Thursday, March 29, 2012

What's in the Air?

Well, I have no idea what's in the air but I have Not been in the mood to do Anything! Nothin'!! I'm just Pitiful!Hahaaaa....And Anxious! It's like something's in the air but I can't quite grasp it! Driving me nuts! Had to take Buddy the pup to the Vet yesterday for his yearly check-up...Two shots, blood drawn, something for Kennel Cough squirted up his nose and $129.00 later and we're outta' there...then...Hubby has a toothache...not fun. Got them both medicated now...Let the healing Begin...
Well, guess I'll go stand in a corner somewhere WITH a coffee in hand. Y'all have a great rest of the day.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Before & After...

I can honestly say that now that I've loaded all of the Senior, Justin's photos onto the flash drive to be delivered to him Mom, I feel SO relieved! I do believe I've been cured of doing shoots for awhile!Hahaaa.....Not fun when you loose your shots due to stupidity! I also want to say Thank You to all of you for your sweet comments and suggestions. Without you, I would still be using my little camera and not caring What I shot! I'm starting to "see" things a little differently now when I Do shoot something. It's just plain old fun isn't it?!! Alright now!! I hear moans out there...
Hope you are all having a wonderful day...I stopped and bought my first flowers yesterday. Begonias, one red and another, yellow. Made me feel a bit more Springy. What are You doing to "get in the Spring Mood"? With all the rains (4 1/2 inches yesterday) tanks are full again. I'm SO grateful. Maybe we'll make it through's hoping.
Well, take care and I'll holler at you later!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wordless Wednesday William...

He's our Sweetie...Hope you all are enjoying your Wednesday! I'm just sitting at my desk...sitting. I've been practicing with PSE9's layer mask and unsharp mask tools...I think his eyes and lips are much more clear. I know I gripe but I am still trying to learn how to make a better photograph...geeeez....Hahaaaa...
Guess I'll go to the breakroom and make our lunch...and grab a coffee. Have a good one!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Donna...DON'T Push That Button!

This is Justin (the Senior)...Crystal and I did his shoot last Wednesday...Thursday morning, I couldn't wait to see what the shots looked like so when I got to work, I uploaded then onto my work computer...Thank GOD! Saturday morning, as usual, I'm sitting on the couch enjoying my coffee and trying to figure out ISO settings and where the heck the white balance settings were. Up pops the FORMAT setting and for some STUPID reason, I hit the YES button! Wellllllll...I guess you know what happened after that! Oh yeah...I just freakin' Froze. Gone...ALL images...gone. I think my mind also went totally dark. I could NOT believe what I had just done. Then, slowly, I started to recover from the the two words together spelled, Salvation! I would just flash drive them and bring them home! I will NEVER learn all there is to photography...And I'll certainly NEVER be a professional! And right at this moment, I certainly don't want to do any more shoots for strangers...Lordy! What IF there had been NO back up files?? And needless to say I'm NOT happy with the shots I Did get...His eyes should be more in focus...oiy, I give up.....
Needless to say I learned a valuable lesson in those nano seconds...I say YES, much too easily...
So, if you will excuse me I have to begin my "Don't Push That Button", 100 times list...geez.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Photo Shoot Edits Begin...

Goodness, it's Friday! Crystal and I did the Senior son of Crystal's friend yesterday. Again, the lighting was TERRIBLE! It's been overcast here for weeks now. Justin, the Senior, graduates the first week of June so we have some time to get the edits done. I've already done three of his and one of Sami's (click on photo to enlarge). We took Sam and Will along to get some shots before the Senior and his mom arrived. I'll probably get more done this weekend so get prepared to be bored!Hahaa...
Hope you all are having a good day...I usually have a good Friday until it's time to go to the grocery...uggg...and I reFUSE to shop on a Saturday anymore! It's just getting too crazy.
Well, guess I'll get this posted then get my desk cleaned off. Enjoy your evening!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Where IS the time going? I lost a few days Sunday and Monday...didn't feel too well, but all's well now. Headache along with feeling like someone threw me off a cliff. It's rare when I look at Hubby and say...I'm Not going in today! His quick, "Ok?" was good enough.
Hope this post finds you all, peaceful and safe. Another Tsunami in Japan? 6.8 quake...geez. We think we have it comparison.
Well, I just wanted to post a quick note so you wouldn't think I'd packed my bags and run off to Bali or Figi although hot sand, sounds of a ocean roar and a frosty cold drink does sound good...sigh.
Later 'Taters.....

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Seeing Spots...

William has been SO tickled to see his photos on FaceBook and Blogger...I imagine we'll have to get him his own camera for his birthday this Summer. No actions were used on this...I just deepened the colors and improved clarity in PhotoShop Elements9 then added his signature. He gets the biggest grin on his face...we just love him!
Well, it's SPRING FORWARD time this Saturday night here in the States. Don't forget to set your clocks ahead by one hour. It's rainy here today to, thank God. We certainly do need each and every drop.
Has the sun burst affected your internet or phone service yet? It's been on the news all morning. I think we, here in Texas, are too far away to feel any effect of it...but you never can tell. I don't think I'll need my GPS to find my way home...that is, IF my car starts...Hahaaa...They say if it was bad enough, it could do tons of damage. Somebody better get our Grid protected!!
Hope you all are safe and sound...Oh well, I'll pray anyway....

Monday, March 5, 2012

William's First Photo...

Good Monday Morning! We ended up going to the zoo Sunday instead of Saturday. William (Our 12 yr old grandson) was just lounging around the house so Gampa and I scooped him up on our way to town. Naturally, we had to eat at one of our favorite restaurants, Ninfa's. A body needs fuel after all!Lolol... We then headed off to the local zoo. Will has taken a few photos before but this time I shoved my Canon Power Shot into his hands and told him to "go for it kiddo..." He took several excellent shots, this being one of them. Nothing more beautiful than an eagle...Anyway...he had to go to the doctor this morning and I did a few edits to the shot and put his name on it then called Crystal and told her to show him what HE had done! I had posted it on FB. He loved it! Especially upon seeing HIS name on it. I think he may have "the eye". Photography is Fun!
Well, guess I'll finish my sandwich and get something productive done...Hope you are all safe from all those horrible storms! SO sad!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Lions & Tigers & Bears...Maybe...

This is a Mountain Laurel that grows in our front yard...It's been there for the past six years. It had one bloom on it last year but this year, it's covered in them! Love it!
Well, it's Friday again. Crystal and I were going on a photo shoot tomorrow but the client had to postpone SO...I'm making Hubby carry me to the zoo instead. It's been ages since we've been and maybe I can get some cute shots.
Hope you all have a great and peaceful weekend. Try to stay out of trouble please!Hahaaa....
Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.