Cube chicken, fry it up, then sprinkle with Parmesan cheese after it's out of the pan but while it's still hot.

Strawberries and whipped cream

Lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, bacon, chicken cubes and romaine lettuce
Well, Hubby finished the Front of the building he was working on...only three more sides to go!LOL....He can only do a little at a time because it just gets too hot by noon. So, I called him in at noon for lunch and he's now gone to the shop to dump all the trash from the building.
Nothing else really happening around here. I was going to mow this morning...LOL...Well That didn't happen...grocery store instead. SO, Here's hoping You are getting everything done, that you wanted to do, this weekend. Ya'll have a wonderful night or day, where Ever you are...and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Oh, Donna! Yum yum!! It looks very good!
It should be tried. May be one day... But I don't like cooking only for myself. It is better to have someone to make a meal to, and to eat together with.
Yesterday I had, because my brother in law and his family visited me....
Thank you for your kind comment to me...
I wish you a happy week, but not so hot!
Lille- Thanks Sweetie!! This is actually something Very quick and easy...Hope you had a wonderful visit with your brother!!hughugs
Hi Donna,
Stopping by your place is like dropping in for coffee. You really make me feel welcome. I want to thank you for all the visits you make to my sites, too. I so enjoy reading your comments. I need to get out more often! LOL. Have a productive Sunday and drink lots of water in this heat.
That looks delicious! No mowing???? Are you waiting for me? LOL!
Oh Lady Skye! What a Sweet thing to say!!! Thank you! And I Love your blogs!!! Informative, Happy, giving...and Tasty!!LOL...You have a Wonderful night sweetie!! Always a joy when you stop in!!hughugs
Jenn-LOL...WellYESSSSS!!! LOLHahaha....And you are...Where??? Are you having a FUN Anniversary??? 13yrs...Wonderful!! Happy celebration sweetie!!hughugs
I'm so glad I've already eaten 'cause that would make me so jealous!!
No mowing today here either. Who cares really? hahaha
Sally-LOLHahaha....Ain't it the everloving truth!!! Hope you had something delicious!!! Happy sleep sweetie!! Hope the kids are alright?...hughugs
Food looks good. Pool for me today.
Dawn-LOLHaha....You better be Enjoying yourself!!! Have fun at that pool girlie!!hughugs
Dell- Hi There!! Thanks Sweetie!! Been wondering where you ran off to!!LOL...Hope you're having a wonderful day!!!hughugs
Good for you, Donna, cooking up a storm! It all looks yummy. I haven't cooked a real meal here since - gosh - I don't know when! Last week some time! What a horrible mother I am! We have all been so busy with HS graduation and all! Okay, because of your good example, tonight I'll make something tasty and we'll all sit at the table together and raise our glasses you!
Sandy-LOLHahahaha.....Thanks Sweetheart!!! Horrible Mother???? I DON'T THINK SO!!!LOLOL.....You're one of the Most loving Moms I know!!! Happy Day to you Sweetie!!!hughugs
Your chicken salad looks delicious!
I did a whole lot more than I wanted to this weekend, which wasn't much now that I think about it.
Brenda- Thanks Sweetie! In This heat, I really didn't want to do much outside...If you're not out there by 6am, don't bother!lolol...You have a wonderful day!!!hughugs
Looks delicious!
Kc- Thanks Girl! Appreciate it! Have a wonderful day!hughugs
Yum! The chicken salad looks wonderful, but those strawberries and whipped cream are calling my name! Looks SO good!
Christine- Oh, they were Good! and NO Carbs!! That's the best thing if you're on a no carb diet...Love it!! Happy day sweetie!!hughugs
I bet that's real cream on them strawberries too not cool whip. mMmMmMmM
I told you I am coming over and eat with you some day. LOL Your food always looks delish. Strawberries and whip cream, I make that alot too but I add angel food cake. Hope hubby didn't wear himself out too much. Stay cool girlfriend!
Jeanne-LOL....Ah....well....Maybe..kinda, sorta....well, You know...LOLHaha...hughughugs
Joan-We've started eating lo-carb again during the week...so (sniffsniff) No angel Food cake!!! DRAT!!!LOL....And you come on when you get ready! Hubby did pretty well...Heat is Not compatible with hard work!lolol...Happy night sweetie!!!hughugs
I get hungry every time I come here! LoL
I am happy you are getting a lot done. It has been hot here too..But, I am wishing Summer was longer. I am hating Winter more and more.
Thank you for the sweet comment on the picture. Love Nita
Your blog always make me hungry!!!
Am off to Australia to see my girls and celebrate my dad's 80 - see ya when I get back!!!!
What yummy Summer time foods. They sound wonderful....Wishing you a week filled to the brim with blessings....Mary
Nita- Winter is Not my favorite time of the year either...just Christmas...which, I nee do do my post on...lol...Your pictures are inventive!! I wouldn't have thought to do that to it!! Smile today sweetheart...you're loved!!hughugs
Jules- You have a Wonderful time with the Girls!! And Happy Birthday to Dad!!! Be Safe Girl!!!hughugs
Mary- Thank you So much!! Wishing the very same for you and yours!! Happy day sweetie!!hughugs
you've got my mouth watering. this looks so yummy... the chicken w/ parmesan is a GREAT idea!! and strawberries are my favorites... and whip cream too! :) lol
it all looks sooooo delicious!
hope you and hubby enjoyed it.
Jennifer- Thanks!! And it was really tasty!! Happy night sweetie!!hughugs
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