Good morning, Friends...I'm sure everyone has had their fill of eclipse photos, by now. Our grandson, William, took some with his Android phone and sent them to me. Well done Will! Beats mine! lol
Then...Remember I told you that Ruth Ann's knee surgery was to be last Thursday and if all went well...she should be home the next day at noon? Yes...well...we are talking about my sister who does things...her way and in her own time.
William's shot!
My photo...lololol...oh well.
It really got dark here. The patio lights came on!
And of course, I had to edit Sloane's photo from color to black and white in honor of the last eclipse Larry and I will see, in our lifetimes! The next one is 2044...I don't see myself lasting to age 92. Maybe Larry, but not me.

Ruth Ann's recovery (in hospital) took 5 days...should have only taken a day and a half. First, the pain medication, Oxycontin (!!!) made her there went a day and a half. Then she decided several of the nursing staff were ugly to her...which in turn, made her less cooperative. She wouldn't get up and walk! Had to have two nurses hold her up to go to the bathroom...She and I had a few choice words for each other and several times, I had to leave the room and come home. I was there daily...but there's only so much hard-headedness I can take. Finally, by day 5, she was more than willing to get moving. She got up and walked the hall just to show the rehab director what she could do. If the director approved of her progress, she could go home. Oh...did I mention it was raining that day? Pouring, in fact? No? Well, it was. It was adding insult to injury for I pushed forward. Director approved and we were out of there. It was pouring at her house. Nothing for it but to slosh through it and get her into the house! And she did it admirably...lolol...first step out of the car? About 5 inches of water! Couldn't help it...nowhere else to park that wasn't flooded. The drive to her house was full of flooded roads and me turning around several times! I finally went on an old gravel road we'd traveled since we were kids and splashed through. Made it up the hill and then I had to stop the car at her gate...yes...I had to get out and open said gate. Lightening made me hurry as well as the sideways yeah.
By the time we made it to her covered porch, we were soaked.
Then later, after I got her settled in...she told me she needed a nap and that she wanted me to go home...fine, I went home...peeled off all my drenched clothes and started the wash. About an hour later, she calls to tell me I needed to go get her medicine at the pharmacy...that delivers...but she doesn't like to do that...strange people delivered things to your house...that is unacceptable! then, I found it really easy to tell her that when she called the pharmacy... to tell them to deliver her meds because I wasn't going out into the storm again!
She ended up calling and they delivered her meds...nothing else said to me about it.
Oh, and just so you know? She's walking around just fine. I wouldn't have ever left her if she couldn't walk, argument or not.
PS- Some of you may be wondering where my husband is while I'm dealing with my sister and her problems...He takes care of his 98yr old,, etc. I refuse to ask him to come with me to basically, babysit my sister. We just come if there's a real problem with either family member. Otherwise, we give each other a break. If we both were working, with both his dad and my sister, it would cause burnout really fast. He's 76 and I'm 72. We've learned to help each other out...when I come home, Larry has prepared whatever I need...breakfast, lunch or supper...housework. I do the same for him. We each, are there for one another. It works.
One of the days I was there, I needed I made my way to the cafeteria in the basement of the hospital. Big mistake. $12 dollars for this? And by the way? My diet is messed up so I'm having to start over...I'm 2 1/2 pounds up... :o(
In other news...I bought a Zwilling pump. LOVE it. Now I can save fruit to eat 5 to 10 days longer than in just normal storage Ziplocs. It pulls out all the air. This glass bowl came with it and 4 different sized bags. I also ordered extra bags. You preppers out there would love this! $102. Well worth it...the food that it'll save us...will pay for itself in no time. You can get just the unit, by itself, for $89. But you'll need the reusable bags.
No more ruined bread before we can finish a loaf!
My granddaughter, Samantha, sent these photos of Everett (granson inlaw) finding these arrowheads on their land. The Cherokee use to live and roam this area, years ago. No telling what else he'll find if he keeps digging.
Well, now that I've written a novel for you today, I'll let you get to it...Have a sweet and peaceful day.
Until next time...