Friday, August 18, 2023

The Party, Meals, Cat & Mouse and The Limb...

Good morning, friends...
It's been a fast and furious week!  Sloane had double ear aches...they are going to schedule her an appointment with an Eye, ear, nose & throat doctor.  In between ear aches, she turned One.   Her party went off without a hitch...of which everyone ate, drank and made merry.  

Sloane's Lolli (our daughter, Crystal) trying to figure out the best way to move her from the ball bin to her party on the porch...

Samantha asked me to make Sloane's "smash cake"...plain and simple!  Raspberry pink icing  with Strawberry cake.

Sloane realizing the benefits of buttercream for the first

Just about had enough frivolity...sweet thing. 

The birthday girl...

Mom and Dad went all out for the older kids.  They had a ball, eating and playing.  People kept coming in as Larry and I were saying our goodbyes.

Happy Family...


In other news...I made croutons for the tomato soup Larry whipped up.  So good!

I found this photo on the internet somewhere...I gave it to Larry to create for a room here at the house or maybe to place outside...We'll see where it ends up.  I thought it was cute.

I can relate....lolol

I was babysitting Sloane when all of a sudden I heard a loud "POP"!
Looking around, I saw nothing...then when I went out onto the patio, I look at our red oak and saw the hole in the limb!  Constant heat (110 that day, in the shade) for weeks is really taking it's toll on trees in our area.  The limb simply exploded from the inside, out!  Has something to do with sap, and lack of moisture.  

Anyway, Larry had to climb his trusty ladder and saw the limb down.  It was partially hanging on the neighbor's side of the fence.  What a mess.
We are SO done with Summer!!!

Had to buy a bale of straw to put onto my plants...or what's left of them!  I only just started...I'll be adding more to each plant. 

I fertilized then placed the straw then, watered.  I water daily!
I don't know how much more of these high temps we can take...

Larry's chain saw needed sharpening so in 115* heat, he started working on it!  Oh Heck No Buster!!  Unless your life depended on it being repaired right now?  Get In The House!  It can wait until it's cooler!
So, after a shower, he and Sloane eat some real cheetos (those baby food ones taste awful) and before you know it...I look over and see Gampa's sleeping!lol...whupped!  Sloane never moved...Barney was on the TV.
Well, that's about it for me this week...Am praying for all those in Maui that have lost so much!!  
I pray you all are having a sweet and peaceful week!
So, until next time...


Visits With Mary said...

Happy Birthday Sloane, you are a cutie. I laughed at the graphics you shared, yep on that toe. I screamed ouched when I saw it. Thanks for the smiles and sharing sweet Sloane's birthday with us. This heat is out of control, my yard looks like a hay field instead of nice green grass. {{sigh}}

Linda said...

Cute pics of grand baby's first birthday. So sweet.

And yes, as everyone is saying, this heat is a drag. I see workers on roofs and roads with the clothes they have to wear and it astonishes me that they survive.

Weird how that tree branch split, but no injuries so that's good.

Have a good weekend.

Catherine said...

I love the Birthday girl!
Heat is coming back here too, but the worst is in the south, they will have 45 C here today we have 30 C and thunderstorm tonight.
Yes you are right it is a whale ! I had to look twice and enlarge the picture.
I hope your sister’s health is improving each day. I hope you will spend a nice weekend.

Lin said...

What a wonderful first birthday for the birthday girl! She is so LOVED! Bummer about the continued heat. It's so discouraging, isn't it? I pray that you get some relief soon. Poor plants, trees, humans, and animals. It's just too much.

Bill said...

Glad Sloane had a lovely 1st birthday party. Sad about the tree, never knew it could explode from the inside. The heat sounds so tiring for so long. Hope you get cooler weather soon. Take care and stay cool.

Granny Marigold said...

