Ok....Ok....so I added a little music! Music Box is at the bottom right hand side of my blog...WAY down on the bottom! HURRY! Hahahaaa......Don't 'Cha just hate surprises? I was just in one of those moods today...Needed some soothing tunes. I'm not much on music because I am almost Always listening to news radio but today I have had ENOUGH of that for a while. Nothing but bad to horrible news day in and day out...economy sucks...the World is in CONSTANT upheaval...murder and mayhem....storms....droughts....I broke a
nail...whinning...earthquakes...hurricanes....Wars we don't need to BE IN....tornados....politicians making the same old stale promises....Can you hear me SIGH? Geeeez.......I'm SO tired of it!
SO, "listen to my mood" today or not....My favorite on the list is Fields of Gold by Sting....I think an evening coffee is called for....Night all.