Saturday, August 28, 2010

I Blame HIM!!

I DO blame this guy...Jobs! What a jerk!Hahaaa....Oh Yes he is! HE got me again! AND...Hubby was in on it as Well! IPad! "You've GOT to have one!" Well I Fought it...I DID!LOLOL...Tooth and Nail, I fought it. But he lured me in with all those neat features...BOOKS! PHOTOS! GAMES...Bigger, Better, Faster uploads. And it is fast on the uploads! Wowser! Watch movies, TV a book in color and the pages flip like a Real book...wonderful. I Blame HIM!! Pushing me! Inciting me! Ohhh, the pressure!LOLOL.....I feel faint...must have coffee. Go enjoy yourselves today and think of me, here in the dark pits of IPadism....

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


This August has:

5 Sundays,
5 Mondays,
5 Tuesdays,

All in one month. It happens once in 823 years. I probably will miss it next time...Hopefully!Hahaaa....More email trivia to entertain you with!
Hope you're having a Wonderful Tuesday. Everything is calmer and quieter here, thank goodness! Hubby and I are planning a little getaway for October and am SO looking forward to it. It's just time.
Guess I'll go find some coffee somewhere...Y'all have a great evening!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bare With Me...

Now I remember why I really DO NOT care for the month of August...Vacations. Everyone takes off for their vacations here at work....and it's HOT. I mean Really hot! 111degrees in the shade, hot. Hubby and I worked 12hrs yesterday. Crystal comes in around 7am and stays 'til 3pm. Our office manager, Ken, thought he needed a vacation to Colorado...four wheeling, wind blowing in his know the MO! So, I have to take his spot on the front AND close shop with Hubby in the evenings. We went to bed at 7:30 last night...the phone rang at 8:30, and then AGAIN at 9:30pm. I just sat there, in the bed, staring at the wall. I know You know the after tossing and turning, I Finally went to sleep at 1am....The alarm went off at we go again. Now I'm sitting here staring at Julia Oh well, tomorrow's FRIDAY and Ken is suppose to be back on Monday. I've been a BAD blogger buddy and not visited much...I'm Sorry! Have Mercy on meh! Hubby and I NEED a Vacation...Badly! I told him the Alien Museum in Roswell, New Mexico was calling my name...Sedona...Grand Canyon...Hopi Indian Reservation and Las Vegas are Also on the list! I want some wind in My hair...Happy day y'all!

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Brenda Photo Challenge - Dirt

MEN!!! This is the office manager's "space"...EUWWWWW!!!
Dirty Boot Rake outside the shop's back door...
Well, as Usual, I wait until late to get my BPC post ready and it all goes to pot! Our internet won't come up at photos are THERE!! So, I'm stuck doing a post here Just In Case I can't figure out what's wrong at home! If I don't visit Your site, don't worry! As Soon as I get on the internet again, I'll be there! Until then, Have a Great weekend! Thanks for playing along! Can't wait to see Your photos!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Inspector and I.....

It's been busy here at work for a While now...that's a Good thing! I have been missing in action on my blog though...That's a bad thing! Sorry! Lately, it's been either feast or famine with blog ideas. I DO know One thing I need to mention though...This Saturday is the Brenda Photo Challenge! DIRT photos need to be up by Saturday morning. Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

We will have to start Inventory here on the 23rd of August....Euwwwwww!!Hahaa....YUCK! No Fun. As much as I can't stand doing laundry, I'd Rather do that!

Well, guess I'll finish up my work. I ordered, The Inspector Lynley Mysteries...#'s 4, 5 and 6 in the series. I LOVE it! Have already seen 1, 2 and 3. If you haven't seen any of these, and you like PBS and mysteries, you need to. I had to order these last night when I realised I was at the end of had a Shocking ending...and I didn't have the Next in the series to find out what happens!!Hahaaa.... Don't you just hate that? Well, I'm set now. They arrived this afternoon.

Y'all have a great evening! I'll be knee deep in English village murders....Lolol

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Comment Section....

Let me set the stage: I was reading my Blog Buddy, Jennifer's Blog this morning. The hair stood up on my arms and Hubby ran, Screaming from the room....sudden like! I started typing my turned into a flippin post so here it is on My blog...Hahahaaa... KNOW this is why I come here....LOL.....

I think #One, you would run screaming from Any store you were in, if you were with Me!!Hahaaa...I Know why I'm there and SO SHOULD the store employees...I'm there so THEY can keep THEIR Job! If I turn down an aisle and it's loaded with stockers and carts, I give them....the "look"...The "look" consist of my right eye, undulating, with slow rhythmic...twitches. The laughing stops and the sea of carts open...Wide.

You DO NOT tell me, "It's over There," without even looking up from what you're doing...

You DO NOT continue talking to another store employee about Jane's bladder operation while I'm standing there, TRYING to get a question answered...

You DO NOT ask me for my phone number BEFORE you've rang up any of my purchases because you think I want ALL those useless advertising mailers sent to my home so I can throw them away! It's Your trash....YOU keep it!

You DO NOT "fondle" my purchases with abandoned glee, exclaiming Loudly..." Oh Honey, This'll do the job!"....while waving said product, around for All to see and not taking note of, an Extremely embarrassed customer in front of you, at the check out! You might get more than you bargained for...

If I drop it, I pick it Up!! If I see YOU drop it AND you walk away? I pick it up and chase YOU down so YOU can do what YOU Should have to begin with! Pick It UP and Put IT BACK!! My line? "I believe you dropped this..." Exiting scene with a smile...

Am I a horse's butt? No... I just believe in doing the right thing...and I expect others to do the same. It's called, "Stepping Up."

Well now that I'm feeling, normal.... again, I guess I'll go try to find Hubby. I hear power tool sounds coming from the woodshed....

Thanks Jennifer for the...fodder! Y'all have a great Sunday....Shopping Later?Hahaa

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Does It Breed, Or WHAT?

I'm SO Flippin' sick of laundry! It BREEDS! If it's not our personal laundry, it's this...Uniforms. We had to let a plumber go several months ago. He had been injured and was out of work for almost six months. He quit really...and then moved so he's gone...but Not without leaving ME a present...laundry. He's the one that would Constantly say he needed new shirts. I can't EVEN tell you how many are in these TWO duffle bags!! I Truly believed he would wear them and instead of getting his wife to WASH them, he just applied for more...There's also NEW ones in there that have NEVER BEEN WORN!! I'd keep asking him how many he already had and where WERE they (I DO keep an order list) but he'd blow me off! I'll bet there's enough in these bags for three plumbers to be outfitted! Geez.....You'd be surprised to know how many women do NOT know the first thing about washing uniforms or how to get stains out! SO...I'm just sitting here shaking my head and feeling grateful I'm not having to Also, wash their da** underwear.... This is a Double Chocolate Latte OVER French Vanilla ice cream day... Y'all have a ....Clean day!
Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.