Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Birthdays...Chicken and Bananas...

Good morning, friends!

Time is passing so fast!  It's already been a week?   Larry still has his cough.  Although, under the assumption that if he doesn't  mind me, I'll be making him a doctors appointment!  Well, he finally took a Claritin (24hr) and the coughing has ceased...he still has a tiny cough, every so often, but nothing like it was yesterday!  I'm also making him use a Fluticasone nose spray called Aller-Nose. It's the generic spray you can buy at Sam's Club...four times a day...without fail...If I don't hear those "squirts", I'm picking up the phone!  I got the "side-eye" from him but a few minutes later, I heard the "squirts"! lol... He's hard-headed but usually listens to reason.  

Samantha and family are on vacation for a week so that means, I didn't get to keep Sloane yesterday.  Hope they are resting and enjoying Aransas Pass (Texas coast).  I tried to use the day cleaning and grocery shopping.  Even got a load of sheets laundered and put away.

For You....


A Chocolate and Cherry Fudge cake with vanilla ice cream.

A Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream sandwich.

Our Sloane, just hanging around with her Dad.

I hate the baby foods they sell in the stores these days!  Gross tasting!!  So, I made some pureed chicken for Sloane.  I'd bought a rotisserie chicken and deboned it.  Then, I put the white meat in my handy Ninja and blended it with a few tablespoons of broth...waaah-laaah!  Wonderful real chicken that taste like chicken and not some drain pipe fodder!  She loved it.  The Gerber brand?  I threw it in the trash!

Then I packaged it up in individual Ziploc baggies and froze what wasn't used. 

I did the same with fresh bananas...although, I forgot to add lemon juice and when they thawed, they turned a dark, unappetising color.

Well, I really didn't have a lot to say today...between Larry coughing and a day without Sloane, it's been a rather boring week.  It doesn't help that that old Texas heat has finally landed!  101 to 107* degrees.  But rest assured, I'm out there every morning watering!  I refuse to lose what I've already planted!  I also have to take Libby and Buddy in for their nail clipping, this morning.  And no...we can't do Libby's nails...she's a pug...and a screamer if she even see's the clipper! lol  Best to take them both in...less stress and over in a few minutes.

Birthday Alert! 
Buddy 13yrs old tomorrow along with our daughter, Crystal...50yrs old...!!!  She's our little love...We are so proud of her...6/28/73.

Libby the Pug...not her birthday, yet...lol

*Quick Up-Date on my sister and our Laura:
Ruth Ann's cancer has been seemingly, eradicated although the Oncologist wants her to finish out her last two chemo treatments (HipHipHooray!)
Laura hasn't given us an update about her melanoma...and we are trying not to pry.  Although, her and her family are going to Red River, New Mexico for a week...so...Ruth Ann and I are assuming she's doing alright?  No clue, really.  I'll let you know if we find out more.
All of your prayers are SO appreciated!

Well,  that's it for me...Hope you all are safe and having a peaceful week so, until next time... 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Father's Day, Ladybugs...Miracle Grow Recipe...Oreo Cookies

Good Morning, Friends
It's really been an uneventful week.  Our daughter, Crystal and hubby, Tim came for a Father's Day visit.  We love seeing them...makes us feel like we're in the land of the living, lol.  If you're over 70 you'll understand the feeling.  We know it's natural for the kids to have their own lives but that doesn't make it any easier...we just miss the old days...busy days of tons of laundry, cooking for six or ten instead of two... I know, you say, get a hobby...I say, how many more can we get to wipe the memory of a happier time in our lives?  It's okay though.  They all are everything we'd ever hoped for.  Bright, independent, hard workers and happy.  It's their time in the Sun...we've had ours.   I'm just grateful to God that both Larry and I have been allowed to live to see our children fly...so many never do.

Daughter Crystal and Daddy Larry.

Crystal is now called Lolli with her own grandchild, Sloane.

Tim (aka Pops)

Larry really enjoyed his Father's Day lounging with the kids.

And lounging some more...lol

Ladybugs...I purchased about 300 through Amazon for about $11 dollars.  They arrived and late that night, I released them on the big tomato plant I have on the patio.  By morning's light, their numbers had dwindled to about 30.  I see one or two around the plants as I water.  Hope a few stick around!  They eat aphids and the bad boys of the garden.

They are actually a red color.  The lighting and my camera were fighting for dominance! lol

I made sugar cookies a while back...

PLEASE check your Spam setting!  I found 100 comments in mine!  A lot of them were actually spam but a lot of them weren't!!  I want to apologize to my Blogging Buddies for not checking sooner!  I corrected the problem and your comments, that you knew you'd left, are now published!  


Here's our cheeky SloaneyGirl eating her first Oreo Cookie (at least in Gamma's house).

