Dancing With God
When I meditated on the word Guidance,
I kept seeing 'dance' at the end of the word.
I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing.
When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.
The movement doesn't flow with the music,
and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.
When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead,
both bodies begin to flow with the music.
One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back
or by pressing Lightly in one direction or another.
It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully.
The dance takes surrender, willingness,
and attentiveness from one person
and gentle guidance and skill from the other.
Isn't that pretty? I got this in an email this morning....makes a lot of sense. Dancing with God...I like that......alot.
Well, I was Perfectly Lazy this weekend! It was quiet. Of course, Lord of the Ring was on...all three of them...Hahaha....geez. Hope you all had a happy weekend!!
That is beautiful.
That's beautiful.
I love lazy weekends!
Amanda xx
Beautiful. I had a lazy weekend as well. *HUGS*
So lovely Miz Donna.
Somehow, I can't picture you doing nuffin. I betcha did sumpin. :-)
Very, very nice. Thanks for sharing. I ain't doing nuffin much today; Hunter is asleep and I wanna wake her up!! :)
Jenn- Isn't it?!! Happy day sweetie!hughugs
Amanda- The lasier, the better!hahaa...hughugs
Dawn- Good! Gives your back time to heal! Happy day sugar!hughugs
Brenda- Can't think of a darn thing I did besides go to Sam's Club...That's pretty well It!!hahaha..Hope you rested as well!hughugs
Sally-Hahahaaa....Go wake her Up!! Hahaha...Tempting sugars!! Happy day sweetie!!hughugs
That was truly beautiful. Thanks for sharing it.
CJ xx
Crystal- Hope all is good in your world sweetie!hughugs
Great analogy!
gOOD oN You Donna...doing "nuffin" is something we should all take time out to do!
I certainly would happily do it at the moment!!
Loved that whole analogy of Guidance....
The hardest lesson to learn is to be guided and not always leading,
I think it's a Woman thing...But put the way you didi it's quite uplifting!!
Donna- I thought it was pretty! Happy night sugar!hughugs
Cupcake- I like doing nuffin...lots...if I can get by with it!hahaha....happy day sweetie!hughugs
Those are beautiful words indeed!
Glad that you had a lazy weekend ~ mine was quite lazy too!!
love and hugs XXXXX
Tabitha- Glad you rested! I could do with a 5 day weekend, myself!hahaha...night sugar!hughugs
I've never read that before. I love it. Thanks Donna.
Donna, I loved this. So good. xoxo Nita
What a beautiful post. Lovely Donna
That's beautiful, I love it!
I loved it too, Donna!
Eve- You're welcome sweetie! Happy night!hughugs
Nita- Glad you liked it!! Hope you're smiling tonight!!hughugs
Sandi- Wasn't it pretty?!! It just feels good...happy night sweetie!!hughugs
Donna- It is, isn't it. Hope you're having a wonderful evening with your Sweetie!!hughugs
Junie- Good!! And I Also hope you're being a good little girl?!! Get some rest!! Many hugs to you!!hughughughugs
Great post Donna. I love this idea and don't you just love lazy weekends? Soemtimes you just need them.
I love this and I used it for a meeting at my church recently....Hugs...m.
I am here just to say I'm back again. My friend who visited me, went home today. Now she is on her way home, and I can visit my blogfriends again. I have been busy for almost a week.
I ahall go to a meeting tonight, so I soon need to go.
I'll be back later.
Joan- Isn't it?!! Hope you're having a wonderful day Girl!!hughugs
Mary- Good for you! It Is pretty!hughugs
Lille- Hope you had a wonderful visit with your friend, sweetie!!hughugs
That really is so beautiful Donna!!
Hugshugs Rosie x
Rosie- Isn't it pretty?!!! Hope you're feeling much better these days sweetie!!hughugs
Miss Donna-I LOVE it! Dancing with God! Yeah! I think there is song about 'if I would not have met you I would have not enjoyed the dance' so I think everyday is a dance and we play the music! Isn't life wonderful?
Hi Ellani! Glad to see you're blogging!! Life is grand, isn't it...Happy night sweetie!hughugs
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