Thursday, May 8, 2008

I Want a Chicken....

This has been...a week. Rain, nasty..wind...tornado watches everywhere. Scary. I pop the television on here at work and there's SO many things happening..Everywhere!! Horrible weather, sink holes, cyclones.....A Million people displaced....A Million!!! My mind can't wrap around that number! So much......I want a chicken....
When I was little...Ten yrs old, we lived on a farm. One hundred acres of farmland, fields of corn, cows, horses, turkeys, pet skunks, pet crows...and chickens. I use to gather the hen eggs from the hen house. Every time I opened the swinging door the chickens would start clucking and fussing; giving me "the eye"...I'd reach in each nest and gently feel for eggs. Sometimes there'd still be a hen sitting on the nest....she'd squawk, but I'd get the egg! I would sometimes wonder why I had to Always be the one to gather the eggs....It was hot in there during the summer and I'd dread...going in. If the rooster was Anywhere around he'd take a good run at me with those dreaded spurs they have....Gads, between running from the roosters and getting pecked by the hens, I truly felt this was the lowest "job" that my Mom could have given me...punishment for Something....I pop on the TV.... I miss the hen house....I miss the warmth and safety...... of that old hen house...