SAY WHAT??? That's Right! Six whole months..To do what, you ask. To make Sure you have the Funds to finance Christmas!! As of today, the 24th of June, it's exactly six months until Christmas. Plum puddings, candy canes, reindeer and Santa. Sugar plums dancing...Ready or Not! Last year I suggested a separate bank account to begin adding a small amount to each week. I already had one from previous years, and have been adding to it bi-weekly. With gas and other prices starting to soar, you really want to make sure you have enough cash Without having to resort to Charging Christmas! Talk about Pressure!!! That's not Christmas joy...that's emotional blackmail thrown at us by the media. I cannot, in good conscious, give a gift to one of my babies that I had to charge on a credit card. We can all find $10.00 a week to put aside. It's there. Look around. Think about all the extra junk we spend our money on...have a garage sale...sell the stuff you've cleaned out of the attic and never use. There's money just laying around. Make it work For you. When I hand that special gift to someone I love, I hand it to them Knowing I don't owe someone else for it. Now That's a joyous feeling. So stop, look around and ask yourself if you'll be ready. A little planning now will add up to Lots of fun later. If you're like me, my tree went Kaput last year and I need a new one. Lay-a-way. By the time I need it, it'll be paid for. So...Happy bling counting today!LOL....and hopefully, it'll be a Merry Christmas!!
Well darn. I had a thought the other day that I'd get a jump on you about Christmas on my blog - now, here you are!! I knew it!! I have purchased a few gifts though, have you? hahahaha
Now, you just come on over here and find that extra ten dollars a week, ya hear? If you find it, I'll know for sure you're a magician!! :)
This year I've been putting a bit of money aside each week for Christmas. We don't usually charge any of our Christmas gifts, but sometimes it's hard not to. This year, hopefully, it will be a breeze.
Sally-LOLHahahaha....WELL Little Missy!!!.....no mam....haven't Bought anything Yet...was going to start Friday....Yes, you beat me to the draw on buying, this year....LOL....Drat....I'll bring Jose and the flatbed pickup...I Know it's hiding in there Somewhere!!LOL....Happy day sugar!!hughugs
Annie- Good Girl!! I know what you mean though, You look at the card and think...why not! It's not much....LOL....no thanks. Have a fun day sweetie!!hughugs
Phew! I'd better get cracking.
Ac- Yessiree!lol....Just got back from the bookstore with a new Inspector Banks!! Thanks for the tip!hughugs
this is great advice...a little here and there really adds up...you can even create an account on-line with places like ING to automatically take $5.00 a week from your banking account and it will never be missed...using credit cards is like falling into a black hole and a big no-no in our home...especially now with interest rates going up...now is also a good time to plan handmade gifts....you have my wheels turning!
Have a happy June day ~
Yep, I try to get a head start on my Christmas shopping....but- trouble is- I just keep on buying and buying!
I always feel I've bought more for this one or the other...and keep trying to balance things out! :) Gonna try and give it more thought and planning this time!
Joni- That's a good idea!! And so is handmade stuff!! There's plenty of time to get started. Happy day sweetie!!hughugs
Junie- I make a long list with Just names on it. Then, as I buy something for someone, I write it beside their name. That way I always know What I bought and to whom it's going. Keeps me out of trouble!!LOL...It's in my purse as I type!!lol...Have a wonderful day sweetie!!hughugs
Every year I plan to get a start on my Christmas knitting early, and every year I rush to finish a sleeve and to put together a sweater at 3am on Christmas morning. I blame it on the Arizona heat, but secretly I'm just lazy! ;)
Christine- LOL...Now you know you have 6 months!! You can Do it!!Happy day sweetie!!hughugs
Just got back from shoppppping...
Where IS Jose? Man,he is "never" around when we need him!!!!!
Oh wait!!!! Am I being politically incorrect with my HO'S?
Sorry, couldn't resist. Okay, I'll go back in my cave. ((HUGS))
I'm not getting anything for Gord this year, either he takes it back or "saves" it....for crying out loud.
What a grand idea? I think I will start buying a gift a week until Christmas.....May your week be filled with special moments.....Mary
I start Christmas shopping the day after Christmas...it's the only way to fly, I don't believe in charge cards and I want my family to have the best, so I buy what's not likely to go out of style...it's worked for me since my Navy Wife days!
I usually start buying gifts about this time every year. Yesterday I got a start on a few stocking stuffers too.
I need Jose up here today, it's been a bitty bit hectic.
Sally-LOLHahaha.....Shopping?? You do Not play fair!!! You are in SO much trouble!!!LOL....Ho's are allowed!!!! This is a hohoho site...LOL....Jose? You've lost Jose????hughugs
Joan-Hahahaha....Poor Gord!! We'll have to think of something that will excite him enough to use!!!LOL...I'm a thinking!!hughugs
Mary- A gift a week works too!! By Christmas, you're done & paid for!hughugs
Sandi- AlRight smartie pants!!!LOL...I'm not That good!!!LOLOL...Happy night girl!!hughugs
Brenda- SALLY LOST JOSE!!!! What Are we 'gonna DO????LOLHahaha...Stocking Stuffers? Good Idea!!!hughugs
this is a great idea! I often think, usually a LOT closer to Christmas, like when we start shopping for it... that we should have started earlier OR saved up some money earlier!! Good looking out. I'm definitely going to heed your warning and I'm going to tuck away $10 a week with out anyone but you and me, and well who ever reads your comments knowing. :) This will be a GREAT surprise for Hubby too! :) Then if I get some extra cash here and there I'll stick that away too! :)
You are a good thinker and I'm so glad you share your wonderful ideas!!
thanks again!!
have a wonderful day!!
xoxox HUGS
So, I better start saving now. I don't like the debt afterwards. *HUGS*
Jennifer- Thanks for dropping in sweetheart! Anyone with children already knows, how tough it can be to get those "special request"!! With just a little pre-planning, your Christmas morning can be a delightful experience instead of the "knashing of teeth" with worry about how to pay off the creditors!! So Good for you! Stick with it!!hughugs
Dawn- 'Ta Heck with debt right now...Sally LOST Jose!!!LOLHahaha...Hope you're having Lots of Fun!!!hughugs
Donna, it's just too early to be thinking about Christmas. It's only just warming up here, and the thought of Christmas makes me feel cold, brrrr! Who is Jose?
