One of my good Blogging Buddies blog was vandalized! Precious words were stolen from her site! Kathryn (Crystal Jigsaw) has been blogging for four years now...Lots of hard work involved in her post. What in the World are some people thinking when they set out to steal from others??? Do they REALLY think they won't get caught? Oh sure, they'll probably manage to steal and get by but the Mistress Karma is Always lurking in the background...waiting. I'm pretty sure none of MY post have ever been stolen...WHAT??? I HEARD that!! But then again, one never really knows. Some people work extremely hard on the preparation of their post...a few drops of Blood, Sweat and Tears are usually involved. Then, some intellectually blank thief swoops in to steal from you. Kathryn is angry to say the least...bless her heart! But, thanks to two vigilant fellow blogger friends of hers, the thief was found out! You know? I love how we all take care of each other! Well Done ladies! You can pop over to Kathryn's blog and read all about it.
Believe it or not, when Crystal (my kiddo) and I walked outside to go to lunch a while ago, there were RAINDROPS falling on our heads!!Hahaaa...Don't think the sky will dump anything worthwhile but at least it's cloudy! Also, thank goodness my East coast buddies are safe and sound from Irene! Not only do you have to watch out for the hurricane itself but, Also tornados within the hurricane! Scary stuff!
Well, guess I'll get to work...Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!!
I hear about this sort of thing more often than I want to and I don't like it one bit. but each story that I've heard, there has been a community of friends/support around that have made a big difference in the "capture" of the thief. and that's heartening to know. my bff was in San Antonio yesterday and said that it was 110 and simply unbearable. I am so hoping you get some relief/rain soon. happy Monday to you Donna. {{{hugs}}}
That is just so wrong! I'm very sorry.
I'm not sure that anything can be done about this since I am also not sure that our blogs are legally copyrighted. You see, just something else in this world that I don't know.
So sorry about your friend's stuff getting stolen from her blog!
I have thought about that happening! It would make me furious! LOL- guess I don't need to worry too much- but as you said- 'we never know!'
Glad Irene wasn't worse.... but it was BAD ENOUGH with all the flooding-and all the power outages! And there were deaths too,(thankfully, not a lot) tho, hopefully, not of ppl we've come to know. What a monster she was- bringing trouble to the entire eastern coastline!
Hi Donna, that's terrible and happening more and more in Blogasphere. I have a friend in Tennessee whose photos were stolen. A couple of her blogging friends noticed and let her know. You do work hard at blogging and regular posts. So yes, why do people do it? Blatant plagarism. (((hugs))) Jo
Glad the thief was caught. Rotten stinker.
Thank you Dear One, for your concern for me, with the Hurricane Irene. I'm fine, but oh the pooooor people in VT, just to my east. -sigh-
Blog stealing! Weird-O! So glad the culprit was caught for this blogger, by a blogging pal.
I think it happens a lot more than we know...and they just don't get caught!
No drops of rain here, but it was 110 degrees yesterday.
As I look at the flooding on the east coast.....I don't want that either. I'm so picky.
No one would want to steal my blog, but sorry about those who do experience this awful thievery.
This is a terrible thing to happen to somebody that puts much time & effort into their posts. I had it happen once to me & it surprised me as I didn't think the post I had written was anything much -just my normal life.
Hope those raindrops turn into a downpour for you.
Unbelievable what some people will do. I don't know how they can live with themselves passing something off as their own, even if it is just words.
Plagiarism is immoral and a crime. I'm glad the thief was caught. Happy week to you!
Oh no. Why do people do things like that? Sadly, it probably happens more than we realize.
That is just crazy! I'm trying real hard to put my name on all my photos. Then again I saw someone post that even if your signature is on the photo, someone with photoshop experience can easily remove the signature. What happen to good, honest people?
It was 110 here today according to my thermometer and it looked like it was going to rain but never did. Sorry about your friends blog. Have a good week!!!
I agree...hard to trust anyone these days. No one would take anything I have, but I feel for Kathryn :(
Hoping all this weather stuff settles down for awhile. I'm keeping all the people who were affected in my prayers too.
I have but one word for someone who would do that~ CRAPPY!
Thankfully, my blog posts are always so dumb no one would want to steal them! *hehe*
What part of stealing do they not get? If it's not yours don't use it!!! Glad to hear ya'll caught the weasel.
You are right on the karma. I hope she posted their names.Low life trying to be in the higher life will never be.
Oh Donna, I'm so sorry, I didn't see this post. It's been such a hectic week as you can imagine. I am immensely grateful that you've written about the plagiarism, the more people aware of it the better. Some say nothing can be done, but I beg ton disagree. When people pull together, there's always something that can be done, in my case, both the culprit's blogs were deleted. I call that a result!
I shall be visiting all these lovely people who have been kind enough to post good honest comments to this post. You are a true friend, Donna. One day I'll give you that hug in person and not just virtually.
Love Kathryn xxx
That is horrible. It's easy to keep an eye on what you're writing. Copy a few sentences and paste them onto Google, you'll see it your words are being used elsewhere.
Read and be read ExposeYourBlog!
i haven't been to Katheryn's page yet -- I'm on my way. i just caught this post on 'google reader' - trying to catch up - the easy way. i'm sooo far behind on everyone. again. (i oughtta be shot)
anyhow-- do you know who exactly did this? i don't know if you remember - but a while back, i was complaining about TWO folks - bloggers who were 'plagiarizing me as well.! it went on for a very long time. it actually got so bad that i stopped blogging for quite a while -- until i decided i was not going to give them that much power over me. if they were that brainless - someone who knows me would catch on sooner or later.
i still see my words and phrases on their pages at times - but it only shows their own shallowness ..
is it really the old quote ?
"imitation is best form of flattery"
nope -- it is the absolutely fastest way to piss a person off when it comes to things like this!
anyhow - i must go see if this is the same person - if so -- they must be exposed - in a fast and major way!
HUGS to you !
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