
New York...

New York...

New York...

Tim, Ty and his girlfriend, Stephanie, looking, in awe...at Our Special Lady...

Statue of Liberty....
I Know! I'm a BAD Blogger! Crystal and Tim left for a trip up North...taking in Pennsylvania, Maryland and New York. Meanwhile, back at the ranch....I've been doing a little double duty and sincerely...have not had the time to think of anything decent to write about. Writing about turned ankles or my neck being out or how hot it's getting is Extremely boring fodder! SO, I won't...bore you.
The photo at the top of the post was one that was shot by Crystal on their way to the airport in Austin. I really, upon first seeing it, thought it was copied off the internet as a joke but no...she said the man was actually standing on the side of the road holding that sign! All I can say is, Great marketing skills!Hahaaaa.....And God Bless his Wife!
Hope you all are having a great Wednesday!