Donna--you're so clever! & you're so right; we can dig up a bit of cash by and by. Nice reminder of what really matters too.
Hugs to you too!
Dabrah-LOL....I think because it's been so hot here for a while now, we tend to think about winter...Jose is Jose Cuervo, a brand of tequila over here...LOL...makes a really good Margarita....Happy night sweetie!!hughugs
Noni- Happiness on Christmas morning...and lots a love...not anguish over some unpaid bill...Happy night sweetie!!hughugs
Hi Donna,
No! LOL I don't want to think about Christmas. I love Summer and don't want it to end. Great idea about saving for Christmas and not charging.
Joan-LOL.....It's Coming!!LOL...well, in 6 months.....We'd love Summer to, if it wasn't so dadgum hot!LOL...Night sweetie!!hughugs
Well, I really like the song that is playing. Thank God it's not Jingle Bells!! Last year I waited until the last minute to shop.
Dixie-LOL...Now See? You've got 6 whole months!!lolol....Happy sleep sweetie!!hughugs
oh boy don't remind me heheh..mary
Eeekk 6 months. Smart to plan ahead like that. We do similar. Set a budget and put the money aside so we don't use plastic. Much better. Also try to focus on the enjoyment of time with family and friends and not the spending so much.
Our family stopped exchanging gifts. None of us can afford it anymore. SO Bob buys a big prime rib roast and I cook it for the entire family. THAT is Christmas in our family.
OH, Donna! What a good idea!
But I don't like to be remind of christmas by midsummer. Actually I mentioned that word on my last post myself. But that was because I was challenged to have a word in the letter X.So I took x-mas...
But your suggestion was very good.
I shall think about it.
Have a nice day! Hugs.
Mary- Hi Girl! So glad you came for a visit! This is just a kick start on the season that will be here before you know it!!hughugs
Jeanne- That's what it's all about...family and joy...Happy day sweetie!!hughugs
Mary Lou- That sounds like a Wonderful way to celebrate! Makes me Hungry!!! Happiness to you!hughugs
Lille-LOL...That's because you've been so cold over there for So long!! Enjoy all the Warm weather!!hughugs
Girl, you don't need my vitamins..listen to you! Christmas? Oh my...
Today I find out what it's costing to fix A/C on truck...will save what's left LOL!
Our family has cut way down on gift buying. Everyone is an adult trying to scrape by so we mostly spend TIME together..cheaper and fun :)
But may I say this is a great idea!
It's coming around all to quickly!
Debbie- LOL...DadGum Truck A/C!!! It Never fails, does it! I just know that If I don't start early, that "chance" to get it All done, narrows. And Thanks!! Sometimes we all need a little reminder...I need a reminder...Constantly!!LOL...Happy day sweetie!!hughugs
Hi Amanda!! Yes Mam! It comes around SO fast!! And when you have babies...you need to be Ready!!LOL...Thanks for dropping in!! Come back Anytime!!hughugs
Merry Christmas ... in advance. Some people here have a second Christmas now - better to eat the hot roast in the cold weather. It would be a good time to buy presents now too as there are lots of end of financial year sales on.
Gordon- What a wonderful Idea!!LOL...Two Christmas' in one year!!
And Hot roast, right now, sounds yummy!! I'm Hungry!!LOL... Happy day sweetie!!hughugs
All great advise! Merry Christmas!
See you - Kellan
Kellan- Thanks sweetie! If you've got any ideas, feel free to let us in on them!! Happy day to you!!!hughugs
Oh, that's a great idea but of course I have to do it in euros.lol.
Merry Christmas.
Right you are! Tuck that money away and plan for those purchases! I love my little ING accounts, LOL.
Dick! Well of Course!!!LOL...Have fun spending those Euros!!! Happy night sweetie!!hughugs
Donna- It all adds Up fast to!! You and me both!!LOL...Have a wonderful day sweetie!!hughugs
I came over here to be cheered up!!! I do adore Christmas but when the sun is shining, a rarity in North Northumberland, I can't think about cold cold Christmas.
However, I do like your idea of saving. An Excellent thought.
CJ xx
AhhhCrystal!! Such a Sweet thing to say to me!! I Love it when I can make you smile!! Take Heed!! Your "world" is going to become...Wonderful!!! I Promise!! Now you Smile!!! Much love to you!!!hughugs
I just dropped back in to see what's up, and you haven't posted yet for today. But I see your answer to my comment yesterday, and now I can understand why you were so concerned about Jose being lost. I hope Sally finds him soon.
Dabrah-LOLHaha....Ahhh, Now you know our secret!! He's not with You by any chance is he???lolol...
I've tried ALL day to get a post going for Wordless Wed...but nothing yet!!lol...Happy night sweetie!!hughugs
Good thinking Donna, I'll try and sell a few bits and pieces on eBay to start a Christmas Fund. Just as we're getting a bit of Summer sun too! M xx
Hi Margot!! No time like the present!!lol...I've always thought about doing the ebay thing, but I'm not brave enough!! Happy night sweetie!!hughugs
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