Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Brenda Photo Challenge "From an Ant's View"

There's an Ant sitting on the rim of the pie plate.....WELL THERE COULD BE!!!Hahaaa......Imagination, People!!!!
I'm too old to be laying down on the patio for shots like this....see the Redbird?? That was just by chance!

The sole of my son's Ants worse nightmare.......Hahaaa........ Now I'm on my way to see yours!!!!
Thanks Jeanne for hosting this round!!!!


Jeanne said...

Great Donna. The bottom of the shoe is the best. lol

Donna said...

Thanks Jeanne! Am headed your way!!hughugs

Maria said...

Great, Donna, a wonderful story! In this case,I would not like to be the ant :)

Brenda said...

Those are super shots Miz Donna! Love the flowers! I can imagine an ant on the rim of the pie plate, AND on the bottom of the shoe, after that shot. :-)

Janice said...

You have some great shots. Love the mums and redbird, its my favorite!

Brit. (lille meg) said...

Yes I detected the redbird.
Great photos, Donna!
I am an ant, too, but I don't want to be that ant!
I hope you will have a great weekend!:)

Tabitha said...

Great photos as always Donna!!
I haven't put any photos up this time round ~ with birthdays and everything I just haven't had time ~ I will be back for the next challenge though!!
Love and hugs Tabitha XXXXX

Jan said...

I loved this challenge because I'm always taking ant's eye view shots, AND we were invaded by ant's this week! Love your shots the one with the flowers is my fave.

Annie said...

Thanks Brenda..they were clever, esp the shoe!


Faery said...

Hi Donna, I'm back, as you say GEZZ, I had to read a lot here, long time no read..sorry, see you.all the posts are so happy and beautiful. I am so busy with christmas and Venezuelan governors elections,(so many things going on here),it seems the gorilla, is angry because we won more than what he expected ha ha ha (opposition is alive)I'm so happy for that.
I love the theme of the photo challenge, I always try not to step on ants ha ha ha :) they work so hard...

dabrah said...

The shoe made me laugh. That ant in the first picture could easily topple into that pie and spend the rest of its life trying to eat its way out.

Unknown said...

Hi Donna,

You cracked me up. I love the shoe and I too felt old trying to get back up from the hard floors. It ain't so easy anymore. LOL Why am I always hungry after visitiing your blog?? You always have the best looking food on it. Fun challenge and great shots. Have a good evening.

Jeanette said...

Great photos! That pie sure looks delicious!

Sharon said...

Great shots. Splat - an ant's worst nightmare...LOL.


antigoni said...

Excellent idea. You found the right places for an ant.

Brit. (lille meg) said...

I'm just in here to say that I have copied your christmas tree (contdown). Better late than never. Ha ha...
Have a great day!:)

Sarah Baby said...

I have just found your blog page and I think I must have put on ten pounds just looking at all that delicious food, yum yum. I would love to know what is in the cheesy eggy recipe, it looks delicious. Now that I have found you I will keep watching and probably putting on weight.

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.