Saturday, November 11, 2023

Quilting...Ironing, Storage and Family.

Good morning, friends...
I hadn't realized the days were passing by, so fast.  Well, let's see...I've been resting.  Just taking the time to re-group.  Larry has his appointment with his urologist on the 13th.  He'll let us know where we go from there.  (bladder cancer, but they got it all).
Ruth Ann, seems to be doing okay.  I'm still staying out of the drama and that's helping me, hugely.  
I can't take the meantime, I've been working on setting up a sewing/quilting/embroidery room, in our guest bedroom.  I bought a Baby Lock Aurora sewing machine a few weeks ago and am just now trying to get organized.  Larry bought me a design board ($40 at Lowes...)  It's a 7ft by 48 inches-W styrofoam board.  I just lean it up against the closet doors, hung the cheap flannel lined table cloth on it, flannel side out... and bob's your uncle!  Works great...and not for $150 and up!  I got the tablecloth at Dollar General, $3.50...instant grid lines.

When not in use or company comes, just store it under the bed.

My tester block...It's ugly but it just helps me get the sewing machine up to snuff... and is helping me remember what it feels like to sew, again.  It's been years!

Ironing station...It's on my grandmother's old drop-leaf kitchen table. Circa, early 1900's. 

Found this cordless iron on Amazon...Love it !!!

Command Center...lolol

My sewing machine...sews and embroidery.

I need to figure out more storage options.  This room wasn't intended to be anything else, but a bedroom.

Remember the mini's?

I made black-eyed peas and cornbread...

Samantha and Sloane and Everett...Love their new family photo.

Sloane, through and through!  Lol

So true...

This is too! Lolol

Well, I guess I'll let you get on with your day.  
Thank you for stopping in to check on me...Hope you have a happy and peaceful weekend!  So, until next time...


DeniseinVA said...

The family photo is gorgeous, and always enjoy seeing the always adorable Sloane. It is also fun to see your quilting areas. The black-eyed peas look yummy. Those mini skirted grandmas and greats really put things in perspective, and remember those miniskirts well. I pulled one of my old photos out the other day and felt a bit shocked, but then we all seemed to be wearing them. Thanks for another great post and have a wonderful weekend.

Red Rose Alley said...

How wonderful that you are starting to sew again. My mom was a great seamstress and made all my clothes growing up, fabric Christmas ornaments, and so much more. Your grandmother's table is old and looks pretty sturdy too. The design board will be nice for you. I haven't ironed in years. Just isn't something I need to do living in the mountains. Oh Yes, I remember the minis. To think that those girls may be great grandmas now, isn't that something? What a lovely family photo. Samantha looks radiant. I wish more gals had long hair today. And isn't that a cute one of Sloane running through the grass. The pray quote is special and true. I always enjoy your delightful posts, Donna.

Have a blessed week ahead.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Everyone needs a craft room, looks like you almost have one! Your Sloane is adorable!

Bill said...

Your craft room is looking great. Now you can begin creating your masterpieces. Happy weekend to you!

Sooze said...

I'm glad you've stayed a step back from Ruth Ann, we all need to do that sometimes, to avoid burnout ourselves. Trusting Larry's appointment goes well. The family photo is just gorgeous, what a beautiful family. Enjoy your crafting.

Ann said...

Well if that is a guest room and those dresser drawers are empty then they would be perfect storage. I bet you'll have a lot of fun with that machine. Clever idea with the design board.

Linda said...

What's wrong with that block? I find it quite lovely my friend, smiles. Such lovely family photos, thank you for the smiles. Have a beautiful week.

Polyester Princess said...

I'm rather envious of your sewing/quilting/embroidery room, Donna, and what a clever idea to use a design board covered with a cheap lined tablecloth!
Loving the photos of darling Sloane and her beautiful family! xxx

photowannabe said...

First off, thanks Donna for giving me a hint on deleting something off of my blog.
Second..that Sloane is such a cutie and those chunky legs are to die for.
So glad Larry is doing so well.
Lastly you have a terrific sewing room and I know you are going to create wonderful things there.
Love the "quotes" at the end, especially the one about Jesus walking everywhere..haha

Lin said...

It's always a good day when that little Sloane appears! She is so darn cute!
LOVE the new sewing machine and set up! I just did the same thing in our guest room closet. I will post photos on the blog one of these days. I just got a Janome and I am so excited! I am all ready to finish my in-process quilt and start two more. Can't wait to see your finished projects too.

Henny Penny said...

