Wednesday, December 6, 2023

A Birthday...a Treatment, a Sandwich and Mushy.

Happy Birthday to our sweet angel, Libby, aka, Olivia Pug Princess!  She turned 10 on December 1st !
This little girl is my buddy...stalker...protector...and she has my heart, hook, line and sinker.
I can't think of my life without her... 

Larry started BCG treatments December 1st, as well.  The actual treatment took only about 15 minutes...butttt...the nurse made us stay for two hours.  She said it was so Larry's reaction to treatment could be observed.  Made perfect sense so...he got to kick back in his heated massage chair and watch a little television.  All subsequent visits, he can leave right after treatment.

I haven't gotten to work much on my quilt top lately.  Little Sloane has been out of daycare with fever because of her ears.  Momma Samantha's schedule, this week, calls for me traveling 30 minutes to their house to sit with Sloane.  We don't want any type of fever around Larry while he's receiving his treatments.  Fine by me!  Anytime spent with Soane is a spirit lifting time.  And Samantha appreciated the clean kitchen and folded laundry when she got home.  We "do" for our babies no matter how old they are. 

Finally got Sloane down for a nap...took a while! lol

Finished all 20 blocks...finally!  And no, they're not perfectly aligned.  My first quilt top...getting to know my machine...takes a while and a lot of mistakes. 

Got them all laid out on our bed...this is the back side of the blocks.  I flipped each stack and labeled them.  I did get one row sewn together before I needed to take care of Sloane.
I'll get there...

Managed to get our tree up.  I'm not through decorating it but it'll just have to wait in line...I been busy.  I received a jury summons...had to appear this past Monday...Long story short, I got picked to serve on a jury but my Angel took care of me!  The case was civil and it settled out of court!  Yeah me!  All of us potential jurors heaved a huge sigh of relief and quickly left the building! lol

This is Larry's favorite breakfast sandwich...fried egg on buttered toast with mustard.  

He would eat it every morning if I made it!  I don't... but hey, once a week is fine.  My favorite?  A Bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich...lolol  I rarely make one.

We drove the 50 miles to Corsicana, Texas, to the cemetery my folks are buried in... Larry wanted to go visit the Russell Stover candy company.  We'd never been and after "visiting" with my mom and dad...we stopped in.  It was huge...and chocolate everywhere...and, I forgot to take a photo!  But, here's what we bought...Hope the kids like all the chocolate.

While in Corsicana, we wanted to eat at a place that we knew would be good and not waste our money  The managers must have changed since our last visit because the food was nasty.  

This is me and Larry...Lol

A few fries...uncooked hushpuppies and cold...and don't let the look of the fish fool you.  The fish itself was mushy!  Awful...and that crust?  I seriously don't know what it was.  But it fell apart when you touched it.  The Mac & Cheese were passable but almost tasteless.  Best thing on the plate?  The okra...and only, just.  
Guess another restaurant bites the dust for us.  We have a Cotton Patch here in also used to be good, but we haven't tried it in a long while.

I've never heard of an apple pie made with custard, but I think it might be good?  I'll let you to enlarge photo and print, if you wish.

Well friends...Hope you aren't stressing about Christmas and buying loved one's, things.  It's just "stuff".  A bonus to what the Day stands for.  The Baby Jesus arrived!  How wonderful is that!  What a Gift!
So... until next time...stay safe and be well.



ashok said...

Wonderful post with so much to see.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ugh I hate it when a well-known restaurant experience does not live up to its reputation or your memory of it! Happened to us too, just recently. But let's face it: y'all eat better at home than at ANY restaurant! And we do too, and it's what we prefer, although I do love going out to eat. Not stressing at all over gifts, although I do, for the most part, enjoy buying stuff for my kids. I wish we didn't do so much but I never know where to cut it off. And I think they like giving us stuff too, so it's all good. We are diligent about giving things that the recipient will truly enjoy and use. Russell Stover! Ah! So wonderful. Scrumptious. xoxo

Barb said...

