Monday, March 17, 2025

Quilt...Miss Sydney Jo, Sloane and Food.

 Good morning, friends!   It's been a while since I've posted!  Two weeks, at least!  But I've been busy!  Yes, I began a project for our Sami's new (still in the oven) baby, Lottie Lynn.  Sam's baby shower is on April 12th and I wanted to have my gift ready!  So... I spent very little time on social networks or the TV and got the quilt top done. 
Do any of you quilters have a remedy for sore back?  I know all the basic tips like sitting straight up...stretch, etc... but have you ever tried a back brace? lol 
Goodness, my back gets sore!

The iPhone camera just doesn't take colored shots well!  The green is too limey...and the pinks aren't true either.  Maybe I should have used my Nikon,

Here's a neat trick I found...When I'm having to count my squares, the material is hard to separate from the layers!  I grabbed my pencil eraser and used it!  Worked great!  But only the red eraser white one didn't work as all.

This is where I carried my quilt top.  I quilted my first quilt myself but am not happy with my work so, I found Sherrie in a town close to me and dropped it off with her.  I should get it back on the 7th of April...that will give me at least a week to add a label and finish the binding.  I'll post a photo when I get it back.

Greatgranbaby #2

This is Miss Sydney Jo Waid.  She belongs to our grandson, Tylar and wife, Sara.  They are stationed (Air Force) in Papa, Hungary.  For some reason, the military said they couldn't have baby there and were told to go to Vienna, Austria...and they had to be there one month before her arrival date!  I don't understand the why of it, at all...oh least she was born in Vienna!!  That's where my grandparents were from!  I love it!  I know they were with them during the birth...Isn't she pretty?!

Even Gampa got in on making baby things!  This is a shelf for Sloane and sister Lottie.  He also made book shelving for them.
Having great grands is...grand!

Now the food Tuesday last Rosa's in Waco.

I saw this on TikTok, so I made it...I Put shredded cheese in the bottom of a muffin pan...then add thinly sliced onion then top with more cheese and baked at 400 for 18 minutes...or longer, if you desire.  You don't need to spray the pan with oil.

SOOO good!!  Locarb, as well.

Larry cooked up some chicken with cream and green beans!  

Then...he got a wild hair and decided we needed to eat something bad!  lol
French Fries and bacon gravy with chives!  OhMyWord good!  You can't eat like this every day...for Sure!

But after the bad-for-you breakfast...he made grilled ribs.  Really good stuff!

And here's our SloaneyGirl ...I think Mommy helped her a bit with the love her over the Moon!

Then her Lolli (our daughter Crystal) got to come for a short visit...they always have a blast!  

And I even got to babysit with her!  I bought her a new backpack...Bluey is now her favorite character.

She truly wore herself out dancing and running around the house.  We are SO blessed!!

Larry also had his CT Scan done (every 6 mos).  Nothing showed up!  Yeah!  Dr said he likes to keep a recovering bladder cancer patient coming in for regular visits (every 3 months) and every 6 months, the CT scan...for at the very least, 3-5 years.

Larry is still doing well with his bladder treatments for the non-existent cancer...hopefully, it stays that way!!

Well, I guess I'll let you off the hook for today! lol...and I'm sorry for not posting sooner.  SO, until next time...


Shug said...

Where to start because there are so many adorable things on this post... Congratulations on your newest little one. goodness, they just make life the BEST. Love the baby quilt...the colors you chose are some of my fav and perfect for your baby girl. And the, this all looks so good. the cheese cups look delicious and sounds like they are pretty easy to make. Will definitely be trying these. You sure have a beautiful family! Happy St. Patrick's Day...Hope its a great one.

Mari said...

The quilt is beautiful and will be a treasure!
Congrats on the new baby! She is beautiful and it's so cool she was born in Vienna!
The egg and onion dish looks good and so easy.
Sloane is as cute as ever! Our Cassie loves Bluey too. She has Bluey slipper, Bluey PJ's and a sweatshirt.
Glad for the good news on Larry.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Hello Donna. I'm very glad that things are still going well with Larry and the check ups are very positive for him. Lovely photos of Sloane with her family. I can see she loves her new bluey. Larry's chicken meals look delicious and your cheesy TikTok special looks yummy too.
Congratulations to Tylar and Sara on the safe arrival of Sydney. She is beautiful. I am a March 4 birthday girl too.
The quilt for Lottie Lynn is so pretty, I love the patterns and colours.
Enjoy your week and I hope the back holds up and is not too sore.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Sidney looks like a tiny, sweet angel.. adorable! all your grands and great grands are so beautiful... what an adventure to be born in Vienna. bob would love the cheese bake, I don't eat onions but would love the Krispy cheese . Lottie's quilt is gorgeous and if you ever need another sore back, these are the colors in every room in my house, and I need one big enough for a dual KING bed. ha ha... I put mineral ice on my sore back, and a heating pad. I also go to bed for a day, on heating pad and take ibuprofen and usually its better in one day and sometimes 2 days.. mine gets that way from working at my desk top

Dianna said...

Your quilt is beautiful, Donna! Made with love and sure to be treasured.

Congratulations on the new great grandbaby! Her story begins in special and even more so with that being where your grandparents were from.

ALL of the food looks delicious! Maybe Larry needs to open up a restaurant...between the two of you it would be sure to be a hit!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Congratulations on your newest Great Grand! She is a beauty! Your quilt looks great...Lottie Lynn is such a cute name and your quilt is a treasure!:)

photowannabe said...

