Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Santa...Trees, Remembrance and Love.

Good morning, Friends...
This past week had me busy sitting with a sick Sloane...Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  She's better now.
Then, when I had rested up, I finished decorating for Christmas.  I don't have a lot anymore but my trees and a few what-nots and candles.
The two empty stockings under the tree are for our Air Force grandsons.  Will and girlfriend Alyssa are in Arkansas now at his new posting and Tylar and Sara are in Papa, Hungary.
We're going to miss them...Why can't we ever get all our chicks in one basket? lol


I finally said enough with our tree!  You can keep adding and adding...so I just had to back away! lol

This is our granddaughter's tree.  Fits their lifestyle...

Grandma Lolli and grandpa Pops, (our daughter Crystal and hubby Tim), got to keep Sloane last weekend!  They live almost three hours from her so they usually drive up and stay at Sami and Everett's house.  This time, they got to keep her in their home...Tim bought her a shopping cart...Too cute!

They had a wonderful weekend!

Larry at his Friday treatment...four more to go...he's tolerating them with no problems.

I found this on Facebook... It really tugged at my heart!  I know the pain of losing loved ones...you miss them being around...calling, hearing their voices.  You see or hear something, and you are filled with memories, sounds or smells.  Those memories fill your emotional tank...if just for a moment...and you smile.  But we'll never see them again if we don't move forward.  We are not finish here on Earth.  So!  Put on that smile and know how much we loved and were loved!  We'll see them again! 

A new year is coming...another chance to get things done!

I had the idea to buy my daughter, Crystal, an old-style telephone/address book like mine.  She often asks me for numbers, addresses...birthdates, etc.   It was just by chance I found the same style in red, for her!  I'd bought mine back in the early 2000's.  Talk about a sign! lol

I've written addresses and numbers she will need in the years ahead...birthdays and anniversaries written on a piece of paper by my Dad, her favorite grandfather...long past.  I've always said this newfound AI stuff is nice but nothing beats a hard copy!  You never know if one day you may need it.  Hope she likes it.

Playroom/television room tree...

My Mom's handmade tree...she made it back in the 1960's.

A railroad Santa tree I found last year at the Goodwill!  
16" tall...I've tried everything to get it to work but to no avail...:o(

Well sweet friends, I'll stop boring you.  It's just been a slow week for news around here.  So, I'll let you get on with your day.  
Have a sweet and peaceful week and until next time...


Mari said...

All your Christmas decor looks so pretty!
Glad to hear Larry is tolerating his treatments well.
I like the address book. I think Crystal will really appreciate it.

Bill said...

Beautiful decorations and trees. Glad to hear Sloane is felling better. Have a wonderful day.

Catherine said...

Glad Larry feels better but poor Sloane still have ears problems.
You have a lot of Xmas decorations! I have a lot but as we won’t be here for Xmas I did not take all out.

photowannabe said...

Absolutely delightful !!!
I really love seeing everyone's traditions and routines for Christmas.
So glad Sloane is better. It's so hard when they feel icky. Loved her pushing around that shopping cart..to cute.
Wow you sure have a lot of trees. I don't think our tree would have gotten up this year if we weren't having company for our Christmas Small Group get together. We'll be gone for the whole week of Christmas at our Granddaughter and her husband's home in Las Vegas. Different but wonderful too.
So happy that Larry is tolerating the treatments and will feel so good.
The Facebook picture you posted really put a lump in my throat too.
To cherish the memories and move forward is the only way to get through the tender times. Heart aches are real but I know that I am loved and how much I loved those that went before me.
Onward to the New Year.

Granny Marigold said...

There's so much I want to say about today's post!! First of all, it's grand to know that Larry is tolerating his treatment well.
I think your trees are all gorgeous❤❤❤
I sure would have grabbed that railroad Santa tree too, even if it doesn't 'work' any more. I've never seen one like it.
The little video of Sloane careening around with the shopping cart is so funny!!

Thanks for such a fun post❤
Granny M

Lowcarb team member said...

I like your Christmas décor.
Such a sweet video, it made me smile.

So pleased that Larry is tolerating his treatments well - good news.

Take care, Christmas is so close now!

All the best Jan

dori said...