Hi Donna~ I hope Larry's treatments go well. I've talked to several people lately who are going through theses same treatments, and they are doing great! Libby is adorable! We lost our sweet pup five years ago, I still miss him soooo much. I don't think you ever get over those losses. Your tree is beautiful, so is your quilt top! I keep telling myself that I'm going to make a quilt but haven't done it yet. There are so many restaurants in my town that are horrible! The only one that has stayed even close to the same is, Texas Roadhouse! I think it's hard for our little, Mom and Pop places to stay the same with thee prices skyrocketing. I hope Sloan feels better soon, she is so cute :0)
enjoy these last weeks before Christmas! Hugs, Barb

Lin said...

I'm glad Larry's treatment went well. I pray that he doesn't have any negative effects and can sail through treatment! Sloane is a usual! It's nice that you can help them out like that. Jury duty...ugh. Good thing you got out of that! I always get sick being in the airless room with all those people. Don't fret about the quilt! Get into it and have fun! You can work on technique on a subsequent one. That's what I did. Pin EVERY seam and just press down with the iron....don't move it and stretch the fabric. Those were my will find your own I suppose. Just HAVE FUN! Can't wait to see it done.

Bill said...

A lovely post, Donna. Hope Larry is doing good with his treatments and Sloane ears are better. A big Happy birthday to Libby.

Catherine said...

You dog is like mine 10. I hope Larry’s treatment will go well.

It must be painful for little Sloane to have ears problems.
You are much more clever than me with your patchwork!
We also are often disappointed by some restaurants that reduce the quality and put up the prices! We are very careful and also careful of food poisoning that occurs a lot now we only go in the same restaurant we are sure everything is correct!

Polyester Princess said...

Happy birthday to Olivia Pug Princess, who shares part of her name with me: that is Princess, of course :-)
I'm glad to hear Larry's first treatment went well, and how lucky your granddaughter Samantha is having a clean kitchen and folded laundry to come home to. I hopen little Sloane will be better soon, though.
What a shame the food at the Cotton Patch turned out to be nasty.
I'm loving the thought of apple pie with custard though ... xxx

Ann said...

Good to hear Larry's treatment went well and also glad you got some Sloane time. Hope she's feeling better. Happy Birthday to Libby. I love fried egg and mustard sandwiches.

Mari said...

Aww Sloane! She's just adorable. You are a good grandma, and you're right - we do for our kids and grandkids!
Glad Larry's treatment went well. No mustard on egg sandwiches for me though. :)
Bummer on the restaurant. That's so disappointing.
No Margerine at our house!

Margaret D said...

Trust your husband's treatment will soon be over and he keeps well.
Cute dog, and they are such wonderful friends Donna.

Red Rose Alley said...

I do hope Larry gets well with his treatments. I'm sorry Sloane was sick again with her ears and fever. That's such a cute picture of her next to the Christmas tree. Your quilt is coming along nicely. Love the blue colors. Your Christmas tree is pretty. You know, fried egg on toast is one of my favorites.....but leave out the mustard haha. Oh my, is that true about margarine? I rarely use it, it's all butter for me. I'm glad you got to visit your parents at the cemetery. I really miss visiting the cemetery in my hometown. I think the family will love all your Russell Stover goodies!

Merry Christmas season, Donna.


Red Rose Alley said...

ps.....looking at that picture, now I want to try the fried egg on toast and a little mustard, sounds interesting. ; )

dori said...

What a lovely dog you have! Dogs are real family-members! I say, there ist nearly no difference between a dog and a human darling! Best wishes!! Best wishes also for Larry and for dearsweet Sloane! All your "babies" are under good shelter and soft wings and in the LOVE of you and your Lord. The patchwork-blancets are wonderful! I wonder, how you find the time to produce them! And: Better prepare any meal yourself than eating bad and expensive things in a silly restaurant! Stray safe and full of the stars of this blessing time! Many greetings and blessings to you and to your great family from Dori fronm te snowy Bavarian Forest

dori said...

