Friday, June 7, 2024

Eggs...Cookies, Sloane and Quilts.

Good morning, Friends.  Another week has passed us by.  Seems like just yesterday I was working...raising kids...and dreaming of the days when life would slow down a bit.  It did...and I don't think I like
But, Oh Well...such is life, as my Dad used to say.
It's been raining again.  I think we might float away.  But I'm not'll be red hot here and dry, before we know it. 

Made my honey some love, or at least they started out that way...good intentions and all.  I forgot to grease the pan with butter.

And I made some chocolate cookies...

My sister, Ruth Ann (yes, the cranky is a quilter.  Her work is gorgeous.  I went for a visit last week and she gave me this box of a Rolling Star pattern and pre-cut cloth.  It's been in her closet for just under 40 years....forgotten.  Her fingers are numb from all the chemo and she said she just can't be bothered with trying to put it together...I could have it if I wanted it.  Yes, I'll take it!  The price, even then, was $60.  She got it for $40 because she knew the quilt shop owner really well.  Today's price is about $180.  And the cotton material is still good.  It was kept well protected.
Our sweet Sloane and mom, Samantha at a swim party.  Momma played  with Sloane's

Larry had fun putting Sloane's name on her tennis shoes...loves his laser.

Made Larry a nacho snack...

Found a new restaurant...The plates were huge as were the amounts of food served!  A little pricey but worth it.

Larry had the BLT on rye...

I had the Cheeseburger Salad.  Very good.

The reason we were out and about was Larry had his six month cancer check-up.  He's still doing repeating cancer so far...will have another bladder wash in a few weeks.  The guy in the photo isn't

Well, guess I'll get this posted.
Have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you all, next time!
So...until then...