Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday...

I think I'm going to like my new Macro Lens....Yeppers....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This was Saturday's meal...Lordy, was it Good! I Love a good steak and even better, a side of Sweet Potato...oozing in it's sweetness and butter!
See something unusual about this photo??? This is our neighbor's back yard and his truck. See the rabbit laying underneath it?Hahaaa...He stayed there ALL morning long. Guess the cement was cool on his belly, OR he was waiting on a ride!

I can't believe I haven't posted in a WEEK! No Way! I've been busy cleaning here at the office, at the house, in the yard...Time really can get away from you. It has been in the 80's here and even one day in the low 90s! Makes you want to get out there and clean something!Lolol....Hubby and I have so many projects lined up and not much time to complete them before we have to call it a day. I've also been like a dog with a bone...trying to figure out how to make the "mouse-rollover" effect work on photos within my blog....Hahaaa....GEEZ LOUISE! No such luck. Even the kind Donna at Cottage Days, told us how to do the Animation of photos but that didn't work either...I Can NOT be that Dense! You know how it feels when you WANT to understand something and the answer is just on the tip end of your mind???Hahaaa.....I Swear I'm going to figure it out if it takes me a year!!! Hope you all have a great for me, it's back to the grind.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What a Neat Book!

I got to get away for a few minutes at lunch time today so I headed to the bookstore. While strolling along my favorite aisle, Photography...Hahaa....(not that I've done much in the way of improvement) I spied a book called How To Cheat in Photoshop....WHAT??? Brother, I had to look at This!!Lolol. Looked easy....SO, I bought it. See the photos above? See the electric lines running through the second one? I learned how to remove them!! I think I see some of the lines but I was starting to get cross-eyed! And yes, I think I over did the sponge action on the wisteria blooms a bit but I was afraid to change tools at that point so I just saved the photo. It's not a professional job...and I need tons, more practice! But, I did it! Now I need to go out and take some more shots of other things I can remove...Hahaaa....The book says it's for PS9 but it works for PS3 to PS9. It doesn't take much to make me happy...Now where is that coffee cup.......

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sweet Sunday...

The Trumpet Vine is getting off to a fast start with all this warm weather we've been having! Trust me when I say, if you ever get this stuff won't be able to get rid of it! It overtakes EVERYTHING! We just did a major trimming but it'll come back. My Mom gave me a pod of it before she died in '96...I just can't completely kill it's another memory of her...
Yesterday, I COOKED!!Hahahaa.....I made a chicken broth....

and put the chicken in a pot of Navy Beans with onions and bacon...Hubby and I cook up lots of "extras" on the weekends to eat during the week. Working and coming home to cook, as well, is no fun...
While sitting on the patio, I spotted my little buddy, FatBoy. FatBoy likes to sneak up on the patio and steal ears of corn from a supply I keep under the coffee table, in a bag. I suppose he knows it's his so he gets tired of waiting on me to put it out. Little scamp...I no longer have any pets so I try to baby him a bit...Hahaaa....I need help don't I?!!!!
Y'all have a wonderful Sunday and DO behave!

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Brenda Photo Challenge (3-19-11) Before & After

Hello Challengers! Well, here we are again...The Theme of our Challenge this time was Before and After. I hope you enjoyed working on you photos?!! After all, it's all about just having some photo fun. For my shot, I chose an old car that is parked at one of my favorite shopping places...Caroline's 77 Sunset Strip Antiques. I LOVE to walk the aisles hunting for the vintage items of my youth!Hahaaa....Vintage, indeed! Let me assure you I don't go back as far as this car but it was indeed built before 1951.

I played around with my Photoshop Elements program a bit...found some interesting level controls and started moving them and WaLaaaa. Darker and more dramatic. I LOVE color. The more dramatic, the better. I'm still trying to learn but this was fun for me. Hopefully I'll be able to spend more time this weekend just playing in Photoshop!
Well, I'm on my way to see your wonderful shots! Enjoy your weekend Guys!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Saint Patrick's Day...Choco?

Hahahaa.....I kid you Not....They'll sell anything and Anything, will buy it. I can't imagine what the combination would taste like. Doesn't sound too good to me. Think I'll stick with coffee. Hope you all have a fun St. Paddy's Day tomorrow! Don't forget to wear something Green!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Forward!

