Friday, August 4, 2023

August... Extra Love...Black Kow and a Witch

Good morning, friends!
Hope you're all enjoying cool temps and peaceful days.
As usual, I'm whining about not having enough rain.  Temps are strangulatingly (that might not be a  Hot!  105F most of the week, with heat index of 115 to 120 (49C) in some places!  Hope our A/C can continue to keep up with the demand for more cool air.
Anyway, our week has been filled with keeping our Sloane.  She had some sort of infection (when a doctor doesn't know "exactly" what's going on, they treat symptoms.  So... antibiotics to the rescue.  It must have worked because the second day we had her...she was all smiles.  Monday pleasing her but we made it through.
Now it's Friday again!

Our granddaughter, Samantha, had Sloane's One Year Old photos done last week (She'll turn One, August 15th).  They remind me of the old 1950's style of photography!  I love them all!  Too many to post here, (Did I hear a sigh of relief? lolol).  These two are my absolute favorites.

My ring finally came in!  Larry picked it up since I was holding precious cargo.  I love it.  It only took almost 51

Sloane started roaming all around the house...I'd say she started feeling better! lol, With me in hot pursuit.

Just for the record, I've never zipped lined anything...nor shall

The heat is horrible here!  Larry took me to Home Depot yesterday (Sloane was back in daycare).  I was able to buy one of the last Black Kow manure bags.  People swear by it, so I'll give it a try.  Sprinkle a generous amount on top of the soil (if plants are not looking so good) or, mix it into the soil when planting.  I'm trying everything I know to do to save my plants but, Hades Inferno is speaking right now... :o( 

My climbing rose looks well as the Jasmine.
I hope the Black Kow can help!

The tomato is just about gone...

I asked Larry if he could cut out a front porch silhouette for me.  I'm getting a head-start on Halloween.  All I have to do is show him a picture...and he can do it.  Nice!

I also bought a box ($1.48) for Sloane to play in.  A lot cheaper than a princess playhouse on Amazon!

Went out to visit my sister, Ruth Ann.  She's doing great but wasn't prepared for pictures, but Tuff said he didn't mind! He's so sweet natured!

Okay then...I suppose I've wasted enough of your time this morning.   Hope you all are safe and doing great!  

Be positive and be kind...and make good choices.

Until next time...


Linda said...

LOLOLOL on the leg thing (your graphic about age)--I so understand, LOL. Have a great day friend!

Jan said...

Yes! This heat here in Texas is miserable! We need cooler temperatures and rain so badly, but there doesn't seem to be any in sight! Your Sloane is such a sweetie-glad she is feeling better!

Jennifer said...

Those photos of Sloane are precious! Kudos to whoever took those....and having such a sweet one to photograph doesn't hurt either:) Sure hope you can get some relief from your heat. We finally had a break in our weather day before yesterday and it has been lovely!! Even have the door open this morning! Happy Friday to you!

Red Rose Alley said...

Ok, the mountain climbing quote made me laugh, I can totally relate to that. Sloane's first year photos are beautiful. You know, I love black and white photos, there's just something about them. Sorry to hear that Sloane was sick, and hope she feels better with each day. The cardboard box made me smile too. I bet Sloane loves a little cubby of her own. I remember my kids used to make houses out of cardboard boxes, and had the best time. Now, they have the tents out there to buy, which are really cute. The witch cut out turned out great! Larry is getting pretty good at his new hobby. I noticed your hard wood floors, they are very nice.

Have a good weekend, and hope it doesn't get too hot for you.


Bill said...

You made me laugh about not losing your balance getting dressed. I did that a couple of months ago. I was leaning against the chair and when it moved, I went flying, now I sit down. :) Nice photos of Sloane, she is growing so fast. Enjoy the weekend and stay cool.

photowannabe said...

Oh waste of time at all. I adore all the pictures of Sloane. So glad she is feeling better too.
We are going to be back in the "Bake" mode by Sunday ourselves ..slated to be 108F UGH
I don't think we will be working in the yard that day.
Oh yes, I do love your new ring...gorgeous.

Wanda said...

Good Morning Donna! Thanks again for your sweet comment on blog for our AZ trip.

