Good morning, Friends... Goodness! It's March already! I can't believe how fast time is rolling on by...
And... I can't believe it myself...drumroll...I Finished It!! My quilt is finished! I had a spurt of crazy energy and figured I'd best get it done before all those sparking carbs totally disappeared. (more cake is a bad girl thing but I cannot lie...I partook).
It took me 4 solid days which I'd spend the morning hours working. I also decided to make a label for it. It's a gift to our grandson, William who's in the Air Force. I'm already planning my next quilt that will belong to great-granddaughter, Sloane. I'll also make one for granddaughter Samantha...daughter Crystal and granddaughter, Sara. Then there's grandbabies of Sam and Sara who are still "baking in the ovens". Goodness! At least they all won't be as large as my first one. I don't have another large one in me right now. I may change my mind but not right now.
Don't look too closely at the stitching! It was a large quilt... I know I sewed "out of line" occasionally...lolol...but I got it done! Poor William...getting Gamma's first quilt!
I quilted my lines every 2 1/2 matter what. I know it isn't the best but, the squares were "off" at I just kept going.
But it's done and I'm happy.
Truth right here!
JoAnn's Fabric is closing...dang it! I stocked up on batting...there were 4 left !! I just took the two so someone else had a chance to pick up some. I also found some tracing paper so I can do some applique and some other things.
Our store says that around the first or middle of May...she'll be closing! I'm not happy about it but I guess it's a sign of the times. There is a quilt store south of us around 32 miles as the bird flies. They have gorgeous material but also, gorgeous prices.
Well, we finally got to see Larry's Dad at the rehab. He's not helping himself at all...he doesn't get up by himself... and every time we visit, he's sleeping...and we have to wake him. It's not a hopeful situation. He wants to go home and have it the way it was before he became ill...probably won't happen if he's not willing to help himself! He would have to have a full-time care person...he has the funds, hopefully enough to see him through... right now, he needs to be watched. It's frustrating that we can't make him understand that he needs to push himself if he wants to improve. He still has the UTI, they say, and a doctor is supposed to see him today. We'll see what he says.
Well, I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing.
Enjoy your week... if you're putting off things, Stop It! Get up and move... so until next time....
We are going through a very similar situation with Sam's dad who is in a nursing facility...So sorry and I do pray that things improve for Larry's dad. Love, love your quilt. How very special that you have made this for your grandson. Such a special gift. I had heard that JoAnn's was going out of business. Glad you were able to get some things at a good price. Please thank you grandson for me for his service to our Country...Happy Saturday...
Hi Donna, I had a lot to catch up on with birthdays of Samantha and your SIL, of Larry’s health and Larry’s dad and your sister (so sorry she cut you off in her life!). The quilt for your grandson is beautiful and I’m sure you’re rejoicing in getting it finished!
Have a happy and blessed weekend and happy March ♥️
I'm sorry about Larry's Dad. It's hard and you can only do so much if he isn't willing to push himself. :(
Love, love, love the quilt! It will be a treasured keepsake!
Great quilt. Love the colors and I'm sure the grandson will be thrilled with it. With my younger grandkids, I make a baby quilt for when they're born and then I make a single-bed-sized quilt when they turn two. I don't have the space or the wherewithal to make a larger quilt so good for you.
Sorry about your husband's father. Hopefully he'll recover ok.
I love, love, love that quilt. You know, the quilt may not have every stitch perfect but it's more real that way. We certainly aren't perfect either. The love that was put into it and the precious label is what makes it so special. Well done.
Our Joanne's s closing too. So sad.
I'm so sorry things are so difficult with your Father in Law. I hope he will finally realize he needs to push himself a bit. It hurts to see family declining and being faced with decisions for their welfare.
Here's hoping your week will improve and you will get some hug time with sweet Sloane.
Very impressive and beautiful quilt. That lots of work and I'm sure it will be treasured for many years. Well done, Donna and have a great month of March.
the quilt is amazing, I can barely put a fallen hem back in by hand.. its really beautiful and I like the color and fabric too... I think he will be honored to have the First Quilt. prayers for you father in law
That quilt is just beautiful and I like the label too.
Sending my good wishes.
May you have a good weekend and a good new month too.
All the best Jan
Such a beautiful sewing machine in your first photo! Your quilt is amazing and lovely! You did such a wonderful work! How good that you made the quilt label so that it will always be a reminder of who made such a lovely piece! Prayers for Larry's dad, hoping he will recover and get stronger.
Oh the quilt is beautiful and how personal. Your grandson will treasure it. I made quilts for all the grandchildren, but just wasn't able to do it for the greats. Gave my sewing machine to a adult granson who loves to sew. He made me an apron for Christmas.
Sorry about Larry's dad. So sad when they not only give up doing for themselves what they can, but are not pleasant about it. Sorry your JoAnn's is closing. I bet a lot of people are! Glad you were able to get some supplies before the closing.
Have a Happy and production March. I have plans....we'll see how they go.
Your quilt is lovely, I like it and you have done well, congratulations.
Sad to read the fabric shop is closing, what a nuisance.
Larry's Dad, oh dear, things don't look too good there if he won't help himself.
Take care, happy sewing.
Your quilt looks fabulous and it will be a treasured gift for William. It is sad that Joann's is closing. Back in the day there used to be several fabric shops and they are all long gone.
That's too bad about Larry's dad. I hope he improves soon so that he can go home like he wants to.
Well done on finishing William's quilt, it's absolutely gorgeous!
I'm sorry to read that store is closing, it's always a sad thing when this happens, and even sadder as it's a sign of the times.
It's too bad that Larry's Dad seems to be unwilling to cooperate. That said, having a UTI is quite horrible.
Sending love xxx
What a wonderful job you did on your quilt. It is perfect. I could NEVER do as good a job as you did. My paternal gramma gave each of us grands a quilt. I still have mine. Every time I went into Joanns...which was monthly, there were fewer than 6 cars in the parking lot. Hobby Lobby always had their parking lot full. I also had 2 local quilt shops that I loved going to, but they closed as well. Now the closest quilt shop for me is 45 min away. Just glad I have a large stash of fabric that I can use up for my pillows that I make. It will be enough for now. Janice
Your quilt is wonderful. You did an excellent job on it, and I love the little message that you wrote. The colors are so pretty, and it's something your grandson can keep always. That's too bad about Jo-Ann closing. I went in that store for many years, and liked to browse. I'm sure that he just wants to be home, he may be very lonely. Maybe there would be a shift in his health if he was able to go home. I hope this situation gets better for all of you. I know how hard this must be. Me and my siblings were caretakers for my mom and dad when they got sick. As always, I love the first pictures that you share. This one with the sewing machine and the coffee and pink roses is so quaint.
Wishing you blessed March days, Donna.
The quilt you made William is amazing Donna, really beautiful and I loved the colors and the message sewn into it. He’s going to love it! Sorry to read about Larry’s dad. Sounds a real tough situation. I always enjoy the pictures you share. Wishing you a great week!
Wow Donna your quilt is absolutely gorgeous. I adore that blue fabric. Am sorry to read that Jo Ann Fabrics is closing. Many moons ago I went there to buy material. Have pretty much left my sewing days behind. Hobby Lobby still sells fabric. Or at least they did when I was last there. Will pray for your father-in-law. Certainly would be nice for him if he could return to his own home. Well take care - Hugs!
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