This is Justin (the Senior)...Crystal and I did his shoot last Wednesday...Thursday morning, I couldn't wait to see what the shots looked like so when I got to work, I uploaded then onto my work computer...Thank GOD! Saturday morning, as usual, I'm sitting on the couch enjoying my coffee and trying to figure out ISO settings and where the heck the white balance settings were. Up pops the FORMAT setting and for some STUPID reason, I hit the YES button! Wellllllll...I guess you know what happened after that! Oh yeah...I just freakin' Froze. Gone...ALL images...gone. I think my mind also went totally dark. I could NOT believe what I had just done. Then, slowly, I started to recover from the shock...computer...work...Putting the two words together spelled, Salvation! I would just flash drive them and bring them home! I will NEVER learn all there is to photography...And I'll certainly NEVER be a professional! And right at this moment, I certainly don't want to do any more shoots for strangers...Lordy! What IF there had been NO back up files?? And needless to say I'm NOT happy with the shots I Did get...His eyes should be more in focus...oiy, I give up.....
Needless to say I learned a valuable lesson in those nano seconds...I say YES, much too easily...
So, if you will excuse me I have to begin my "Don't Push That Button", 100 times list...geez.