Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone!  If you're taking any little one's out and about tonight, just be safe!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Don't You Dare Say It !!!Hahahaa

If you've been around my blog for awhile you'll Also be aware that I am a Totally, Christmas Person! Lights, smells and smiles. If you don't remember that, Tree From Hell, last year, you can see it here... I swore then and there that THIS year I'd have a new tree that didn't involve putting on each and every branch...individually! Lord, what a chore that was! Hubby was insistant that we use it...It was a WallyWorld Special $75 dollar tree...After he had to do the "chore" for a few years, he came around to MY way of thinking fairly quickly...Hahahaaaa....(I can be Very patient when needs, be). Last Saturday our friends Tom and Bev visited...Bev and I went shopping...I purchased the NEW tree and it was sitting in the back of my it's box...When the Guys got in, I simply asked Hubby to go get it out of the back of my car and put it in the store room...Hahaaaaa...I heard Not One Word! He just grinned... Bless his little heart...Hahaaaa....
Anyway, that's it in the photo. No, you can't see it until it's decorated and that'll happen Thanksgiving afternoon.
Well, guess I'll get this posted. Think I'll go make a little decaf since it's evening. I KNOW you all are excited Christmas is on the way...I just know it...WHAT????Hahaaaa....

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday...

Happy Wordless Wednesday! For more, click Here!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Reality Check...

Watch this video first so you'll know what I'm talking about...Go ahead, it's short!
Ann from Snap Edit & Scrap posted about having her bank account hacked! I'm SO sick of this! It seems that honesty means Nothing these days...Oh, I know Dishonesty has been around since the dawn of man but one can hope can't they? Anyway...I heard of a new way crooks invade your privacy and thought I'd share an idea that may help you, as well. Christmas shopping is right around the corner and thieves are banking on busy crowds that simply get caught up in the Joy of the Season but don't pay much attention to their surroundings! We don't live in "Kansas" anymore people! The world is changing SO fast now! The economy is terrible and some Very dishonest people are looking forward to making an easy buck.
If you've watched the video, you'll see the tin foil that the reporter is holding up. What I did was to simply cut two sheets of the stuff and line my wallet with it...both sides of it so all my cards and checks are firmly encased between the sheets. Even Superman couldn't see through it!
Line the front AND the a sandwich! The foil is the "bread". As in the video, you don't have to wrap your wallet in a big piece of foil...looks pretty stupid and Very inconvenient to get to your checks or cards. Now, you CAN go online and buy the fancy wallets and purses...but Why? This works just as well...And your BEST protection? Be Aware! Carry just ONE card to town (wrapped in foil!Hahaa...if you don't carry your wallet) A waist purse works great to keep valuables close to your body. It also allows you to be "hands free". Am I OVER dramatizing things? Nope...Better safe than sorry. have a little more information to make your holiday shopping go a little smoother...Get Out There and make me Proud! Oh yeah, While you're shopping...I'll take a fancy new BMW please....

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Friends and Cheesecake...

We've got our friends up from San Antonio this weekend so I won't be around much this weekend but I'll try to sneak a peek at what y'all are up to while everyone else is sleeping!Hahaaa.....This is Crystal (my kiddo), Beverly (buddy) and Samantha (Grandkiddo).

And last week, I went to the bookstore and had lunch...This is called a Red Velvet cheesecake with cream cheese icing...I was forced to eat it...don't hate me!

Hope your day is a FUN one! Bev and I are going shopping...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Week? Where Have I Been??

NoWhere!!Hahaaaa....Geez Gang! This week has just Flown by! I truly didn't realise that I hadn't posted...Thought I had done a Wordless Wednesday post, but it's Not here. Oh well, good intentions... I had to do an update in our QuickBooks program at work on all of our computers and it was harrowing. I Hate having to do those so I suppose I got stressed out. It NEVER goes smoothly. They don't give you a choice either...You HAVE to update to the new year. It was also Hubby's birthday last Friday and I didn't even remember to do a post on That! I'm falling down on the job...
ANYWAY, the photo above is what those ski slopes look like in the Summer months in New Mexico. See the mower? We sat and watched that guy move along at about three miles an hour...You couldn't PAY me enough to do this job! Scary! It doesn't look bad in the photo but trust me, in real time, the slant was awful.