All these decoratios give to me a fine "song" about Christmas! Beautitful!

Larry is wonderful! I love his calm style. It's grand to know that he is tolerating his treatment well.

Sloane is very sweet with her running "car" :))

The picture with the old woman and the small Christmas tree touches my heart, too!

Many greetings and blessigs to you and best wishes and best energy to wait for the Lord from Dori from the Bavarian Forest.

dori said...

All diese Dekorationen geben mir ein schönes „Lied“ über Weihnachten! Wunderschön!

Larry ist wunderbar! Ich liebe seinen ruhigen Stil. Es ist großartig zu wissen, dass er seine Behandlung gut verträgt.

Sloane ist sehr süß mit ihrem laufenden „Auto“ :))

Das Bild mit der alten Frau und dem kleinen Weihnachtsbaum berührt auch mein Herz!

Viele Grüße und Segenswünsche an Dich und beste Wünsche und viel Energie zum Warten auf den Herrn von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald.

Margaret D said...

The decorations for Christmas are wonderful. The video is nice too and pleased your husband is ok with his treatment..
Take care.

Polyester Princess said...

Seeing all those gorgeous trees and decorations has really put my spirits up, Donna! That railroad tree is absolutely fantastic!
I'm glad to hear Larry is tolerating his treatments!
And you're so right about missing loved ones ...
Have a lovely week! xxx

Ann said...

All the decorations are wonderful. I enjoyed the video of Sloane. She is so adorable.

DeniseinVA said...

Good to know Larry is doing well with his treatments, and that video of Sloane was very cute. Poor sweety with those ear problems and glad she is feeling better. That’s such a great idea with the telephone/address book. Loving all your Christmas decorations and the Santa illustration is a lovely start to your post and such a very touching one of the lady with the Christmas tree. Happy week to you Donna.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I have enjoyed catching up with all of your news Donna. Hope sweet little Sloane is feeling more her happy and well self. Glad that Larry is doing well with his treatment too.
Love seeing your Christmas trees and preparations. I'm like you and much prefer to use an old style address/phone book. I'm sure Crystal will love it as well.
Have a good rest of the week xx

Jeanette said...

I love all your trees So pretty! Little Sloane is a cutie pushing her shopping basket! I love that American flag box, too! Very cool! XO

Sandra Cox said...

Glad Larry's treatments are doing well.
I'm suggesting a Donna day filled with rest and relaxation.

Red Rose Alley said...

Delightful decorations around your house, and I really like those three mice, so cute. The railroad Santa tree really got to me, as my grandfather worked for the railroad. I have a thing for trains haha. Also, your Mom's ceramic tree made me smile. My aunt gave me one just like it many years ago with all red lights. I ended up giving it away with all the moves, and I wish I kept it. The picture of the old woman with the ornaments I love. My mom lost my dad when they were in their 60's, and she lived until she was in her 80's. She had all her kids around her til the end. But that's usually not the way of the world now, so your quote about all our chicks in one basket was right on. I hope little Sloane feels better. And there's just something about that first photo with Santa and the reindeer that is WONDERFUL!


Red Rose Alley said...

ps.....I hope Larry gets better with each day. : )

Barwitzki said...

Beautiful Christmas atmosphere that you captured.
Thank you very much.
Yesterday I went to one of the Christmas markets with my friends - it was the Finnish Christmas market and there was mulled wine and salmon from the wood fire, both of which were delicious... it's always a lot of fun being out and about with the girls.
A hug to you from Viola

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Donna. I love all of your Christmas decorations! Your tree is lovely. So glad that Larry is tolerating his treatments well. I hope that you have a wonderful memorable holiday! God bless!

morfeas said...

Πολύ ωραία διακόσμηση!
Καλά χριστούγεννα και καλές γιορτές!!
Από Ελλάδα με αγάπη

Linda Stoll said...

Donna, Christmas blessings to you and your beautiful family. Your decorations are lovely, filled with color and stories and wonderful memories. I look forward to getting to know you in the year ahead. Have a merry Christmas.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Your home looks so beautiful and festive! With all you have going on, I’m surprised you were able to do so much. Glad to hear that Larry is hanging in there.