Good Sunday morning! Geez, What a Week! What a Month it's been...We've had what I think is the flu...sinus infections...snow and ice...general headaches of trying to get a grasp on this new year. Maybe all this bad luck was brought upon me because I didn't eat blackeyed peas at just the Right time...Hahaaa....I have no clue! Just glad things are beginning to settle back into a decent routine! I've been a horrible bloggy buddy! Every time I'd try to settle in to do some blog reading, something ELSE would happen. I also updated the Brenda Photo Challenge...a week late on That as well! Sorry! I'm just PITIFUL!Lolol
I seriously hope you all have had Much Better days than I have...and I promise to play catch-up today on reading Your blogs! Have a Wonderful Sunday!!
LOL, you're forgiven! I'm going to say some prayers that things settle out for you and STAY settled out! Thanks for getting the blog challenge updated!
I betcha you'll eat those peas on time next year by golly! LOL. Take a deep breath and chat "Spring's coming, Spring's coming."
Oh I feel your pain! Love that poor little puppy picture. Hang in there and you'll be telling us all about the heat and humidity before you know it. {{HUGS}} and off to check on the new challenge.
It sometimes surprises me that winter illnesses seem to thrice in the south too.
Donna, Say Lots of them please Mam!!Hahaa....and you're welcome!!
Brenda...LOLOL...You Bet I will!!!
Jeanne, Heat??? Did Someone say Heat??? Can you say Now Please??Lolol
Ac, Absolutely a Southern tradition as well! Hope the end of Winter illness comes Soon!
42 daze until spring.Hang in there. Is this a new pup?That should get you feeling happy.Did you know Valentines was to get rid of the winter blahs?I'm in a chocolate mood, making a sheet cake from Prairie Woman cookbook.Snow here tried to melt a bit but we are back in the single didgits for a week.I just put on a extra layer and ramble on.
Glad you're better. :)
It's just that darn winter funk setting in. Don't worry about it, you'll catch up in your own sweet time. I can seriously relate since for the last several days I've been trying to do the same thing.
Girl, you have had a heck of a time. You need to take a double portion of blackeye'd peas next New Year's Day.
We only received a snow dusting, but this cold spell was one of the worst I've been in. The heat wrap on the well did not work, and we hauled water to the cows from the kitchen to makeshift containers. It could have been worse if the rainwater system to the house had frozen.
Too bad the "Frozen" challenge wasn't this past Saturday...you and I would have been able to post something other than ice cubes and frozen peaches. lol
Well Here's hoping February goes a little better..at least healthier anyway!
Hey, glad you're back Donna and hopefully feeling much better. We've been catching the news of some unusually chilly weather there, but Spring will be there soon, don't you just know it? And hey, I'm a firm believer in eating black-eyed peas on New Year's day but I also believe it's never too late either. Have a great week Donna!
I was thinking the same as Jeanne....you probably will be chatting about the HEAT and HUMIDITY real soon!! Love that puppy pic up there....I was thinking you were going to tell us you got a new puppy!! Hope things get better for you real soon!!! Hugs!!
Should of eaten those peas!
Better days are ahead!
Eeek, sorry to hear you've been feeling the wrath of the viruses, what a pain they are. I don't think anyone has escaped this season.
Take care, CJ xx
Hope your week gets better and you feel better! I am so ready for some heat and humidity…we have snow in the forecast 2 nights this week…ugghhh.
Hope things are much better by now for you there.
This year has been awful for us too- I still have this cold I've had for weeks-it seems!!
It's weird because I ate my blackeyed peas!!
You are definitely forgiven..... hoping you feel better and have a good week. I've had a cold too, and now the dry hacky cough.... so irritating. I'm looking forward to springtime!!
Love the picture of the cute puppy!
Hope you are feeling better. We got many feets of snow in the midwest. Poor Hubby had to work everyday!
Brrrr. hope you get back in the "normal" pattern soon.
boy we have had more bugs this year too!!! get over something and something new thinks it can move in!! glad you are finding better days!
Our three grands are here so we are sharing their bugs. I've been sick six times in six months. I would think I've upped my immune system by now!
We have been blessed not to get the icy cold very much this year. I feel like I've been watching the rest of the world suffer.
What a sweet photo! It's been kind of pitiful here too. I've posted on my blog, but have not had the energy to keep up with my "blog buddies" like you! Hope everything is lookin' up now!
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