Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Nutrition = Enchiladas?

Good morning, friends.  Hope you are doing sickness or troubles.  I know that may not be the case but know that God's Got This, and there's nothing He can't handle. 
 This is the way Ruth Ann, Laura and I, need to look at things.  Ruth Ann and I had another little argument yesterday...The insurance is giving her the run-around about going into a rehab for strength building and nutrition...I told her enchiladas didn't qualify as a nutritious meal...I think that started her when I asked her if she'd been using her treadmill for strength building in her legs, she blew up.  Yes, I'm a nurse...but no, I've never worked in phycology and very little in geriatrics.  I was in OB/GYN for years. I don't want her to get upset but then again, maybe a little "charge" once in a while might help motivate her?  I don't know...If any of you have any ideas, they'd be much appreciated.  I also know that it's hard to give advice when you're not in a situation so don't worry about it...we'll get things worked out.

Ruth Ann in younger days...helping now ex hubby work on his Porche.

This is how Laura, Ruth Ann and me, feel these

I made time to bake some banana bread.  Turned out really good...served hot with butter.


Sam took our Sloane to her cousin's One Year birthday party the other day...Lolol...Sloane is at that "aware and reactive" stage.  Arlis (baby cousin) tried pinching she reacted by trying to grab his arm, rather aggressively, letting him know she wasn't putting up with any rough play. Lol...good girl!

Lordy, she has us wrapped around her little finger.

I was cleaning out my closet over the weekend when I came across my mother's, now vintage Squash Blossom jewelry.  A choker, necklace...rings.  She passed away in ''d think I'd have already stowed things away...  All are now safely put away into our floor safe.  

This is my grandfather...(mom's Dad)  He was 1/2 Cherokee Indian.  As a little girl, I remember him and my great grandmother coming for a visit.  Full blooded Cherokee...beautiful black braids and some of the native dress on.  Funny how a five year old can remember these things... 

Here's a good rice pudding recipe, if you are so inclined...

And our lovely Samantha and hubby, Everett.  Excellent parents of our SloaneyGirl.  
Hope you enjoy a beautiful day...until next time...


Barwitzki said...

Thank you for the beautiful photos... it puts you in a good mood to see the small and large beauties... yes as we get older, I have to say lots of exercise, fresh air and good contacts, contacts that make you happy - positive ones :-)
Greetings to you. And have fun!

Hootin Anni said...

No wonder Sloane is a perfect doll!! She comes from good DNA.

I'd say enchiladas are health food....but what do I know. *wink

NanaDiana said...

Wonderful post, Donna. That Sloane is just adorable. It is really hard to motivate someone-almost impossible to do, really. They need the desire to begin with. Sometimes it works to set goals for know--a trip somewhere special when they get to a certain point of (walking/whatever). Good luck! Love the 3 old ladies picture! xo Diana

Jeanette said...

Very pretty jewelry from your mother. I have several things from my mom that I have in our safe, although I should wear them, really! XO

Mari said...

Of course she has you wrapped around her little finger. She's supposed too! Plus she is adorable.
I love the pictures and the Cherokee history in your bloodline.
I was a nurse in a skilled rehab facility for years, now work in a geriatrics office and can tell you that rehab can make a lot of difference. Of course, she has to be willing to work with them and that's not always easy.

Linda said...

Wait a minute, what? You mean to tell me enchiladas don't qualify as a nutritious meal? LOL---SORRY I had to laugh over this one, grin. Such lovely photos of your family and one last funny; where did you get that photo of me and those "seasoned" ladies? (Rolling laughter). Wishing you a beautiful day and I offer no advice on RuthAnn.

Lin said...

How often does your sister have a vistor? And can visitors ask her to walk with them? Maybe down the street or at a nearby park? I think it would be better if someone joined in with her exercise rather than just telling her that she "should." And for what it is worth....I hate a treadmill. Talk about BORING. Maybe bring her a healthy meal that is portioned out for a day or two???? You are such a good cook. I'm sure having a healthy meal already prepared is easier than finding a recipe and making your own??? Just ideas. I know you are doing a ton already...but it is worth a try.

Bill said...

I love enchiladas, haven't had them in a long time. The banana bread looks great and delicious. Nice photos and memories. Have a wonderful week.

Sandra Cox said...

You're a good sister. I'm sure Ruth Ann appreciates all you do even when she isn't showing it.

Linda said...

