Friday, April 19, 2024

Winning...Sloane, Friends and Cinnamon Rolls

Good morning, friends...Just a (short post) today...lolol...  Not much has happened since I last spoke with you.  Ruth Ann is slowly improving but...she still isn't minding the doctor's advice about not driving for several more weeks!  She showed up here saying she wanted a cup of Larry's coffee from the Jura Machine.  Did I tell you...lolol...yeah, probably not, butt...A tree's roots gave way, from all the rain we've had lately, and fell on Ruth Ann's house.  The back corner...knocked out power.... broke the electric pole.  Then her well-meaning neighbor came with his electrician ( I hesitate to call him that since no one produced a license...) to try and get her power back on...somehow breaking a water line???
Long story short, the "well-meaning" neighbor charged Ruth Ann $2200.00 and demanded his money that evening, after the work was done (no prior estimate given).  She got pissed, as you can imagine, drove to her bank... (not supposed to be driving) got a loan for it...called the neighbor to "damn-well" come get it.  He didn't want to produce an invoice but had to (handwritten on a piece of typing paper) in order for Ruth to get the loan.  He demanded cash...yeah...but the lady at the bank told Ruth that a Cashier's check would ruin his day because, all his information would be on the check and the IRS would be notified of the me smile.  The guy supposedly has a construction business.  I don't think it's reputable.  He's sort of creepy, to me.  Cartel?  Who knows.  He owns a bunch of fancy stuff, but we never see him working...? Anyway, he has this huge fancy house...trucks...backhoes...and a sketchy workforce. I tried to tell Ruth Ann not to call on him for help but...she's thinking she'd get the "neighbors" discount...right.
Now she no longer wants to have anything to do with him (he got into her pocketbook) so the war is on.  This is what can happen if you use people you know, and something happens...just don't do it if you want to remain friends.
I'm staying OUT of it...

Meanwhile...back in my normal world, our grandson, William (in the Air Force stationed in Arkansas), Joined a 5K run and they won!  He's the one on the left side end in the red sweatshirt.  He thinks he'll stay in the AF.  He loves his new airbase and the people there.

William (R) and one of his new friends enjoying life...Lordy, we love this boychild...<3

Cousins Sloane and Arlis...That's Arlis' dad.  Country babies...

Always learning something new...

My purple roses are blooming...the bush is full of buds.

Isn't this a cute idea?  My daughter, Crystal had this made for Sloane out of a night suit that she no longer was able to wear.  A friend at her job made it. Too cute!

In case any of you have people following your blog that you'd "rather they didn't"'s how you fix things.  I had one blogger that decided they'd like to constantly say rude and ugly things that finding a solution was a must!  It took a lot of searching but I finally figured it out.  This works on any blog...commercial or not. If they "follow" your can dump them, permanently!

Thursday, we got to enjoy a meet-up with my Blogger Buddy, Linda and Louis Dean Chapman from Irving, Texas!  They have a little place located in a nearby town that they call, The Ranch.  Well, since we live so close, we decided the best thing to do was to have a meet-up.  And we did!  Talk about a sweet couple!  We laughed the whole time...ate some good food and promised to get together again, real soon.  What a blessed day... 

My plate...yes, I gained a pound...again!  But it was worth it.  How often do you get to make new friends and have a good lunch?

Me and my hubby, Larry.  

Ann  has sent another beautiful card!  This one is absolutely gorgeous!  I better get my butt settled long enough to get one back to her!  It's a 3D kind of card with different's so pretty!
Thank you, Ann!!  I love it! 

And yes...I'm bad.  I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, this morning.  Bad Donna!!!  I only had one...with hot was so good... I guess I'll need to add about 3,000 steps to my walk, today.  Bad Donna   ; o)

Well, I guess that's about it for me this morning.  Hope you all are enjoying warm or cool breezes...a hot or cold beverage and are safe from harm.
ALSO...I found 5 comments in my Spam folder!  You might want to check your's...
So... until next time...