Remember that song? Oh Sure you do! You know, the one that goes..."99 barrels of Christmas on the wall...." WHAT?? Christmas? Did I say Christmas? Well, YES I DID!
Hahaaa....99 More Days People!! I'm a Lover of Christmas;bet you didn't know that...And I love everything that Christmas entails! But, things are tighter around here this year (my own budget, my own choice) and I need to buy Another tree again! Remember I bought a new one last year??
Hahaa...Well, It got given to charity...You had to place EACH BRANCH individually on the tree...NO THANK YOU!!! So the hunt will begin Again...soon.
Well, guess I'll go hunt down a cuppa coffee from the break room...You have a Wonderful day...Thursday already?? Wow...times a passing...
99 days - YIKES! I love Christmas too, but I'm a procrastinator so it always sneaks up on me no matter how hard I try.
We need a new tree, too. I really want a prelit one...do they even make any that aren't anymore?
Wow, this year is flying by! Just found your site, nice. I think I'll freshen up my coffee too!
uh uh NO!!
The next thing we know you'll be talking about FUDGE!! :)
It's darn scary how fast this year has gone! I love Christmas too and love buying decorations. The bad part is I have way more than I can put up but yet, I can't resist!
Darn. I wish I lived closer. I have an extra tree that I no longer use.
Good luck on your search. And, thank for letting us know how many more days to Christmas.
God bless.
Jeanne- I Try to get an early start on things...Sometimes it Works out!hahaa..hughugs
Jenn- They are getting hard to find! That's what I bought last year! Yuck! Read the box Closely!!hughugs
Urban Cowboy- Thanks for stopping in! Hope your coffee was fresh! Mine Wasn't!haha...hughugs
SallyGirl-Hahahaaaa...OhMyWord Yes Girlie!! FUDGE IS CHRISTMAS!!!hughugs
Jeanette-Hahaa...Put 'em All out! Don't be shy!!hughugs
Lynn- Dagnabit! Oh Well! I'll find one! And you're welcome!hughugs
OMGosh I've got to get busy busy busy. I vowed that this year i would be making most of my gifts and not spending the cash.
99 days? Oh thank goodness! I still have a little time for scheming. :-)
I'm gonna budget too and I mean it!
ummmm... gee thanks. i coulda gone the rest of the year--- well ok-- til christmas morning-- without THAT - happy reminder.
so. the countdown begins? gareaaaT.
i am the scrooge of blogland you know?
there was a time that i absolutely loved christmas--- but that feeling left me -- a very long time ago. hmmm.
why am i posting in YOUR box? i do not know.
but thank you-- just enough time to begin the layaway game.
it's almost the weekend !!!!
have a happy one !!!!
Digging through my files...trying to find Angel Man.....
Gracious, do I have to start dragging the decorations out AGAIN! LOL! It is hard to find the perfect tree, I hear ya there!
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