Oh my! Had to read to the very end! Nothing excites me like someone setting up a sewing room. My sewing room was once the guest room. Now if we have company they have to fit in with all the fabric and such. :) Love the picture of Samatha, Sloan, and Everett! What a beautiful family. And the black-eye peas and cornbread! Also the saying about "praying for someone". I've often thought about that. I think about that before saying it because I want to remember that person when I pray. Very serious stuff. Thank you!

Lee said...

You clever, clever lady! :)

What a beautiful family...Sloane and her mother and lovely.

I loved minis...and had quite a few in my day!

My best thoughts and wishes are with you and your loved ones, Donna...I wish you all well. Take good care.

Margaret D said...

Love the haircut, had me smiling.
Pleased your Larry is doing ok, so hoping all goes well at the Dr.
Yes, the mini skirt, the shorter the better if I recall when I used to wear them, and I used to sew mini skirts for myself and dressers.
Your new maching is looking wonderful there next to the laptop..I have 3 sewing machines and don't used them - should get back into sewing but seems I'm always doing something else..
Take care.

Catherine said...

Creating something new is very relaxing, this is what I do nearly everyday. Glad Larry is better. Sloane and her parents picture is beautiful. My son has sent one this weekend with Maxime.

Jenny the Pirate said...

WOW that gorgeous family photo. So precious. I love your sewing room. I am not a seamstress but I love that big styro board Larry got you. I can see me propping that up in one of my upstairs offices and using it to tack post-it notes of the chapters I need to complete in my memoir. Thanks for that! Love to you both. xoxo

Sandra Cox said...

Ooh, you've got all sorts of goodies today. I'm especially intrigued by the cordless iron:)

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

The photo of Sloane with her mummy and daddy is so sweet and yet another lovely memory to treasure.
Having a space that you can enjoy sewing in will be wonderful. I do like your design board. Who needs to spend loads of money when yours works so well :-)
Enjoy the rest of the week x

Jennifer said...

Oh my but that family photo is gorgeous! And that Sloane is just too cute! Looks like a lot of fun and wonderful projects coming from that extra bedroom. Way to go making good use of it. Guest rooms baffle me. So much effort making them "just right" and inviting (etc etc) for them to sit unused for so much of the time!? Oh boy - and those mini dresses. WOW...could they be any more mini?! I guess we are not the only generation shaking our head at the latest fashion!:)

dori said...

Thanks goodness you find some time to make nice plans! It is very right to let something go it's own way. God is watching over all His friends and creations. I know, what you mean, when you say, you do not have the energy for all the problems of your sister. We shall not do more than the Lord wants us to do..
Best wishes for dearest Larry!! Sloane and her family are a gem! You have a wonderful heart for all!
Best greetings and a lot of blessings for your heavenly house and family from Dori from the Bavarian Forest

dori said...

Gott sei Dank findest du etwas Zeit, um schöne Pläne zu schmieden! Es ist sehr richtig, etwas seinen eigenen Weg gehen zu lassen. Gott wacht über alle seine Freunde und Schöpfungen. Ich weiß, was du meinst, wenn du sagst, du hast nicht die Energie für alle Probleme deiner Schwester. Wir sollen nicht mehr tun, als der Herr von uns verlangt.
Die besten Wünsche für den liebsten Larry!! Sloane und ihre Familie sind ein Juwel! Du hast ein wunderbares Herz für alle!
Herzliche Grüße und viel Segen für dein himmlisches Haus und deine Familie wünscht dir Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald

Visits With Mary said...

Great sewing room, I had one some years ago, then we downsized and no more sewing room. It's okay because I don't sew much anymore, but I sure did a lot of sewing in years past and loved it. Enjoy it !!!

Sandra Cox said...

Larry did a great job on the design board. That's going to be handy.

Jeanette said...

Love the family photo! Your bedroom looks like our guest room. Whenever we have someone staying with us it takes me a day to get the room emptied out!

Jennyff said...

My what a handsome family you have. Lovely photograph. I always wanted a room for my knitting, I imagined calling it my studio. Sadly it never happened but maybe there would have been pressure to be more industrious which now I definitely am not.

Wanda said...

Oh Donna, I loved your post. I didn't realize when gone a few days that I miss my blog friends.

Love your new "sewing room". Your family portrait is so darling and what a cutie Sloane in her Fall Garb.

A cordless iron...what a concept!

Grew up on blackeyed peas. When my folks came to CA from Oklahoma and ask a farmer if they could buy some blackeyed peas he said they are only cow feed, people don't eat them....little did he know. Best dinner ever!!!

Praying for all the health issues...God Bless You !!
Love and Hugs

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Your craft room sounds so exciting! I have a room that I use as an office and craft room, but it is a disaster. It needs to be bigger, more organized, and I need to have fewer craft related interests.