You got some great pictures of Sloane and her pretty pink cake 🎈
It's sad that your beautiful old tree is so stressed with the heat and drought.
I've been thinking of making Tomato soup on the weekend. Homemade croutons would be a good addition. Right now I can't keep up with the tomatoes so that will use some at least.
Poor Sloane with ear infections. Youngest son had those when he was a wee one. Had to have tiny tubes put into his ear drums. It made washing his hair a 2 person job.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a wonderful raspberry cake you made for Sloane. These are fun pictures of the birthday party. I am loving all the PINK and ORANGE decor. And that castle is so cute. You know, the KFC picture brought back memories, as that was my first job ever. Larry's tomato soup looks really good. Oh my gosh, your oak tree that just split open from the heat! We had a tree removed from our front yard recently. Apparently it was not doing well, so it had to go. That is the funniest picture of Sloane and grandpa while she's eating Cheetos! I'm with you, Sloane, Cheetos are my favorite! What a fun post this was, with lots of things going on. I hope it starts to cool down for you there.


Mari said...

Happy Birthday to sweet Sloane! Looks like a great party, your cake was pretty.
Crazy about your tree.
It's been quite cool here - 56 this morning when I went to work. So, I am hanging onto Summer! :)

Margaret D said...

Happy Birthday Sloane, all the photos of her are lovely as usual.
Love that cat and
Goodness lucky that tree wasn't real close to the houses, it would have made a mess if it had fallen onto one of them, well it didn't so that's good.
Take care.

Ann said...

Looks like Sloane had a nice birthday. That cake looks delicious. Too bad about the ear aches. Love that last picture of Larry and Sloane.
That is really something with the tree limb. I had no idea that could happen.

Linda said...

Such a great post, my friend. Thank you for the many smiles.

Deb J. in Utah said...

What a fun 1st birthday party! Looks like everyone went all out to make it a big day for Sloane. Great pictures and lots of good memories for everyone! I love that picture of Larry and Sloane at the end. It is simply precious. We were thinking of retiring in Texas (San Antonio) until this summer. I know I couldn't deal with all of the extreme heat and humidity, so Texas is no longer on our retirement list. I hope you get some cool down in the fall. Have a good weekend.

photowannabe said...

Oh those photos of Sloane and her first birthday are precious. What a party for her!!
So sorry about her ear aches..hope they pass quickly.
Love Grampa and Sloane "watching" Barney.
The heat is terrible but thank goodness Fall is coming. Your poor plants. We are in a cooling trend with the temps only getting into the mid 90's. Its such a relief for us in No. CA. We might even get a bit of rain from Hurricane Hilary.
Prayers for all devastated by the wildfires and deluges across our Land.

Polyester Princess said...

I'm so sorry about Sloane's ear aches, but I'm glad to see she got to enjoy a most memorable birthday nonetheless. Smash cake included!
The heat sounds quite terrible indeed - I'm not good with heat at all, and it is never even as hot here - and what a thing to have happened with the branch of the tree :-(
The cat and mouse mural is delightful! I'm keeping my fingers crossed Larry will come up trumps ... but I'm sure he will! xxx

ashok said...

She's adorable 😍

Sandra Cox said...

What a purrfect 1st Bday party. Y'all did a wonderful job.
I was gone for the weekend and when I got back the plants were gasping for water. I'm afraid I'm going to lose a few.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Awwwwww Sloane on her first birthday! What wonderful memories. It's awfully hot here too, though I know not as hot as where you are. I try to be patient this time of year, waiting for the intense heat to break, but I know it will be a long time before it really does -- here, usually not until at least late November! But of course, this stifling heat will not hang on for much more than the next week or two I HOPE!!! Hang in there kiddo ... xoxo

Debbie Nolan said...

Wishing Sloane a Happy First Birthday. Donna her pink birthday cake was lovely. Sounds like your heat wave is still continuing. Praying you will soon see a break. Yes keep that hubby off the ladder and out of the heat! Had a good friend cutting a limb out of his mother's tree this spring...fell 14 feet, broke his ankle, and tore his rotator cuff...been laid up all summer and had three surgeries. Another younger member from our church family was in a similar situation and ended up in the hospital and broke several ribs and punctured his heart. So please tell Larry to stay safe. Hugs! P.S. Donna your funnies had me laughing. Shared them with my friend and she was laughing too.

DeniseinVA said...

