Sunday, July 16, 2023

Strawberries, A Baby and Beer Tax?

Good morning, Friends!
We're just living life...I cleaned strawberries and froze them.  I can't stand how fast they ruin!  I remember, years ago, that most fruit kept well in the refrigerator for at least two weeks...or longer!  I never had fruit start deteriorating within three or so days!  But these past years, (2010 to present) approximately...I've either had to serve up all the fruit in my refrigerator or, freeze it!  Any of you older ladies remember this?  

Soaking the strawberries in a water and vinegar solution 3:1 ratio (water to vinegar) leaving them to soak for about ten minutes.  Removes insecticides and dirt then, rinse in cool water. 


Then I use my handy little chopper and freeze some and save some out for eating.  SO quick!  

If any of you are on Facebook, are there any of your "friends" that are constantly blabbing on about how awful their lives are or how bad people treat them?  And I mean constantly? I dumped several of my so called "friends" because I simply couldn't take it anymore.  Tired of all the negative post. 
I used to post on FB a lot but not much anymore.  I love my Blog and if I have anything more private to say, I say it here.  I really don't think you should post things like, "my husband is a real SOB because he won't let me go away for a weekend with so-n-so!"  Or, asking about tips for a better sex life...or the old "woe is me" crap, constantly! 
So, they are gone.  I also cleaned out my "friends" list on FB.  If they can't at least like or say something once a year to me then why do I keep them?  To me, they are just voyeurs...wanting to know what I'm doing but not wanting to interact.  My Blogger Buddies (You!) are wonderful here and on FB...It's the "friends" that I know, went to school with or worked with, that I'm done with! 
Friendship is give and take.

Here's our sweet Sloane "out in the wild"!

Making new friends...

and sealing it with a kiss...lolol

Our daughter (Lolli) came in to spend the weekend babysitting her SloaneyGirl granddaughter...We traveled down to see them at our granddaughter's (Samantha) house.  Had a sweet visit.

Once in a lifetime photo! Lolol  I'm not sure what she was trying to convey but that face said it all!

I'm sorry (not really) but the last several generations are worrisome!  How do you NOT know the car is too hot or that you've left your BABY in the backseat??  The cases I've heard about...I simply don't believe their excuses!  It's plain murder. 

We bought a TracFone at the end of June.  When we sell something in our paper or online, we don't want our real cell phone numbers to be published.  
The other day, I was looking at the receipt when I noticed something strange.  See the Tax number 1?  That's the correct multiplier...8.25%
See the second line that says Tax number 7?
That's for BEER.
Now, why did that tax #7 get on there?  We just purchased the cell phone and a $20 dollar calling card!
Nobody sold us any beer...We haven't bought any beer, anywhere, in over three years,,,Anywhere...and certainly not while buying the cell phone!
I went to the service desk yesterday and was told none of the tax transactions are handled by the employees!  It automatically is added to your receipt!  It's added by magic...
The lady at the service desk said she "knows nothing" about those kind of things...I need to call the main company and ask them about it.  I'm talking about Walmart...
I came home with a headache.  I know it's only 40 cents but how many other people are getting ripped off on larger purchases?   I'll have to call on Tuesday...Monday, I have Baby Sloane and believe me...she doesn't allow me to talk on the phone! Lolol

Texas Walmart Tax Rates
#1 - Merchandise
#2 - Food
#4 - Prepared Food
#6 - Wine
#7 - Beer

Check Your Receipts! 

Lastly, my potting station is coming along.  Slow progress because of the heat.  I still want to order a tarp or gazebo covering.  
Well, I've bent your ear for long enough today.
Hope you all are well or getting there. So, until next time...


Lin said...

I love this time of year with all the fresh produce. We get so much locally now and we are growing some of our own. I think they are picking too late on the strawberries??

I found the Negative Nancys on blogs too. I can understand when someone goes through something bad...but ALL of the time? Nah. I work really hard to keep it light on my blog...but to avoid being a Pollyanna, I do post when I'm going through a rough patch. As for creepers...I've had "friends" and family do that on my blog. I made mine private for that a few years ago.

Linda said...

Yikes on the receipt, now I am wondering, grin. Wishing you a beautiful week, as for negative Nancy's I try not to be one, as for FB, I have it set to where only certain folks see certain posts.

Sooze said...

What an adorable picture of Sloane and the cute little deer!