Was für einen tollen Hund du hast! Hunde sind echte Familienmitglieder! Ich sage, es gibt fast keinen Unterschied zwischen einem Hund und einem menschlichen Liebling! Beste Wünsche!! Die besten Wünsche auch für Larry und die liebe Sloane! Alle deine „Babys“ sind unter gutem Schutz und weichen Flügeln und in der LIEBE von dir und eurem HERRN. Die Patchwork-Decken sind wunderbar! Ich frage mich, wie du die Zeit findest, sie zu produzieren! Und: besser ein Essen selber zubereiten, als in einem albernen Restaurant Schlechtes und Teures zu essen! Geht sicher und erfüllt von den Sternen durch diese segensreiche Zeit! Viele Grüße und Segenswünsche an Dich und Deine tolle Familie von Dori aus dem verschneiten Bayerischen Wald

Wanda said...

Hi Donna. So glad Larry's treatment went well. Your quilt top is looking good. I love homemade quilts. One of my early memories is watching my mom and my aunts sitting around a quilting rack with needle and thread. Sometimes us kids would crawl underneath to see the needle poke through.

The older I get the more I'm remembering childhood memories and treasures.

The fried egg with mustard I must try...I LOVE honey mustard.

Sorry you little babe has ear trouble. I relate to how we go to our kids home and see things that need to be done ~~~And DO THEM. I know they appreciate it.

How disappointed to got to a restaurant and not be satisfied.

Your tree is lovely! No tree for us this year, but lots of festive lights and "debrie" (decorations,,,haha)
Love and Hugs.

Granny Marigold said...

Eating out and being disappointed with the food is not good. It's not cheap either. As Dori said better to eat at home. Isn't she the sweetest person?
All that chocolate made me drool. And the recipe for the custard apple pie looks interesting. Please post about it if you go ahead and make it.

Jeanette said...

I hope Larry's treatments continue to go well! It's hard to find a restaurant with good food anymore, I swear! I think your quilt looks beautiful! I hope little Sloane is feeling better now! XO

photowannabe said...

Awww poor Sloane..I hope she feels better soon and yes we do for our kids no matter the age. I'm so glad to hear about Larry's treatment going so well..God is good.
Restaurants are biting the dust right and left here too in No. California. No help, prices soaring and taxes through the roof..CA. isn't wonderful any more! Love the place but not the politics.
Too funny about the margarine...
Love the quilt and all of this post.
Getting ready to make scallop potatoes for our Norwegian Christmas get together this afternoon. Hope I get a photo or two.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Hope all goes well with Larry.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The Happy Whisk said...

I love that Larry had a heated chair. That sounds wonderful!!!!

DeniseinVA said...

Happy birthday to sweet little Libby :) It’s good that they are taking care of Larry and watching him after his first treatment. Darling photos of Sloane as always. It is such a blessing to be able to take care of each other’s needs. Love your quilting project, pretty colors. That’s a gorgeous Christmas tree. Having the lights on is a good feeling, I’m looking at ours right now. I only got called for jury duty once and now I’m of an age where I can opt out. I just don’t have the stamina for such things anymore, though I would have participated if I was younger. I love a fried egg sandwich for breakfast. I usually wait until the weekends for special treats as I like to put a slice of bacon on it too. I do love a BLT! We are going to Arlington before Christmas to visit with hubby’s mom and dad and baby brother. We also have several friends there, so we will be taking more flowers with us than usual. This is the time of the year where the wreathes are laid out. A visit to the candy company would have been so nice after visiting with your mom and dad. Too bad about the restaurant. Thank you for the custard apple pie recipe. I’ll be interested in what you think of it. All your posts bring a smile and the bird with the Santa hat and the ornaments was a treat. I hope your weekend is great, and thank you for the sweet ending.