Good morning, friends...
Well, Spring has sprung, and we are able to get outside a little more, these days. 60's and 70's. It feels good to see some I got dressed and went to the grocery. There, I found large bags of over ripe tomatoes! I just grabbed one bag in case someone else wanted to freeze them, as well...there were only two left. I never forget to check the sales bins.
I had already put half the bag through the processor. I just cut out the tiny bad spots, if any, and crushed them then bagged it up and froze them.
Then, we went to lunch...Larry said, "How about Bubba's"? Lolol....omg...never again but, I said okay.
We were seated in the bar area...on those tall tables...with tall chairs...Lolol...what a joke.... Don't get me wrong. I can climb a mountain with the best of 'em butt...pun intended...besides not being able to hear each other talk, there were two guys, youngish, drinking already as it wasn't quite noon yet...and a workday. Neither am I a prude but come on...I wanted to leave but Larry said to just stay long enough to try the burgers. Okay... They were pretty good but at almost $12.00 dollars each...single patty, just the burgers...I think I would have passed, and left earlier...We don't mind spending the money for good food...but, not for good food...loud ambiance and leering drunks before noon... It isn't my cup of tea. Larry and I just laughed at the $33-dollar final bill with tip...which wasn't high, really...and rolled on down the road...never to return. We are now officially considered old...and absolutely hate loud and screeching music...
We had a tree man come to take out two trees (Insurance company said if we didn't take out those particular trees, they'd cancel service!) I'm so angry over it but we had no choice! Insurance companies these days are getting pushy!
But in reality, I won't miss this Red Oak. It dropped giant leaves at the drop of a hat!! I'll miss the shade, but it could have caused serious damage if high winds had grabbed it. It was already hanging branches over the patio and house, allowing ants to dance their merry way onto the roof. The other one was a pecan...that one got to me! It was shading not only the house but, Miss Kitty's grave.
Next, on my list of this ribbon quilting pattern. It's a big one and I totally cut it wrong, to begin with! I'll need to go back to the proverbial drawing board and decide on a different size. I mean, as it is, one block is huge! I need to pay better attention! It can get to be hair pulling time!!
Food Court
Air fryer Chicken
Air fryer hotdogs on Keto buns...
Two sandwiches from a country store...BLT and Pulled pork that was too sweet!
And finally, Lime & Condensed milk dessert called...Lime Cracker Pie...and it's delicious!
And finally, what's a post without our greatgran, Sloane and our daughter, Crystal... (Sloane's Lolli )
The year was 1978...we were visiting our friends in San Antonio...I made that Afghan for Beverly. It was my very first. I'm the one (R) listening intently to the boy- husbands conversation across the room. It's early in the morning after a New Years Eve party.
Well...I guess I'll let you get busy with your day...I need to get in there and get started on a new quilting block...
Enjoy your week, stay until next time...
I would have turned around the minute I stepped in Bubbas, I can tell by the photos I would be very unhappy there. I did not like it even when I was younger. loud noise and people shouting while I try to eat plus the music.. Sloan is just too precious for words.. what a smile.. the tomatoes brought back memories of mother canning tomatoes, daddy grew them, she canned them, but she did not have a blinder. that looks like an easy way to freeze them..
Wade and I used to go to a local bar for breakfast on the weekends. We were in there one morning and a couple guys who had been out partying all night were standing right behind us shouting to each other. Hello, there are only 6 people in the bar at 8am there is no need for this. Wade could tell how annoyed I was and asked the guys to move it
Wow! What a interesting fully packed post. I agree I don't appreciate eating in a place that is too loud for conversation. I'm also a penny pincher and if the food isn't amazing I sit there and figure out how much better and cheaper I could have made it at home. Your granddaughter is adorable, but you already know that, LOL.
I don't like loud places with people drinking before noon either! :)
Your food looks so good - better that what you got at Bubba's!
Can you share how you make chicken in the air fryer?
Sloane is cute as can be!
The first image is fab, but the restaurant wasn't.
Ugh...I so understand about "Bubba's"--I refuse to go into a place like that. ANYWAYS, we have been on SECO (our electric company) wait list for 3 years to get a tree off of our powerline. Every time it storms and or the hurricane season, we keep praying...because if it falls, it falls on the house. AND if we were to get a private company it would cost $10,000 to remove that tree, yep. All your food looks really good, by the way. Wishing you a lovely day.
I loved the pee pad. That's funny. As for loud places, even as a kid and still today, I don't enjoy the loud and when I go to the movie house, I wear headphones to make it less loud. Sorry the burger joint wasn't a return spot but hey, they won't all be winners, eh? Some places we just never go back to. Been there!
We walked in a restaurant a while ago and turned right around because it was so loud! We never would have heard each other the whole time! Love all your pics, especially sweet Sloane! I was at an estate sale yesterday that you would have loved! The woman was a quilter and there was rooms and rooms of quilting supplies, fabric, machines, all sorts of block kits and anything a quilter would possibly need! XO
If it is too loud who wants to go there, not me. I would have left. Your quilting project looks like a puzzle, have fun! Sloane is ever so pretty!
