm and come through things with your usual good humor and strength.

diane b said...

Sorry to hear you are going through a bad patch. Sometimes family is hard to deal with and they certainly occupy a lot of your time. Hopefully things will improve soon. Your sister sounds like a difficult one. My mum said things like that to me but she had demetia with paranoia. Sending hugs.

Jeanette said...

I'm sorry about you're having to deal with your sister buddy! You are smart to just be done with her. Sounds like she has caused you more stress than is worth it! You're a saint to have put up with her for this long! As far as Larry's dad, I am getting a first hand look at how many parents are like him and how much stress it causes their children! Neither on of my parents lived long enought to have dementia so fortunately I never had that stress. Rich and his sisters went through a lot of that with his mom who lived to be 93. Take care my friend! xo

Red Rose Alley said...

Donna, I'm so sorry you are going through all of this. I do hope things get better in the days ahead. So sorry to hear about Larry's cousin passing away also. Your chicken and dumplings look really good. Wow, can't believe those salt and pepper shakers are of that much value. That's great that you are doing some canning. The hamburger will come in handy when it's time to make a meal. I chuckled when I saw your sign, "wash those nasty hands!" Sounds like me in the kitchen haha. Hang in there, and saying a prayer for you and the family.
