Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Donuts...Babys, Corny Dogs and Cookies.

Good morning, friends...It's already November! 
Hopefully, this week was better than the last one.  I went back out to my sister's...just to check on things.  She said she slid out of her recliner, while sleeping.  I just looked at her...(how does that even happen).  I just said okay, but who helped you back into your chair?  No one, she said, "I did it by myself!"
Well praise God!  She got mad then got determined.  She realized I meant what I'd said last time about being done.  We'll see where she goes with her new attitude. Hopefully somewhere constructive.

Sweet Sloane enjoying a donut at the baby shower Samantha (granddaughter and Mom) was throwing for her friend Cortny.  Lolli (my daughter Crystal, and Sloane's grandmother) was on duty keeping up with Miss Sloane...who was everywhere! lolol

Ghostbusters and The Scooby Doo Mobile!  Lolol

Sloanes first corny dog...lolol...absolutely loved it!

I actually had time to bake some chocolate chip, crasin and pecan cookies!  


I bought fresh tomatoes the other day so Larry could make tomato soup.  It was wonderful!  He's feeling so much better!
Temperatures are supposed to hit 39 tonight and all day tomorrow in the mid 50's.  Winter...she's 'a coming.

I did splurge on some hamburger meat so I could make meatloaf.  Even had enough to make then freeze these muffin tin sized ones.  Now, if Larry is wanting some meatloaf, I already have some on the ready.  Just thaw and heat.
Well, I suppose that's it for me today.  Hope you all are well and until next time...


Margaret D said...

Seems you sorted your sister out, she's determined to help herself and not move into respite care.
Sloane is a sweet one and that tomato soup is looking tasty.
Good that your husband has improved..

Mari said...

Love seeing sweet Sloane!
Glad you sister got herself back in the chair. I hope that attitude keeps on!
Homemade tomato soup sounds so good!

Catherine said...

Larry’s tomato soup looks SO good and what’s besides on the plate look good too!
The cookies must be very, very good.
Sloane is always very cute and you must be very happy to have such a little girl.
Hope your sister listen to your advices.

Jennifer said...

Hope your sister has a better week - and will make some wise decisions! Goodness but you have had a plate full!! Hope November gives you some time to catch your breath, to be still and to simply breathe. I'm making meatloaf tonight:) (not that I eat meatloaf but it is one of my hubby's favorite and it just seems to be meatloaf season!) Hope Larry is getting stronger every day!

Bill said...

Glad your sister has taken a positive approach to her issues. Sloane looks like she is enjoying the corndog. I haven't had one in years but always liked them. Have a wonderfu day and a new month.

Ann said...

Hope your sister keeps her new attitude going :) Loved the video of Sloane. Her little giggle is so adorable.

Polyester Princess said...

I'm so glad to hear Larry is feeling better, and his tomato soup is looking super tasty! As do your cookies and mini meatloaf muffins!
I can't get over that little video of Sloane, what a cutie pie she is! xxx

Red Rose Alley said...

I am so sorry that your sister is going through all of this. She is sick and needs care, and it must be very hard for her. It must be tiring for you taking care of her and Larry at the same time. I know something about taking care of sick loved ones. First my dad, then my mom. Sloane's first corn dog! Oh, I love those too. Your cookies would be so good with a cup of coffee. You know, I watch The Golden Girls episodes from time to time. I guess we are getting to be that age ourselves. I know what you mean about hamburger. All meat is so expensive at the stores. Just made a meatloaf myself, and added lots of stuff to it. Your meatloaf muffins are a good idea.

Happy November days, Donna.


Sandra Cox said...

Glad to hear Larry is on the mend.

Wanda said...

Oh Donna, I'm so relieved you had a better week!! Your sister...yikes, she is a story by herself. Glad she had the gumption to get back in the chair by herself. Maybe your "rebuke" worked. Sometimes that's necessary.

Sloane video and eating her first corn dog. Precious!

You food looks so good. I want one of those cookies!! And what a great idea for meatloaf. My dearest loves it but I hate making a full size ! Thanks for the tip!

Homemade tomato soups sounds so delicious! You just can't buy canned soups that are any good. I have been enjoying butternut squash soup! Reminds me of tomato. Same consistency.

Thanks for your smiles and chuckles along the way.