Sloane is such a sweet little girl. I hope she feels better soon. Her party photos are adorable and the ball bin is such a great idea! The cake looked great too and Sloane certainly looks like she is enjoying her first taste of buttercream. I have never seen candles like that before. Her parents certainly gave her a brilliant birthday party. The photo of her and Larry was a treasure! Your soup looks delicious with the homemade croutons, and I had a chuckle at the chicken joke and yikes on the toe, says I wincing ;) That cat chasing the mouse is a cute set. I look forward to seeing what Larry’s is like. Good grief on the tree limb snapping. Our neighbor’s tree came down a couple of weeks ago. Thankfully it did not fall on their house as it was huge, just missed it and pulled down part of their fence. It did fall across the road and blocked everyone from coming in and out of the cul-de-sac for a while. It was good to see so many going over to help. The weather sure is acting wacky lately. I’m looking forward to the Fall. You look like you know what you’re doing with your plants. We need to rub elbows to see if your green thumb will rub off :) I’m praying for the people in Hawaii also, and for so many in need of help this day. Thank you for another wonderful post Donna and have a great week.

Lowcarb team member said...

Happy Birthday to Sloane, loved seeing her in the photographs.
I do hope she feels better soon.

All the best Jan

Sandra Cox said...

So sorry to hear about Sloane's earaches. Hope they don't become a thing. My son had them all the time when he was little and finally had to get tubes.

Granny Annie said...

Sloane's first birthday was more than spectacular!! Someday she will enjoy the pictures. Her cake looked yummy. Hope she gets some help for her ear aches, etc.

Sandra Cox said...

Raspberry icing and strawberry cake. Yum.

dori said...

What a week! Such a heat!

But first: My congratulations for little Sloane: ONE YEAR! She looks so sweet on each photo! A real star! I hope and pray, that she will feel soon good again with the ear-problems. My babies often had those problems. My first reaction later was, when they cried very much, to say to the doctor. Look into the ears..

I'm so sorry for the broken tree..

You do good work for the plants to give them shelter for the heat with straw. Good idea!

The shaddow-figures are pretty. I think, Larry will produce a fine art-work!

I love the heart with the roses so much!

Best greetings and wishes to you and your wonderful family from Dorifrom the Bavarian Forest

dori said...

Was für eine Woche! Was für eine Hitze!

Aber zuerst: Meine Glückwünsche für die kleine Sloane: EIN JAHR! Sie sieht auf jedem Foto so süß aus! Ein echter Star! Ich hoffe und bete, dass es ihr mit den Ohrenproblemen bald wieder gut geht. Meine Babys hatten oft diese Probleme. Später, wenn sie sehr weinten, war meine erste Reaktion, es dem Arzt zu sagen. Schau in die Ohren..

Der kaputte Baum tut mir so leid.

Du tust den Pflanzen gute Dienste, indem du ihnen mit Stroh Schutz vor der Hitze bietest. Gute Idee!

Die Schattenfiguren sind hübsch. Ich denke, Larry wird ein großartiges Kunstwerk schaffen!

Ich liebe das Herz mit den Rosen so sehr!

Herzliche Grüße und Wünsche an Sdich und deine wundervolle Familie von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald

Lee said...

Oh! Donna! I've just been catching up on posts...I've been very slack of late. Your photos of beautiful Sloane are certainly beautiful. What a darling little girl she is. You're all so fortunate to have her in your lives.

Thanks for sharing her with us. Take good care. :)

Sandra Cox said...

Love the cat and mouse. So much fun. Can't wait to see what Larry does with it.

Jennifer said...

Happy birthday to the cutest Sloane! What a doll!! Here's hoping the heat will give you a break! I must say I have never heard of a tree exploding!! That is hot - ugh! Stay inside!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Happy Birthday to Sloane! That cake looks delicious!

photowannabe said...

Hi Donna, to answer your question from my blog...I guess eBay really isn't a "business" but we are trying to consolidate our "treasures". Too much stuff from our own collecting and ending up with both sets of parents things after they passed.
Our eBay name is belfryandsons
right now we have about 20 items up for sale. When we do sell something its a real happy time. Property taxes always loom over our heads and we tuck away our sales for that.
We really sell a little bit of everything.
Hope you can find us and drop by to take a look.

Sadia Jabeen said...

nice to read