Chatty Crone said...

I love your blog - it is always so pretty and informative. I will look at my receipts better for sure. How does your daughter get those baby deer so close? Love Sloane with them. I agree with the strawberries.
And id you leave a kid or dog in a care - it is MURDER - no excuses.

Bill said...

Love the expression on Sloane's face, it like she's holding up the world. :) That tax for beer is crazy and how many people got the same thing. I hate that but would contact them and complain too. Got to call them out. Good luck and have a wonderful week.

Mari said...

Oh Sloane - she is so cute! Love the pic of her and the fawn.
You are right about FB.
That tax thing at Walmart is very strange!

dori said...

O sweet Sloane! Togehter with the baby-deer these scenes are eally from heaven!

I love strawberries very much and I always try to find the right place to buy them. I need them for summer junket every day!

The digital word and all this stuff is so terrible and for me. A time-robber :( Maybe I'm too old. Our children I think don't have these problems.

dori said...

O süße Sloane! Zusammen mit dem Rehbaby sind diese Szenen einfach himmlisch!

Ich liebe Erdbeeren sehr und versuche immer, den richtigen Ort zu finden, um sie zu kaufen. Ich brauche sie jeden Tag für die Sommer-Quarkspeise!

Die digitale Welt und all das Zeug ist so schrecklich und für mich. Ein Zeiträuber :( Vielleicht bin ich zu alt. Unsere Kinder haben diese Probleme glaube ich nicht.

Linda said...

I remember when I used to go pick strawberries and use the rhubarb from my yard to make strawberry/rhubarb pie. So yummy. These days that's too much work. If I never cooked or baked again I'd be deliriously happy.

Good plan to freeze the strawberries.

Great pics of Sloan, and thanks for the head's-up about the tax on the Walmart receipt.
Hope you have a good week...
Linda, imagesisee.blogspot.,com

Lee said...

Baby Sloane is so beautiful...she lifts one's spirit the darling little girl.

Too many people these days allow themselves to be brainwashed by social media; to becomes slaves to it...They're so interested in their own selves...vanity, nastiness, greed. disrespect etc., appear to be what motivates too many people these days.

And ignorance is added to the above list. It astounds and angers me that anyone can be so dumb as to leave children and animals in hot cars!

Take good care, Donna.

Margaret D said...

Amazing what some companies try to get away with.
Have never had enough strawberries to freeze...Sloane is beautiful as always.

Polyester Princess said...

I've noticed the same with strawberries lately and I am so hearing you on energy training Facebook "friends" ...
Awww ... Sloane making friends with "Bambi" is heart-meltingly cute!
And wow, your potting station! I think I am a tiny bit envious. Would it help if I showed it my husband, I wonder :-)) xxx

Ann said...

I also dump people on Facebook who are always negative or whining about poor me. I've also followed a blogger who was like that. I quickly got tired of reading all her sob stories on her blog.
That's kind of crazy on the tax. Her in Pennsylvania it's 6% but no tax on food or clothes. There are some exceptions such as prepared food is taxed. Walmart should train their service desk people or at least store managers to understand and be able to handle questions like yours.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Well shut my mouth about that sneaky beer tax. I have never bought beer in my entire life so if I see that on one of my receipts, I'm gonna flip out!!!!! Thanks for the codes. I love your strawberry chopper and have one in my Amazon cart. Sloane with the fawn is too precious!!!!! And you don't want to get me started about Fakebook. Best keep to myself what I think about that whole mess but suffice to say, I've never had an account and never will. Life is both too short and too long for that nonsense, haaaha! I know who my friends are. Like YOU! xoxo

photowannabe said...

Oh my goodness, where do I start with comments on this blog post?
I'm right there with you on the negativity of people on FB. Some seem to feel its ok to say some things just because we aren't talking face to face. I have deleted and blocked quite a few "friends" and feel so much better about it too.
Love, love, love the photos of Sloane, especially her "Strong Man " pose. Too cute.
Ummm, love strawberries and agree about the spoilage coming so much sooner than used to be..Yes, I am OLD and remember..(:0)
Now about the taxes...I never saw that before and will have to pay attention when I shop on Wednesday. That's wrong to be taxed for things you didn't subtle but it adds up and it's WRONG!
Love your potting station and you definitely need a tarp to stay out of the brutal sun.

