Sometime last week I was making my rounds on blog reading. On
SOMEONE'S blog...(If it's You, please let me know), I read that some unknown person had paid for said
Blogger's purchase and left before they were able to be thanked. Said Blogger thought this was a wonderful idea...well...Saturday, I had to go back into town to finish up on a few errands. I left the house at 6:45am. I had only had time for a quick coffee before I left the house. Now, if you know me, you'll know that ONE quick coffee just won't DO!
Hahaaa....SO, I decide to pull into the Jack in the Box for a nice, hot cuppa. I was third in line when I pulled up to the drive
thru. As I sat there I remembered what I had read on
SOMEONE'S blog...about the Pay it Forward thing. Well, I looked in my
rear view mirror...no one was there. Then I said to God, "
Ok Lord...Lets do it! The next person that pulls in behind me is going to be someone that really needs this so...if you would, send someone now!"
Hahaaaaa....Immediately after I said it, a lone man pulls in behind me...driving an older Ford Explorer and wearing hunting garb. I'm not one to question God so I accept the challenge. Pulling up to the window, I see a sad faced, young black lady, manning the cash register. I'm thinking to myself that she may not have had any Christmas cheer yet this morning (not a happy camper) but I decide to proceed! I asked her if the gentleman behind me had placed his order yet...she said he had. I then said I wanted to pay for my order AND his. Then when he ask what was going on or why someone would DO that for him, that she needed to tell him this...
"Tell him we don't know each other...Tell him I just wanted to wish him a Merry Christmas and if he could, to just, Pay it Forward someday."
The young black lady just stared at me...then all of a sudden, she starts smiling...and tearing up! She promises to do as I asked and thanked me for being so kind...When I asked how much the total bill was, she said, $2.35...Hahaaaa....I was expecting a little bit more but...Oh well, I still feel good about doing it. I pay the lady and roar off into traffic...
Lordy, that was FUN!
But you know what I think about the whole affair? I think it was the lady at the cash register that needed cheering up and not the man behind me...Maybe she'd had an awful morning already...who knows. I just know I felt a connection to her when she finally looked at me.
Who knows...Maybe she'll be the one to Pay it Forward.
Have a great Monday everyone!