Oh, that new great grand is a real sweetheart. I do hope you get to see her before too long.
The quilt is simply gorgeous and I know it will be a prized treasure for the entire family. Of course, Sloane is a prized treasure too. Love her sleepy time photo.
So glad that Larry's tests come back that all is well. That's wonderful. He sure is the Master Chef at your house.

Lin said...

WOW! So many happy things going on here! Glad Larry had a good check up. I'm glad his doctor is following up so often. The grandbabies are so adorable. Exciting for that new baby to come. The QUILT.....WOW! You did such nice work! What a treasure that will be! I have my quilts done by a longarm now. I hate fighting the fabric and the machine on my own. It is definitely NOT fun. Hey...I just got a new chair that is firm, comfortable, and helped my back a ton. Amazon:

ashok said...

Adorable content as always!

Martha said...

Your quilt is beautiful already! What luck little great grands you have! And the food looks delicious! You're making me hungry. LOL! Grands are the best.

Bill said...

What a beautiful quilt. Glad Larry is doing good and your food looks delicious. Have a wonderful week.

Prims By The Water said...

What a beautiful quilt. It will be a fantastic gift. Loved the meme about the cake and jelly rolls. Too funny. In Canada those fries would be called poutine. We live in Michigan and some of our restaurants carry these for their Canadian customers who live across the border. Janice

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Donna! This is a wonderful post which so much good stuff! First, congratulations on the new great granddaughter! She is just adorable. That is a beautiful quilt! So glad that Larry is cancer free and doing well! Have a great week. See you again soon!

Wanda said...

So glad your back. Loved your sweet new baby..she's absolutely beautiful. The quilt, darling and great colors. Love your food pictures and gain a few pounds just gazing at them.
Glad Larry had a good report, we love good reports. You have a beautiful family and look forward to each of your posts.

Lee said...

Hi, Donna...firstly, I'm pleased to hear Larry is doing well. May his good progress continue. I wish him all the very best.

'Beautiful little Sloane certainly is growing up fast. She is such a lovely child. :)

Your skill at quilting is to be commended.

I've not posted for a while either This area hereabouts where I live had an uninvited, unwelcome visitor...Cyclone Alfred. Alfie was pretty angry and caused much concern and destruction to many. Fortunately, my humble little abode withstood his wrath, but I did lose power for a week. As this area where I live is totally dependent on rainwater tanks...has now sewage system, only septic, we had no water, no flushing toilets. I, like all others, I guess, lost all the contents of my fridge and freezer...everything ended up in the rubbish bin. I spent the time reading and doing puzzles using little AA battery-operated lamps. Little sleep came, but everything is getting back to normal now. There are many folk far worse off than I am who suffered so much damage. I do feel so sorry for those folk.

Take good care...all of you. :)

dori said...

You did splendid things for your family, so you had no time for social media, dear Donna! Great compliment for your handmade art! The baby born in Wien is most beautiful! O you have connections in your life with Wien! Beautiful! And sweet Sloane is so sweet - and a really great young girl! Look her smile! Her drawing is fine, very fine. Teamwork with her sweet mam - why not! Big artists! Best wishes for Larry and a lot of blessings to you and to your dear family from Dori from the Bavarian Forest.

dori said...

Du hast Großartiges für deine Familie getan, da hattest du keine Zeit für Social Media, liebe Donna! Ein großes Kompliment für deine handgemachte Kunst! Das in Wien geborene Baby ist wunderschön! Oh, du hast in deinem Leben eine Verbindung zu Wien! Wunderschön! Und die süße Sloane ist so süß – und ein wirklich tolles junges Mädchen! Schau dir ihr Lächeln an! Ihre Zeichnung ist wunderschön, wirklich wunderschön. Teamwork mit ihrer süßen Mama – warum nicht! Große Künstler! Alles Gute für Larry und alles Gute für dich und deine liebe Familie von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald.

Red Rose Alley said...

Sloane looks like a big girl with her new backpack. My grandgirls used to love Bluey at one time. I love that chalk drawing her and mom made. Larry's ribs look delicious! And the chicken with cream and green beans is different and looks really good. So nice that he is making a shelf for the little ones. They always need more room for books and things. Welcome to the world, Sydney Jo. She's so precious. And what a wonderful quilt you are making. The colors are sweet for a newborn, and it's BIG to cuddle her up in. The Mexican restaurant that you go to often serves Yummy food. I love Mexican food. So good to hear that Larry's scan was Ok.

Happy St. Patrick's Day Donna.


Lowcarb team member said...

A lovely catch-up post.
I think the quilt looks beautiful.
Many congratulations on the new baby.
Lovely photographs of sweet Sloane, she is growing up.
So pleased Larry's hospital tests/scan was all okay.
Your food looks good.

May the week ahead go well for you.
My good wishes.

All the best Jan

Anvilcloud said...

Faithful colour rendition is a problem with cameras. I doubt if the Nikon would have done better.

Granny Marigold said...

THREE great granddaughters!!! You certainly are blessed. Sydney is quite adorable and of course, Sloane is too. The quilt is lovely.
Good news about Larry's tests.
I certainly will be making those cheesy onion bakes. They sound wonderful.

Margaret D said...

Beautiful quilt you have made and I've no idea on the back how to stop it aching when sewing, it's a problem at times for sure.
Sloane, is sweet, love the drawing, and the food is looking good too.
Take care.

Ann said...

The quilt is absolutely beautiful. As for a back brace, I do have one and sometimes it helps, sometimes not. It all depends on how bad the back is feeling and what i'm doing.
Congrats on the addition to the family. She's adorable.
I love the picture of Sloane with Crystal. That one is dust so adorable.