Friday, March 11, 2011


What a horrible thing to have happen...earthquake. Affecting not Only Japan but at least 20 other countries. I'm watching the coverage on TV this morning and am still waiting for the waves to hit our West Coast areas. I pray you will all be safe! Would you believe just how many people are not even AWARE that the quake has happened??? I did payroll, had to make my rounds to the banks and retail stores...NONE of the clerks in ANY of the places I stopped had heard the news! Do some people have an aversion to turning on SOME device that will tell them what's going on in their world? We have the New Madrid fault line right in the center of the United States! I wonder just how many people are aware of THAT fact?'s been a hotbed of activity lately! Tennessee, Arkansas, Northern Texas, Missouri, Indiana, Kentucky....It seems no one is ready in case of least not the people I talked to this morning! If an emergency should happen in your area, do you realise the chaos that will ensue if you have not prepared ahead of time? ALL food and supplies will be gone from shelves within 3-4 days. No trucks coming in to deliver more! Have you got candles? Batteries? Water? Food? Money? Radios? There's too much to do at the last minute...get prepared Now! We live in Central Texas and with Spring coming....comes Tornados.
Look around your home and make a checklist of what you don't have and get it bought! Don't put it off. We Never know what tomorrow will bring but for God's sake, turn on a radio or the TV even if it's just for a few minutes! Yeah, I'm griping this morning....Sometimes I just want to scream at some people..."WAKE UP!!!"
NOW....Try to have a good and safe weekend.....Hahaaa......


Jenny said...

I didn't know about this so I'm glad I came over to your blog! I've been working furiously all morning on various writing projects and I just knew if I turned the TV on, I'd get distracted and lose ground.

But seriously, I haven't been watching the news much lately. Everything is so distressing.

Earthquakes and tornadoes terrify me.

Donna said...

I know it's been rough for you lately Miss Jenny....(((hug)))
When I wake up during the early morning hours, it's a habit of mine to pop on Coast to Coast on the radio. Horrible news to wake up to...
Glad you know now... Have a Restful weekend sweetie!

Sally said...

Just terrible. :(

Anvilcloud said...

I saw the tidal hit on the computer. My goodness. I thought it would never stop.

Out on the prairie said...

I didn't know a thing until noon, someone put in a message.

Anonymous said...

I am so not far as food and supplies would go. But this makes me motivated to get that way!!! Have a great and safe weekend!!!!!

Donna said...

Sally, safe weekend Girl!!

Ac, they're showing live video now... Incredible!!!

Steve, good! Glad someone contacted you!

Aubrey, Well Girl!! Get 'ta looking and stocking! We may need it! Have fun with the babies!

Bossy Betty said...

Thanks for the great reminder. My thoughts are with all the people in Japan too....

Donna said...

Such aweful devastation! Yes, we know about the New Madrid fault. My IN mother should worry about IT instead of tornadoes! We have everything except candles. I threw them all out when we moved. I guess I should break down and buy some for emergencies. But I don't burn candles for ambiance anymore.

Dawn said...

I didn't know about it until I got home from running errands all day ! I was listening to an inspirational CD. I should of popped on FB. No excuse from me. I am praying. I also live in Missouri, not too far from New Madrid, either !

Jeanne said...

Just awful news isn't it! The pictures I've seen are just hard to believe. Those poor people!!

Anonymous said...

Some people just want to keep their heads in the sand and not think about emergencies. Those are the ones that are won't make it when the emergency happens.

Brenda said...

I heard this on the news in the wee hours of this morning and waited to see if the Hawaiian Islands would be hit hard before I went to bed cause I have a niece and her family there.

Ann said...

I watched the video on the news last night about the tornado and tsunamis, awful just awful. Unbelievable how much damage can be done.

Donna said...

Betty, You're welcome! Be safe and happy weekend to you!

Donna, I really don't burn candles just for the pleasure of it anymore either. By the time I can light one, it's time to blow it out! Outside jobs and candles do Not mix!Hahaa...happy weekend!

Dawn, You just be safe up there and keep your eyes open! You never know...

Jeanne, I know....Awful!
Happy weekend!

Mel, I know...I may not be getting all the things we would need but there's No excuse for ignoring the signs of things to come...
Happy weekend girl!

Brenda...Is she alright??? Good Lord!! Sending prayer!

Ann, A 500 mph wave can do tons of damage....terrible!

Paula said...

Hey Miss Donna! We try to be prepared for just about anything, too... we don't live in a very populated area and we know we would be the last people they would come searching for if something happened...
So sad over there- we need to keep them in our prayers for sure!

Liz said...

we need to pray for those who have been effected.

Dolores said...

Breaks my heart for all the people who are hurting.
You're so right, we need to be prepared, or at least try to be.... thanks for the good advice.

Jeanette said...

So sad for those people in Japan. I was suprised to see those fault lines on the news, too! I know we are totally NOT ready for any kind of disaster!

Garnetrose said...

Like you, I often wonder if people ever watch the news. It is often tragic, yes but it is necessary to know what is going on in the world. I know people do not realize that an earthquake can happen just about anywhere. Even a distance from the fault lines. Most do not know if they have a fault line running through their state. The state of Pennsylvania has one running through it and we have had some quakes here in the past. Many people here think they are safe. They are not. Most of us aren't.

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.