William's new comforter

The Culprit Area....LOL...Geez
Already!! I've returned from Crystal's. I went there to wait for the Cable Guy. I got there around 1:30 or so and he Finally shows up at 4:00pm....OK....long story short he was Still there when I left at 6:15pm. No Internet. He doesn't know why. Three router boxes later he gets some sort of signal. Somethings wrong. He reminded me, several times, that quitting time was 5:00pm...several times..."Can't you run a new cable directly to the house"?..."No".....Another Cable Guy shows up to help. First Cable Guy has a baseball game to get to....he'll be late...on and on. Crystal was also there. She came in the Nick of time. My Happy self was getting short on the old Fuse. My Emotional Tank was sitting on "low". Time for a refill...I grabbed William and off we go to play on the new Cars comforter I bought him. Sanity is restored. Crys said the first Cable Guy gave her his personal cell number. If she can't get it to work then there's something wrong elsewhere....Me? They would have stayed until the problem was resolved. We own a service company...We Do Not Leave until the problem is resolved. Did Someone mention Tequila??? Someone??...LOL....night all!!