Thought I'd better check in before you think I ran off to somewhere exotic....Hahahaa....right. It's been one heck of a week! SIL said last week.."Quit being computer phobic!"....LOL...Well, I Am that! But, I suppose, if you make a mistake it can be fixed and you move on. I must say, QuickBooks isn't my favorite program but I'm learning it's wicked ways. The report section is Not wonderful and especially in payroll it looks like I'll have to create the ones I need in Excel...Ugggg. Never heard of a program that Didn't give you Balances!!!...or at least the ones I Need!! Oh well, enough of the tirade...Hope you all are being Good!! I'm hearing reports about some of you! Seems Donna (Tn) is holding Marty hostage...Brenda is thinking of running for Mayor...Dawn has run off with the computer man...Sally, it seems, is the Only one of you that's behaving! Joan won't let Gord out of the house...Geez! The list is growing!!Hahaa...Jules has gone Native? Dancing around the volcano?? Hahaaa......Gads! I'll soon be back to end your wicked ways!! Happy day or night Guys!!
Just checking in to see how you're doing. Sounds like things are crazy!
Donna- Yes they Are!!haha...But they seem to be getting a little easier...today at least!hughugs
Donna, if you can't get the problem corrected, there's no hope for it! But I'm pulling for you! Hugs
Sandi- Hahahaa....Thanks!! Happy day sweetie!hughugs
Goody two shoes, that's me. :)
Sally- And That's a Fact!!Hahaa...Love you sweetie!!hughugs
Why is the widget thingo saying I am in Brunswick??
I am most certainly not in that very busy inner city suburb!! lol!!!
Anyhoo,glad to see you are still around and informed...
Hope you have a great day!
I'm not in Luton either, even though it says I am. I'm about an hour away from there.
Donna I'm going to have to go and check up on all these people and their goings on that you're talking about.
'Bout time you brought your hinny back dammit. I been a'missin you!
Won't Quick Books let you format your reports? I use Peachtree and it will. I do use Quicken for paying our personal bills and it will even let me format reports, ect.
Marty isn't being held hostage! He runs the show here at the cottage! Geesh, got to watch him every minute or else he cleans out the liquor in the pantry. Hahaha!!!!!!!
Party on, girlfriend. Glad you came up for a little air.
Cupcake-Hahaaaa...It also says I'm in Houston...then Austin...I don't know Why it's acting up! Probably time to get rid of it...Happy night sweetie!hughugs
Dabrah-Hahaaa...They've All mutinied(sp)...too pooped to look it up.....You've Got to keep an eye on all of them!! Hope you've been good! Coming over to check up on 'ya tonight!! Happy sleep love!!hughugs
Brenda-...my hine end is Dragging!!hahaa...And compared to Peachtree? This program is Awful!! At Least till I learn all of it...SIL said we'd probably have to export info to Excel to get the reports we need...gads...if I pay 20 vendors, I SURE don't want to have to come back and add them all up by hand...Hope You're feeling better??? Better be!!! Love 'ya!hughugs
Donna- Turned into a boozer huh??? He's lonely....he needs treatments....Hahahaa...Happy night sweetie!!hughugs
Was wondering where you were - take it easy girl don't wear yourself out, but i guess after a day at work on the computer who wants to do more computer at home.
I'm off to Brisbane tomorrow - eldest daughter's semi-formal!!! Will be posting but won't be able to visit. take care and try to be horizontal!!!
Will check in when I get back.
Jules- Have fun at the Semi-formal! They grow up So Fast!! Be safe Girl!hughugs
I thought Quicken was famous for their reports, but I guess not the one's you need. Starting a new system is always a challenge.
Hope you get it going soon!
Hi Donna,
Hope you are not working yourself too hard. I think everyone's been busy lately. Hope you tackle this quickbook thing fast and are back in action.
Joan- At THIS point, I wish it Were Quicken...it's QuickBooks and it stinks as far as reports go...I'm having a mental meltdown!hahaaa...Happy day sweetie!!hughugs
Joan(ohio)- Hi Girl...I've noticed that to! Busy time of year for everyone...all the garbage with the economy and election...gads...happy day sweetie!hughugs
I understand this must be difficult. I am glad it isn't me...
But, try to get some rest sometimes.
Tahnk you for your sweet comments to me. My orchid hasn't stood very long, just a few months....
But I am glad it's still blooming.
Have a nice day!
Donna! Glad to see you back, if only for a quick update. Never used QuickBooks myself, but hear it's not too "friendly"! Sorry!
Haven't been around much myself. Enjoying autumn, doing small projects, but will get back to posting more regularly very soon.
Happy Tuesday!
Nita Jo
Lille- You Welcome sweetie!! I'll be posting the picture of my Prize tonight!! Come back and see!! THANK YOU AGAIN!!!hughugs
NitaJo- I Know!! Have missed you! I'm SO ready to throw QB's out the window!!! Happy night sweetie!!hughugs
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