Yesterday was Fried Chicken day around here. Southern cooks know that if the weather is cooler where you can open the windows, while frying, you get that chicken, Going!Hahaaa...It's either too hot or too cold to open windows around here so yesterday worked out perfectly.

Our Grandaughter also called wanting to bring her new boyfriend by to meet us. They're both Juniors in high school...Lordy, time is just Shooting by! He seems to be a real sweetie but as us Older folks Know, things have a way of changing our lives so we smile...say hello, glad to meet you, and hope they are kind to each other.

Well, guess I'll get this posted and get started on visiting You! Hope you have a Great Sunday!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I know our back yard looks awful...I Use to have my planters filled with flowers and veggies but not this year. We are under water rationing so we can't do much in the way of saving flowers. The St Augustine grass is our biggest worry right now and what little we can water usually is spent on trying to save it. This morning, God was good to us...rain is, at this Very moment, falling on us! It's like waking up on Christmas morning! Hubby and I keep looking outside to make sure it doesn't disappear! What a Gift!

Hubby finally picked the "lemon" from my "lemon" tree....there was only one. I've been faithfully watering it all Summer hoping I could save it...When he cut it open, it turns's a LIME TREE!!! I have been waiting ALL Flippin' Summer for that thing to turn yellow...Hahaaaa...The tag even SAYS it is a Lemon Tree!! Well, they lied! But, that's ok...we Love a good Key Lime Pie!

Well, hope you are getting what You need this morning...I know we I just need a good, hot, cuppa coffee.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

SkyWatch Friday

One more beautiful day from the Ft. Stanton Museum in New Mexico. Wonderful old building with tons of history. Hope everyone has a Great weekend!
To see more SkyWatch Friday photos, click Here.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I Won!

Look at what I Won!! Thanks Again goes to Ann of Snap Edit Scrap...She and her cohort in crime, Duke (pictured on magnet and card) held a give-a-way and I was one of two lucky winners! I love her photos of The Duke! Go give her blog a visit...You won't be sorry!
Hope you all are enjoying your Wednesday...It's coffee time for me. Enjoy!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Patience is a Virtue...

Sometimes you have to be sneaky! I caught her "After Braces" shot when we went in to town to get her nails done...Hahaaaa...She couldn't say a Word in front of the lady working on her...I love it! After we walked out and I showed her the photo on the camera, she just gave me that, "well, OK...but Don't Do It Again" speech, and half grin. "My hair looks awful"!Hahaaa....Get over it Kid! Life rarely takes us where we want to have to get behind the wheel, and Drive!
I had the Grandbabies all weekend. They wanted to stay so how can you say no?! We shopped, played and watched Thor ( Good movie AND set up for a sequel!) and the newest Transformers (Good BUT, SO glad that's over...). We talked a bit about life, they got tickled and hot biscuits and jam for is good. I'm making memories for when life gets tough, as it usually does. Sweet memories makes the hard things...easier.
Well, hope your week is starting out great. October is now here with it's cooler winds, thank God. I was beginning to forget how good they felt! Guess I'll grab a coffee...Enjoy your day!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cool and Covert...

Morning folks! Well, it's So Cool outside right now. SO much nicer than the 120 degrees we'd been getting...and we EVEN had a couple of drops of rain on Thursday night!! Just enough to un-crisp the landscape for awhile. I took this photo at the Hubbard museum while in New Mexico. An actual sleigh! How fun it would have been to ride in one of these babies...
Not much doings going on today. I've got Sami and Will so that means a trip to town for a few baubles of joy...and maybe a COFFEE for me!Hahaa....If I see anything wonderful to snap a photo of, I will. I'll also see if Sami will pose for her "after" shot with no braces on. I've tried but she's Never been "ready" for the shot..."NOT NOW GAMMA!! My HAIR's Not Right!!" You know the routine!
I may have to initialize my, Covert Method!! I know how to do the Covert thing...Oh Yeah!
Hope your Saturday is Nice and, to go dig out my Black OPS gear...

PS- On some peoples blogs, when I click to post my comment, the comment just disappears! I keep trying but it won't let me leave one! Like Steve...It will always tell me it has to be approved first, but now Nothing comes up...I'll try using FireFox when we get back from town...Grrrrr!!!
Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.