I hope your sister can get some motivation for rehab. One of the suggestions is for someone to walk with her...that's probably the best idea. I don't love treadmill (I do it just for exercise once in a while) but when I walk on one I usually watch a movie~~that might help.

Your food photos look so good. I feel like if I never had to cook again in my life it would be wonderful, so I'm impressed that you cook/bake so much.

I wish I could post images of my grandkids, but my daughter and sil don't want their pics on social media. I get it, but I miss being able to share.

Have a good week.
Linda B

Ann said...

I know for myself cooking healthy meals is the pits. I don't like cooking for one to begin with so I would probably go for an enchilada if I had one too. Same with exercise. I can't get myself to do that. An exercise buddy would help.
Sloane is such a little cutie.
Oh and that breakfast, I want some. That has to be my favorite meal of the day so long as someone else is cooking it.

dori said...

Very nice baby!! Your daughter is beautiful! The 3 old women are funny :)

Chatty Crone said...

You have a gorgeous family. The food you make looks awesome. Sorry you are having trouble with your sister - but in a way she has some strength if she is fighting. Love your mom's jewelry. Love your posts.

Margaret D said...

Lovely photos.
Your sister, you will both work it out eventually.
Rice pudding, recall my late mum used to make it occasionally and it's the only thing we ate rice in, how times have changed.
Amazing how you remember your great grandmother, guess she made a big impression as she was dressed differently.

Granny Annie said...

I think those three gals are what people would call ..."Rode hard and put up wet." Glad to have a rice pudding recipe. My first husband put sugar and milk on cooked rice and called it rice pudding.

DeniseinVA said...

I think you are doing as well as anyone can expect Donna. Ruth Ann knows in her heart that you only have her welfare at heart. Great photos and yummy food! That photo second one down made me chuckle, yes, that's how I'm feeling these days, lol! A great photo of your grandfather, and you certainly have splendid memories and a noble heritage. Sweet photos at the birthday party, adorable photo of Sloane with her cousin, and the on one her on mommy's hip. I remember those days so well :) That's a lovely photo of her parents too. Your mom had beautiful jewelry. Thank you for sharing all of these and happy Friday and a great weekend coming up.

Red Rose Alley said...

I am still laughing at that old lady and tattoos photo. I must pass that on to my girls haha. Sloane and cousin will be good buddies when they are older. Francesca and Mia fight over things sometimes, but they are the best of friends. Your banana bread looks Yummy, and Yes, warm with butter please. Ooooo, I like those rings, especially the emerald one, as that's my birthstone. Rice Pudding! One of my favorite treats. And a wonderful photo of Samantha and husband. I'm sorry you and Ruth Ann had words recently. I would just be patient with her, as she is going through the worst times. That is such a cute picture of her when she was younger.

Take care, Donna.


Catherine said...

Sloane is a beautiful little girl and her parents beautiful too !
I love the three ladies picture 😆 ! the necklaces are very nice.
I often bake banana bread it’s my favourite and Yesterday I made a rice pudding and ate some for breakfast this morning.
Thank you for your visit and your comment. I wish you a nice weekend.

Visits With Mary said...

Sloane is adorable, so sweet in her Mickey Mouse ears. The banana bread looks so good, I'm sure it was! I always enjoy a good breakfast with a hot cup of coffee. Your MoM's jewelry is beautiful, do you wear it? Hope you have a great weekend.

ashok said...

Wonderful post Donna..

Granny Marigold said...

I have never heard of Squash Blossom jewelry but after looking it up I've learned a thing or two. The pieces that were your mother's are so lovely.
On the subject of lovely...little Sloane! She is such a sweetie.
I have no suggestions as far as your sister is concerned but she's fortunate to have you caring for her well-being. Have a great weekend.

Debbie said...

Donna, your comment finally showed up on my post about the grandkids! The first one was in my email, but not on the blog, for some strange reason. Oh well.

Your granddaughter is adorable! And I have to say that you and your sister arguing just reminds me of my mom and my aunt. They are best friends, but argue about anything and everything and nothing :) Such is the life with sisters!

Have a beautiful weekend!

Sally said...

I thought I commented here. Well, anyway I'm back to see Sloane and the rice pudding.

Prayers for Ruth Ann. I can only imagine her feelings about going to rehab. Maybe she'll change her mind.

Love you and all.

Sandra Cox said...

The 'feel these days' pic is a hoot.

Lowcarb team member said...

Sloane is such a sweetie :)
Your banana bread looks delicious.

All the best Jan