I can't believe I haven't posted in a WEEK! No Way! I've been busy cleaning here at the office, at the house, in the yard...Time really can get away from you. It has been in the 80's here and even one day in the low 90s! Makes you want to get out there and clean something!Lolol....Hubby and I have so many projects lined up and not much time to complete them before we have to call it a day. I've also been like a dog with a bone...trying to figure out how to make the "mouse-rollover" effect work on photos within my blog....Hahaaa....GEEZ LOUISE! No such luck. Even the kind Donna at Cottage Days, told us how to do the Animation of photos but that didn't work either...I Can NOT be that Dense! You know how it feels when you WANT to understand something and the answer is just on the tip end of your mind???Hahaaa.....I Swear I'm going to figure it out if it takes me a year!!! Hope you all have a great day...as for me, it's back to the grind.
That is a good looking dinner you had there! You are so lucky to have such warm weather right now! Have a good rest of the week!
Thanks Jeanette! You too!
We're having great weather here too. It didn't snow much this morning, and it's going to go above freezing today. :)
Animated gifs eh? I have done some in my distant past.
Meant to say the food looks scrump.
Thanks Ac! What I really want is the "mouse over" app...I'm still hunting!Hahaa
Glad the day will be a bit warmer for you!
When are you going to invite me to dinner? lol
I hear ya on the cleaning projects. My barn is a disaster. In addition to the usual stuff, I have items out there for the garage sale I've been planning for six years. Does that give you an indication as to how bad it is? lol A garage sale is the standing joke between hubby and me.
your meals looks so yummy and I'm thinking it would go straight to my butt. I'm still trying to figure out how to put words into a photo with Elements. I've seen video after video, taken a class, and followed instructions to the tee, and no luck. I know it's something really simple that I'm missing, so I need to keep on trying again and again. Either that or just accept the result and move on. Nahhhh. keep plugging away Donna. You'll get it. have a super duper week!
I can't believe you've made me go whole week without so much as a word!! *snifff sniff* Oh well, I'll get over it... someday...
Lordy, that steak and tater made my mouth water!!
I can't believe you didn't call me for such a nice meal.I've been hard at it myself around the house.
Lynn, Hahaa...Come On Girl!!
And I hear 'ya on the garage sale! I really need to hold one too!!
Becky! You are SO much more ambitious than I am! I think my daughter might know how to do that...I'll ask!
Paula, Ahhhhh! I was Missed!!Hahaaa...Well I apologise for my tardyness...I'm a Bad blogger buddy!!
Steve! I DID try but your answering machine said you were out on Safari!!Hahaaa...
It Was good!
Oh man I had to see your post before I ate my dinner. Somehow my juicy burger will pale a bit in comparison. haha Love me a good sweet potato too!
Oh my gosh..... your meal looks so good!!!! I love baked sweet potatoes with butter.... and steak too.
This warm Texas weather really is inspiring......
Love the bunny under the truck!
I think that bunny was waiting for a bite of that steak and sweet tater. YOWZA!!!!
YUM!! I love baked sweet taters! You're the only person I know besides my late uncle who ate them with steak! Looks good, though.
Well, don't ask me no questions 'bout computer stuff. LOL
Love ya! Have a great evening!!
your dinner looks delicious. I'm the same way with tons of projects to do but not much time to do them. Once we get home from work there's not many hours left of the day.
Good luck on the mouse over thing. One of these days I'm going to figure that one out too
Hey, that was Marty coming down to see you! The little rascal had to go see his girlfriend, LOL (you)!
So the animated gif trick didn't work for you??? I did it on Photoscape without reading any directions or any help - it's very intuitive. Now the mouse rollover is something entirely different because it involves changing your html. You don't want to do that lightly for just a couple of pictures! Here's some information that will make your eyes glaze over:
Your dinner looks delicious. Love the picture of the bunny - very cute.
Now that is my kind of meal! LOVE steak and potatoes...especially SWEET Potatoes!! I know exactly what you mean Donna...I have been trying to figure out this new blogger header thing and it is driving me positively crazy!! You sure are having nice weather...we are expecting yet another snow storm this weekend...can't catch a break here!!
OK We fixed it Donna!!! Sorry you couldn't see the pics!!!
Have a great day!!
First food photo I've seen that I wanted to literally climb through the monitor and devour!! Oh goodness. My perfect meal.
I haven't even read Donna's post about this and I'm extremely dense. I haven't been able to think or focus since I quit smoking inside and cut way down. Weird.
I have blogged in forever.
Good luck! You can do it!!
Wow, what a delicious-looking dinner! Yummy!
I agree with Jeanette, you guys are lucky you're having such warm temps & nice weather. I'm jealous!
Have an awesome week, girl!
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