I'm loving your post today! Your precious Sloane! What a doll! We are celebrating our little greatgrandson, Daniel today as he turns one! A party for tomorrow. Can't wait to take pictures.

Oh how our kids loved boxes! I remember as a kid playing in a hugh refrigerator box. Best playhouse ever! And how cute you decorated it!! I should do one for Daniel!

So glad Ruth Ann is feeling better. Tuff is a perfect name for such a cute dog!

I have a appointment today with my primary doctor for clearance for Cateract surger 8/17 on my right eye! Keep me in your prayers. Love and hugs!

Polyester Princess said...

If I send you some of Belgium's surplus rain, can you send us some warmer temperatures in return? Sounds like a deal, no :-)
Sloane's one year old photos are stunning, and I'm glad to read the antibiotics did the trick!
That cardboard box is such a great idea! xxx

Chatty Crone said...

The mountain climbing quote is so me. I can totally relate. Sloane's first year photos are beautiful! I was sorry to hear that Sloane was sick, and I am glad she is feeling better. The cardboard box was perfect! I bet she loved it. My kids used to make houses out of cardboard boxes and pillows and blankets. You have a beautiful home.

Ann said...

Our temp has been around 80 and that's hot enough for me.
Those pictures of Sloane are adorable. I bet she has fun with that box. What kid doesn't like to play in one.
Cool decoration Larry cut out for you.

Granny Marigold said...

I hope your poor plants can survive the awful heat. I wonder if we have that Black Kow manure at our Home Depot!!
The pictures of Sloane are so cute. She's a princess for sure.

Stay cool if you can. Granny M

Margaret D said...

It is rather hot over your way, been raining here but today is a beautiful day.
Love the photos of Sloane and the way they were done as in finished.
Got some laughs too...still grinning.
Your husband is clever, love the women on the stick.
So great to read your sister is doing ok, that is such wonderful news.

Jennyff said...

Sloane is just too adorable, photos to treasure, I still have black and white ones of me and my brother taken over 70 years ago though I suppose in those days there was no option for colour. Hope your plants will survive the heat and mine in Italy too.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I sure hope Sloane is doing well. Sounds like you are having a really hot summer. I look forward to fall and hope the weather will get cooler.

Jeanette said...

I'm glad Sloane is feeling better! She is adorable and I love her pictures! Your new ring looks pretty but can we get a closer look please? I hope things cool down for you soon, buddy! XO

ashok said...

Cute pie Sloane. Have a great week end

Granny Annie said...

Wonderful photos of Sloane and all the fun with her. I cannot believe you had to pay for a cardboard box! When I was a child we dragged the huge appliance boxes down the alley and built all kinds of houses i.e. fortune telling booths, jails, etc.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Love, love, love Sloane’s adorable, vintage look pictures!! I’m glad she’s feeling better.
Our heat is die thing else, Donna. I’m so tired of watering and plants getting eaten by something. It’s so much money down the drain.
Your ring is soooo gorgeous! It was worth the wait! Have a great week!

Sandra Cox said...

The pictures are too cute. Happy 1 Yr to Sloane. Glad the antibiotics kicked in.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I consider the day off to a good start when I don't fall over putting on my underwear. :-)

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh girl I will be so glad when Hades Inferno has left the chat. Simply boiling here so if I'm outside, unless I'm on my way to the Walmarts or the church house, I am in the pool. I sent my TG a link to the Black Kow manure and asked him to pick me some up at Home Depot on his way home today. My potted hydrangea and one of my sword ferns are mightily unhappy, no matter what I do. So I am hoping a dose of this magic potion will cheer them up immediately!!! Thanks so much for the tip. YOUR RINGS!!!! SO gorgeous, Donna. I love the old-school femininity of that design, and the opulence. Well done! Those pictures of Sloane are incredible!!!! That smocked birthday cake dress! What a dollbaby. Give her some smooches from Jenny the Pirate. Also please allow me to put in my order to Larry for a pirate silhouette in a circle. I'll pay whatever. Thankee mate xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Lin said...

Ooooh, the photos are so adorable! As is the ring! So worth the wait...even if it was 51 years. Your poor yard. :( I hope the cow manure helps and that you get some water soon. (I have cows behind us...but I'm not climbing the fence to grab their poop.)