Well, it's time to loose that hour I gave you six months ago....I need it back. I have to realise just WHY I'll be staring at the ceiling at 5am instead of 4....It'll take me a while. I can't wait.
I think I need So, set your clocks AHEAD one hour before you go to bed tonight OR you can wait until the morning...but you might be late for where ever you're going...Night Everyone...Think I'll get a head start. Enjoy!

Friday, March 11, 2011


What a horrible thing to have happen...earthquake. Affecting not Only Japan but at least 20 other countries. I'm watching the coverage on TV this morning and am still waiting for the waves to hit our West Coast areas. I pray you will all be safe! Would you believe just how many people are not even AWARE that the quake has happened??? I did payroll, had to make my rounds to the banks and retail stores...NONE of the clerks in ANY of the places I stopped had heard the news! Do some people have an aversion to turning on SOME device that will tell them what's going on in their world? We have the New Madrid fault line right in the center of the United States! I wonder just how many people are aware of THAT fact?'s been a hotbed of activity lately! Tennessee, Arkansas, Northern Texas, Missouri, Indiana, Kentucky....It seems no one is ready in case of least not the people I talked to this morning! If an emergency should happen in your area, do you realise the chaos that will ensue if you have not prepared ahead of time? ALL food and supplies will be gone from shelves within 3-4 days. No trucks coming in to deliver more! Have you got candles? Batteries? Water? Food? Money? Radios? There's too much to do at the last minute...get prepared Now! We live in Central Texas and with Spring coming....comes Tornados.
Look around your home and make a checklist of what you don't have and get it bought! Don't put it off. We Never know what tomorrow will bring but for God's sake, turn on a radio or the TV even if it's just for a few minutes! Yeah, I'm griping this morning....Sometimes I just want to scream at some people..."WAKE UP!!!"
NOW....Try to have a good and safe weekend.....Hahaaa......

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Good Sunday Morning!

Good Morning! Ever wonder what the bloom of the Crown of Thorns looked like? I had never seen it in bloom until Hubby and I went to a San Antonio nursery last Summer and found one. I like the way the tiny blooms are arranged on the stem. It also made me a bit sad that it could be used in such a horrible way as to fashion a crown from it!

Well, it's been another busy week. Our Tylar graduated from basic and will now progress to the next step in his evolution...Tech school. Prayerfully, he will get a decent assignment. Won't know for several months. I've also gotten the next Brenda Photo Challenge posted if you'd like to go sign up. Hope you enjoy it.

It's been a bit nasty and rainy with some cold mixed in here in Texas. I'll be so glad when it warms up and stays around for a while! Guess I'll get in the kitchen and see what I can find to make for lunch. Hope you all are having a great day so far. It's getting to be time to gird up your loins for another wonderful work. Think I'll turn on an Indiana Jones movie and grab a cuppa coffee....Enjoy your day!
PS- By the way! Debbie is having a Three Year Blogaversary Give-a-way! Go stop in!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Weekend and Family...

So, what does one do when they are wide awake at 4 o'clock in the morning and they don't have to go to work? Blog....Hahaaaa... Here's a snap of the happy family visiting Ty before he transfers to Wichita Falls, Texas for his Tech training on Monday. He seems to have Grown!! Look how much taller he is! Crystal has taken a lot of shots but I don't want to drown you in them...You get the idea...Can't believe he's old enough to Drive much less old enough to enlist.
We love you Baby....
I'll have the challenge blog ready to go later this morning...with Crystal out at work again, this week has been...busy. Hope you all have a wonderful day. The temps are dropping again to the 50's...I will need more coffee....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tylar Graduates Tomorrow...

Well, Tylar graduates from basic tomorrow in San Antonio, Texas. He then ships to Wichita Falls, Texas, for Tech training...then...???. Don't know what or where, after that. He'll spend 3 or 4 months there. Basic kicked his butt but he made it! Proud of him....Congratulations Ty....We love you! Crystal, Tim and the kids got to go but Gamma and Gampa had to stay behind and mind the store.....such is life...Ours, anyway.
Another long week full of "doings". One of those weeks where you rush around accomplishing Nothing! Hope your week has been more productive. I should have The Brenda Photo Challenge up and posted this weekend. Have a sweet and warm night!
Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.