I will take one of those hotdogs and the chicken plate please....yum!! I find it very frustrating to go in to places like what you described Bubba's to be. AND...I refuse to sit in the bar area. So sorry that your meal out was so chaotic. I prefer a nice quiet place where we can hear each others voice and carry on a conversation. That Sloane is the cutest. Her little outfit reminds me of my great granddaughter...something she would definitely wear. We had the same thing happen with two oak trees in our back yard. Huge price to have them cut down, but if insurance requires it, what choice to you have. More and more we are being told what we must do on our own property...sad...Love all your PINK.... Have a fabulous Sunday.
Oh my, Bubba's definitely wouldn't have been my cup of tea either.
What a shame about the ribbon quilt, I am feeling your pain, Donna.
Your jokes made me laugh, so thank you for that. And now I'm seriously craving some of that Lime Cracker Pie! xxx
I'm in agreement with you about Bubba's. Too loud, no thanks. Since I got my hearing aids everything is way too noisy. I hate when I can hear other peoples conversations better than the people I am with.
Oh that dear sweetheart Sloane. She just keeps getting cuter all the time.
Hope you can get that quilt figured out. Wish I had the patience for doing that kind of project. Good Luck..
Bubbas sounds like a restaurant here on the lake by us. Loud with a young crowd and the food just par and expensive. Guess every town has one. Love the meme's. Sloane is a cutie. Good luck with the quilt. Janice
It is very difficult to find a quite place to eat nowadays without tv, loud music and loud talking people. We are going less to eat outside and eliminate a lot of places.
When I visit your blog I am always hungry!😋 beautiful picture of Sloane.
I am with you on Bubba's - it certainly would not be my kind of place. Sloane looks adorable as always. Your quilt is beautiful. It looks like you are staying very busy. Hope you have a great week. Hugs!
I don't think Bubbas would be my kind of eating place of choice either. I like to hear the person I'm having my meal with and as for those guys !!
Sloane- cute as a button as always . Such sweet pics.
Hope you have a good week with your quilting project.
Sloane and her Ma are so very sweet! They are the highlight - as usual :) of this rich post :*:*:*:*:
Many greetings to you and a lot of best wishes for you and your wonderful family from Dori from the Bavarian Forest
Sloane und ihre Mama sind so süß! Sie sind – wie immer :) – das Highlight dieses tollen Posts :*:*:*:*:
Viele Grüße und alles Gute für dich und deine wundervolle Familie 🌹🌸🌿 von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald
OH, that Lime Cracker Pie looks so good!!
Too bad you had to have those trees cut down but it seems it was necessary.
It seems you are enjoying lovely Spring weather 💗
That's too bad you didn't get it right on the quilting project. It looks complicated. I love that last pic of the Singer sewing machine. My mom made all my clothes growing up, costumes, and all. I really miss her. Oh my gosh, all the food looks amazing. Those mashed potatoes look so creamy. And that Lime Cracker Pie! Little Sloane looks darling in her Disney dress. Mia just went to Disney this last weekend. Her and Nel had a fun time on the Tea Cups. That's a cute picture of Crystal too. And those old pictures are such treasures. It's fun to see what we looked like back in the day. Your first afghan is beautiful.
Happy Spring Donna!
Your greatgran is so precious. Hope you will have a beautiful spring.
I don't care for noisy restaurants either, Donna. It sounds as though you had an exciting lunch that day at Bubba's.
I love the colors in your new quilt project! SO pretty together!
The picture of Sloane in front of the fireplace...oh my goodness! I had to show it to my husband.
Your food looks always.
Hope you have a wonderful week! xx
I don't think I would have liked Bubba's either, we have one like that called Willie's. We went once and have never been back. Sloane is growing so fast, she is precious♥
No, I'm not keen on loud places for eating out ...
Your food pictures look good and sweet photographs of Sloane.
Hope your week is going well.
All the best Jan
Loud places, been there, done that. I think the name of the place says it all. Peace and an enjoyable meal sounds good to me these days. Sloane photo is beautiful . Good luck on your new project and have a wonderful week.
Hi Donna. Bubba's would not be a place I would enjoy eating. I'm short and so tall stools are uncomfortable to me, and I like to be able to hear the conversation I'm having with the people I am with. The food in your posts always look so good and make me hungry. I love the pictures of Sloane in her Disney princess dress. Enjoy the end of the week!
Uma publicação longa, mas com interessantes partilhas.
Abraço de aizade.
Juvenal Nunes
I hate going out to eat where the music is jacked up, and it seems a lot of food spots that have a bar attached are doing exactly that these days.
I’m with you on body restaurants. Donna! You’ve provided us with some cute humor this week. Of course your Sloane and Samantha are always so adorable. Your baby quilt from the previous post is so, so pretty! You’ve been busy! Good luck on that ribbon cutting quilt and happy weekend blessings 💐
I love your images at the beginning of your post. The cat and the roses are exquisite. Glad you have some nice weather. Ours is 80 degrees today, but lots of rain coming in next week so making the most of the weekend. Enjoyed reading and looking at all the great photos. The pictures of Sloan with your daughter, and the one of you in the 70s are great. Laughed out loud at the funnies, thank you. Sorry about those trees, always hard to see them go. Another great post and always a fun read. Thanks Donna and have a great day.
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