Hugs from my neck of the woods

dori said...

I see Sloane is growing! Her hair is longer and her eyes look like a real girl! May your sister be safe and all your great family be healthy and fine. Thanks goodness this week was more calm! We in Bavaria say: "It dos not always hang to ONE side!" Many greetings and blssings to you all from Dori

dori said...

Ich sehe, dass Sloane wächst! Ihr Haar ist länger und ihre Augen sehen aus wie ein echtes Mädchen! Möge es deiner Schwester gut gehen und deiner ganzen Familie möge es gut gehen und alle gesund sein. Gott sei Dank war diese Woche ruhiger! Wir in Bayern sagen: „Es hängt nicht immer nur nach EINER Seite!“ Viele Grüße und Segen an euch alle von Dori

Lee said...

I love seeing photos of beautiful little Sloane....she certainly brightens up the day! :)

Take good care....keep smiling.

Visits With Mary said...

Sloane is growing so fast, that was a sweet video. Baby's laughter is the sweetest thing ever. WoW, tomato soup from scratch....that must be delicious.
The grocery store image gave me a laugh, although it's really not funny, it's awful how high groceries are these days. Enjoyed my visit, see ya again soon.♥

dori said...

This kind of tomatoe-soup is most delicious! My dear husband made the same!!

dori said...

Diese Art von Tomatensuppe ist köstlich! Mein lieber Mann hat die gleiche gemacht!!

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Lovely photos of Sloane enjoying her corn dog :-)So glad that Larry is feeling much better and is home with you. I hope your sister takes on board what you said to her and thinks more carefully about the choices she makes and how that impacts others. Take care of yourself Donna xx

Jenny the Pirate said...

Haaaahahaa she SLID out of the RECLINER? With or without a drop of rum, hahahaaa??? That is one I've never heard and never thought I'd hear. Oh mercy. You have the patience of Job. You've reminded me of how much my TG loves meat loaf, and how long it's been since I made it for him. A LONG time. So that's going to happen soon. The muffin-sized ones are mighty cute. I may have to try that. Just go ahead and send me those cookies, hahaa! You have my address. Give my love to Crystal. xoxo

Granny Marigold said...

Sweet little video and delicious looking cookies ❤❤❤
Granny M

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Baby Sloane is so sweet and beautiful. I sure hope your sister gets to feeling better. The cookies looked so delicious. The tomato soup looks so good. It's turned cooler and a great time for tomato soup.

Jeanette said...

Sounds like your sister is getting the hint! Hope she's doing well either way! Sloane is a cutie and those memes are pretty funny! XO

photowannabe said...

Here's hoping your sister really got the message from you and will begin doing things for herself. So much better for you..I can tell by the "sound" of the words in your post. That Sloane is so darling. I love that little squeal on the video clip.
Yay for Larry's getting his strength back too...yum on the soup.
So true on the grocery store picture..I can't believe the jump in prices.
Have a great weekend.

Linda said...

I always enjoy seeing Sloan, smiles. Keeping your sister in prayer my friend. smiles

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Larry’s tomato soup looks so good. I have been craving tomato soup. I think I’m going to make a big pot of it next week.

DeniseinVA said...

I am having a hard time believing it is November already, already 5 days in! Sounds like your talk did your sister some good. I hope Larry is doing well in his recovery. Sloan looks like she is really enjoying her donut and corny dog, so cute! You always share the yummiest food. Thanks for the funnies. Laughter is good medicine.

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh Donna it is always a delight to come visit you. Loved the funnies and Baby Sloane is absolutely adorable. Glad to hear your Larry is feeling better. In the big scheme of things...there is much to be thankful for in our daily lives. Take care and have a great week. Hugs!

Sandra Cox said...

Sloane is so cute;) Take care of you.

Romance Reader said...

Sloane is so adorable. Certainly brightens up anyone's day!

NRRN said...

Sounds like your sister adjusted somewhat. Lovely pics of Sloane.

Romance Reader said...

Sloan is adorable!

Barwitzki said...

What beautiful photos... sweet Sloane. Thank you for sharing.
The cookies look fantastic, I like them with all kinds of nuts.
I mixed in dough for small rolls and baked them with walnuts.
I wish you a happy week... a hug from Viola