Ok, here's the deal...I'm buying your Tempur Pedic, "Oh Thank You mam!"
(I wanted a glass of Champagne but none was forthcoming)
BUT! I need you to
hold it until I call you for delivery...
"Oh Yes Mam! We do that Mam, in fact we can hold things until 2049!"
(I raise my eyebrows at this bit of information but keep my mouth shut...)
Paper work done, copies handed to me...leave store with two freebie Coconut smelling pillows.
(GADS......Hahahaaa......yes, I said coconut)
That was Tuesday.
Thursday, I see a Mattress Firm truck pull up at my house at 4:20pm.
Luckily, I was home.
I had gotten no phone call....
Out to the truck I go.
"Why are y'all here?" I ask.
"'Ta deliber yo' matres lady...."
Hair pulling time...I AM NOT READY for them. Far from it! If I had refused delivery, they go Back to the warehouse...in Louisville, Texas! God only knows the vile acts I would have to perform to get them back from the bottomless pit of Warehouses, so...in the house they come. Ready or NOT! The movers will be here Monday to remove all my old furniture that is going to Crystal's house. They will just have to work around them...and SO WILL I!!!
The delivery man (punk) gave me a Mattress Firm
"How did we Do" card....
I guess you now know, The Rest Of The Story....
Hope you have a great weekend Guys...Going for a nice glass of iced tea....and Excedrin.