Lordy! Every time we change computer OS's I know it's going to be a challenge! Not so much learning something new but making SURE QuickBooks works for all of us! This is Ross the Computer Boss...We call him for the "heavy" stuff. I have no fingernails left...It was a ten and a half hour workday for me and by the end of it I was Never so ready to go HOME!Hahaa....Got back on it this morning to clean up and tweak things. I think we're set. I know I haven't been around to visit much but it HAD to be done.
Still no rain here...and still triple digits. 106 today and by Friday, 110 again. That's NOT the heat index either....geeeez. Earthquakes! Hope you all are alright! We got none of that here. I see Irene is gaining force! If you are in her path...Get Out of The Way! BE Safe people...Don't go looking for your surf boards!
Well, guess I'll get this posted and come a'visitin! Y'all behave.
Yippee that you're up and running!
So sorry about the heat and lack of rain though. Sending rain wishes your way.
Thanks Jill!
It took longer than I imagined it would!
Thanks for the prayer...we need them!
Phew! At least that went well.
If I see any of Irene, I will have her stop by your place and drop a little rain :)
As of now...inland NC has only a 20% chance of rain but VERY humid. Nothing like your temps though...ugh!
Glad your system is up and running :)
I had the surprise of the earthquake yesterday. Live about 150 miles from the epicenter. Was a weird feeling!!
And, I also am gonna get a lot of rain and wind from Irene.
Lord, this was not what I needed right now.
Its so hot here as well. We had a dust storm here that would remind you of the Dust Bowl and it was followed by a light shower, that did little to settle the dirt. Our thermometer reads 110-116 just about every single day. I was thankful for the cooler temps that came after the shower. I am sooo ready for cooler weather and rain.
We finally got a bit of rain today, but it seems we are in a bit of a pocket that is skipping all the rain around us! Fortunately we have not been that hot lately...it was only 80 today! Looking forward to FALL!!! The earthquake was something else...very weird!! Glad you are back up and running!!
Still no rain? I'm sorry, Donna. :(
Glad you're all fixed up now, but being born blonde, I'm entitled to ask WTH is OS? :)
Sometimes you feel like threatening these little machins but they never listen anyway. Nice to have Bob the guru.
Oh~ I always dreaded new software updates at my old job! What a headache! Glad you got the Ross man to help you out Miss Donna!
gosh I hope you get some rain soon. we need it here too - it was forecast the other day, thunderstorms even, but nothing. a little bit of spit and that's all. I have to water almost every day. but in comparison to the way it's been there where you live, I know we aren't even considered dry here yet. keeping my fingers crossed and saying some prayers for you. not a hurricane or anything, but a nice tropical wave would be nice. happy weekend to you Donna.
I hate changing computers and phones. It's like starting over. Hope today was a better day.
We had a very light shower yesterday....we acted goofy, we were all so excited.
I hope all your machinery is up and running well again.....i'm technically challenged. So glad there are those who can fix our "stuff"......
(praying for you to have rain!)
(praying for you to have rain!)
that sounds like a headache, glad it's over with.
Wishing you rain for the weekend :)
Girl I'm so sorry about that heat. It's been so pleasant here. I pray soon you'll have a few days of soaker rain and then a front with highs in the 90s!!! LOLOL that would send you running for your sweater closet, from the sound of things. Now DON'T get me started on that computer thing. I just dread 'puter problems! Happy new week girlie!
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