Catherine said...

I have a Facebook account, but don’t use it much it private for my family and for messenger.
I love your potting stand ( I am jealous! Lol 😆)
Love the pictures of Sloane kissing the deer such a beautiful picture!
Have a nice, not too hot week!

Granny Marigold said...

Sweet pictures of Sloane with that fawn. About the fresh fruit....I remember it going soft after a few days even way back when. I was forever forgetting to use it or freeze it within a couple of days.
Have a great week!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Donna. A beer tax?? That really surprises me - especially in Texas! I am in complete agreement with you about Facebook. I cut way back on my Facebook time during Covid and I got rid of about 200 "friends" who were posting crazy, nutty things. I scroll Facebook for about 5 minutes once or twice a week, mainly just to keep up with "news" from the friends I have remaining. I post rarely and then usually just pictures when we travel. I stay away from personal and controversial stuff altogether. Many teachers have been fired for saying too much or the wrong things on social media, so I don't. I hope you are having a good week and staying cool!

Sandra Cox said...

Grrr about Walmart. Whether intentional or not, we get a lot of bait and switch at our Walmart. Listed at one price and charged another. I called them on it the other day. Everything was there, bar code, weight, name of product, etc. The manager wasn't rude but argued me up and down. Luckily she finally backed off, and gave me the difference, though making it known she was right and I was wrong.
I don't do FB anymore. I just don't get airing to the world personal things in your life that should be kept private.
Sweet, sweet Sloane;)

photowannabe said...

Donna...We are going to WalMart today so I am going to be on the lookout for wonky additions to my bill.
To be continued!

Red Rose Alley said...

That face expression on Sloane's face is priceless haha. And I smiled so big when I saw her with the deer. Oh, what a special moment in her life. I've never had facebook - I never understood the likes - if you like something, comment and say it. But a good thing I've heard about it is that people have discovered their relatives on there and connected again. But my little blog is all I can handle right now. A sweet picture of grandma and Sloane. I know what you mean about people leaving their pets and kids in the hot car. I get really bothered when I see that. Love your potting station with the plants and things. Try to stay cool, Donna. This is a hot Summer. ; )


Visits With Mary said...

First things first, Sloane is so stinkin' precious. Oooohh I would love to give her a big hug. Love your potting shed and a tarp or canvas would do you well. We've got several 'sails' up around our small patio/porch and they have done wonders. Of course in this heat not much helps at all. :( I understand about weeding through social media and moving away from negativity.....I blog and facebook for pleasure, don't need anything that's going to pull me down. Hope you're enjoying a great day and staying cool in the Texas heat.

DeniseinVA said...

Those strawberries look luscious! I know what you mean about them going off so quickly. I don’t remember ever being able to keep them longer before going off. The other day we bought them and they were particularly sweet I noticed. Thank you for the tips. Many thoughts to ponder on here. The photos of Sloane are darling, as is the one with her sweet mother. Sending hugs and wishing you a continued good week.

diane b said...

There is nothing worse than listening to people moan. I don't get them on FB but get them in real life sometimes.The baby is cute and your daughter looks too young to be a grandmother. You have a great collection of Sloan photos. Take care in the heat.

Linda said...

I need to check our receipts!! Good grief!
Trac Phone? You got it at Walmart? Louis Dean keeps asking me when I am going to get him a new phone and I am dragging my feet as I am pretty sure he will lose it.
I may look into a Trac phone. He only needs one to call me ore receive a call from me!
Love your Baby Sloane!! Your daughter looks young enough to be the mother!! And a YOUNG mother at that!!

photowannabe said...

Went to Walmart today and we don't have any tax # like you do.
Everything was just as it should be..
At least California did something ok for a change.

Sandra Cox said...

Love the Father I have sinned meme:)

Jennifer said...

Thank you for the tip on cleaning and freezing strawberries. Why in the world do they spoil so quickly?? And I'm glad to know who to get rid of the pesticides. And, so many taxes!! Oh my. Grrr. Glad to have stumbled across your blog....hope you are having a great day!

Sandra Cox said...

I love Sloane's Out In The Wild picture.

Granny Annie said...

Precious Sloane looked like Atlas holding up the world. She is holding up your world isn't she?

Lowcarb team member said...

Those strawberries look delicious.

Great photograph of Sloane and the fawn, so cute :)

All the best Jan