This is Elf Yourself! Fun! (If you want to watch mine, go to the bottom of my blog and shut off my music box) There's Crystal, old Me, Fabio, Young Me, and William! Do you see Fabio??Hahaaa...My Man!! So, as you can tell...LOL....I'm not Too busy today. Ran reports this morning, made Hubby and myself a cheese burger for lunch and watching the Auto Bailout hearings...with One ear while we work. Hope you've all had a Great Thursday already. I am Also trying to plan the Christmas menu...hummmmm....Have You got a big menu planned?? So on that note, I'll get on with the chores of the day. Have a wonderful and loving day!!
PS- I also changed up some tunes in my music box! Added two Bob Hope shows and some other oldie tunes!