DeniseinVA said...

That’s a real pretty welcome sign! Oh my goodness, that is way too hot! I hope you get some rain to cool it down and it’s a shame about all your plants. I have taken note of the black cow. I need all the help I can get. The sweetest pictures of dear Sloane and Happy Birthday for the 15th. Wonderful idea on her playhouse and great picture of her roaming; you have such a pretty home. So sorry she has been feeling poorly, glad the meds helped. Good to know your ring arrived. I laughed at the mountain climbers. A family member once showed me her vacation pictures, and she particularly pointed out one of two ladies in their 80s, hiking up a mountain path. I don’t know whether she was trying to tell me something, but I feel like I’ve had a workout with that underwear and let’s not get around to tights. I guess that leaves ziplining out, lol! Larry has a lot of talent, and very impressed with the witch decoration. I hope Ruth Ann is well. Tuff is such a cutie pie. Thank you for another enjoyable post and those sentiments are great! Wishing you the best of everything.

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh Donna you made my day with your funny about zip lining and mountain climbing. Shared with my friend and she laughed too! Thanks for making us smile. Speaking of smiling little Sloane makes me smile too. She is adorable. Sorry to read about your heat and garden. Praying your plants make it friend. Always feel bad when I lose something due to lack of rain and too much heat. Take care and stay cool. Hugs!

dori said...

This is very important: To be positive and kind...and make good choices...hank you!

VERY sweet photos black-white of dearest Sloane! Such a angel, and soon one year young. Kisses for her! I'm sorry,that she was ill. Good, that she feels better now. O you have a lot of work running behind her in your house!! :)

What a terrble heat for you poor dear plants in your garden! In South-Europe we had a terrible heat with burning forests, too. And also here in the Bavarian forest it was very hot and dry. . But last week the rain came and now it's cold autumn. The trees are happy and the dogs, too! But we dream of new warm sunny days..

The witch is very sweet! Larry is the best artist!!!

dori said...

Das ist sehr wichtig: Positiv und freundlich zu sein ... und gute Entscheidungen zu treffen ... Danke!

SEHR süße Schwarz-Weiß-Fotos von der liebsten Sloane! So ein Engel und bald ein Jahr jung. Küsse für sie! Es tut mir leid, dass sie krank war. Gut, dass es ihr jetzt besser geht. O du hast eine Menge Arbeit in deinem Haus hinter ihr her zu laufen!! :) :)

Was für eine schreckliche Hitze für eure armen, lieben Pflanzen in eurem Garten! Auch in Südeuropa herrschte schreckliche Hitze mit brennenden Wäldern. Und auch hier im Bayerischen Wald war es sehr heiß und trocken. . Aber letzte Woche kam der Regen und jetzt ist kalter Herbst. Die Bäume freuen sich und die Hunde auch! Aber wir träumen von neuen warmen Sonnentagen.

Die Hexe ist sehr süß! Larry ist der beste Künstler!!!

Catherine said...

I also loose my balance when I get dressed 😂!
I don’t plant anything more in the garden, last year it was a disaster with the heat. I think we are the only ones who are cold! 12 degees C in the mornings and 19 C in the afternoons and lots of rain! But I don’t complain it is rather cool.
I love Sloane’s pictures, the vintage look is very nice. I hope she feels better. I will send you some of our rain!

Sandra Cox said...

The temperature is strangulating indeed. Though it sounds hotter there than it is here and it's hot enough here.

Jenny the Pirate said...

OK so right after I commented on this post last week or whenever it was, I texted TG with a picture of the Black Kow fertilizer and asked him to pick me some up on his way home from the job. He texted back, there is an unopened bag of it sitting right outside the garage. Haahaha I missed that completely but a few days later I instructed him, as I lolled in the pool, to please dose my sad sword fern with some of that Black Kow. He obliged and I am here to tell you that it has perked up considerably! It looks happy like the other two now! I'm so thrilled because I had given all three, about a month ago, the DIY Miracle Gro that you recommended, and the sad fern did not seem to like that at all. Anyway thanks for raising my consciousness to Black Kow because the summer is too short (and long) for droopy brown depressed sword ferns! Love ya friend xoxo

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.