Wednesday, December 14, 2016

December 14th...A Boy and a Tree

This was taken Thanksgiving evening.  That's our grandson, William.  He's about 6 ft., 1 or 2 inches himself but needed the ladder for the tree topper.  This is an every year tradition...after the Thanksgiving meal, Larry brings in the tree and our daughter and grandkids get busy.  Oh yes, I help as well. 
"A little to the left"
"That looks better"
"How about using the red one"
"You're doing a great job"
"Awww, my babies!  It's beautiful!  Thank you!"

Yep...every year.  I tried to call it off one year and caused such a firestorm that I quickly reconsidered!Hahaaa.  
Well. guess I'll go heat up lunch.
Have a super Wednesday!