Well, it certainly was another Monday today. Woke up with a splitting headache...right behind my left eye!LOL...Aren't those Fun?!!! Sinus and sneezing...all day. It rained here just a little bit yesterday...just enough to get the mold cooking. Had to wait for the "Bug Lady" to come and work her magic on the pesky ants and water bugs, so I was late to work. When I finally get there, I find out my secretary was out with an illness...emergency room type. My office manager had been ill all day yesterday...stomach gunk....Geez!LOL....What's that they say about it running in packs of three???
The Good news though is that Karen has posted the next Brenda Photo Challenge rules!! The theme this time is Patroitism...or...What I love about my country. Date is, Saturday, July 11th. Oh My!! My mind has just been whirling with the possibilities!! If you have a camera, and want to join in, click on her link and leave her a comment!! These are Really fun!!
Well, guess I'll go blow my nose for the umpteenth time and call it a night. Have a Wonderful night or day, where Ever you are!!