She loved it but needed a bath afterwards. Lol

Here's a recipe for Miracle Grow...Lots cheaper and it works!

Hahaa...so true.

Well, that's about it for me this week.  Hope you all enjoyed the Father's Day celebration with family.  Now onward to get the dust knocked off my Cricut machine... (Ann will be pleased ;o) open up the Youtube App and start learning how to use it...hobbies are like that, 'ya know.
So until next time...

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Swimming, Spaghetti and Silhouettes...

Good morning, friends!  Hope you are all doing well and are having a wonderful Spring/Summer, so far.  Larry and I are getting over this...whatever you want to call it...sinus, upper respiratory thing.  Larry is having a tougher time of it than I did.  He was still fatigued, and his cough is lingering so, I opened up my trusty JASE bag and started him on an antibiotic.  Two days now and he's feeling better.  Thank God for JASE.  And yes, I could have made him an appointment but he was adamant about staying home!  "No doctors visit...I'm fine!", stubborn horses...butt!   I love him but my LVN license trumps his Master Plumber's license! lol
So... we haven't done much this past week.  Laura (read last post), will be having surgery today on her lower leg then Thursday, to remove the cancer from her forearm and lower leg area.  Melanoma is scary... It's complicated so, we'll just be waiting for the biopsy reports.

This was lunch a few days ago...we love roasted chicken with onions and bell peppers.

Before Larry became ill, he built me this potting station.  I'm trying to think of ways to cover it.  I'm looking at gazebos on Amazon.  Not quite sure what to use.  Any ideas?
I refuse to ask Larry to build something else...he's not well and he's done enough.  The yard is a work in progress...a day at a time.  It'll get there.

He also started cutting out silhouettes that represent all out beloved pets, over the years, then attaching them to our fence!  He would have never done this years ago...but he's 75 now and is realizing that life IS short and we need to make the best of it!  Starting with, "whatever makes you smile!"
The one above is our Buddy...

And this is our pug, Libby.

 He's now working on four more... all gone......Corky, a yorkie, two poodles, Rusty & Danko...and my lovely black cat, Kiki.  
We miss them all, something awful...

Now onto our sweet greatgran, Sloane!  A happy topic! lol
I'd bought her a swimming pool back in early March, just waiting for warm days to hit.  Well, yesterday (I get to keep her on Mondays until she goes to her new daycare sometime in the future?  Who knows...but right now, while she's with us, we are loving every minute!  She loved the pool!  Splashing and playing with her water toys...(they'd all floated to the right side of this photo). 

Her lunch was spaghetti...and she ate almost half of it! lol 
Loved it!

As you can tell!! 

She was ready for her nap after lunch...wore out! lol

I'd made roast, rice and gravy one day...Larry loves it.

Our granddaughter and hubby Everett with baby Sloane...love them so much!

Sloane and Gampa (feeling better after two days on antibiotics) discussing future adventures.  We are just waiting for Mom Samantha to pick her up... :o(

This was two days ago...feeling rough.  I'd just given him the antibiotic.

SO true...

And this is true as well!!  Have you seen some of the girls out there with those loooong lashes???   SO many look ridiculous...sadly.  But I can't say anything...I'd rather be beaten than hurt another's feelings.
They will learn on their own.

Who else has done this?? Lolol
Oh, come on, fess up!

That's about all for me...Maybe next week will be more newsworthy and not involve pills or sickness!  
Have a wonderful and peaceful week and remember to be kind!  You never know what's happening in another's life...
Until next time...

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Getting a Grip on Things...

Pretty much says it all...

If you'll remember, back in January, when my sister Ruth Ann's journey with colon cancer began, I told you about her Ex-husband's wife, Laura...and how, over the years we all became good friends?  Well, Laura has been along for Ruth Ann's journey with us.  She has a bad back...and many surgeries.  Well...last night, we find out Laura has cancer of some sort.  Skin?  Bone?  We don't know at this point.  They've taken a lump the size of a American quarter, out of her upper knee area.  They also found some spots on one of her arms.  They said it's an agressive kind of cancer...
She's scared...as we all are.  We just don't have all the facts yet.
If I haven't worn you out with all my request for prayer,, please find it in your hearts to say more for our Laura.  

This was a quick meal...penne noodles, cream, cheddar cheese, ricotta cheese.  We enjoyed it.

Larry ordered a solar pump for my birdbath...Just needs filling with some rocks.

A "Better Boy" tomato?  Never heard of it but I found it at Walmart so I hope it produces...

Larry built me the "bones" of an outdoor potting station!  I'm so excited to get it filled up with holders and pots and brick-a-brack.

I need help identifying this seed!  We've never seen one like this before.  It was just laying on the patio the other morning...all by itself!  Don't know how it got there or what it is.  If you know, let me know!  It's the size of a fifty cent piece and just as round.

And, as I was taking the crazy looking seed's photo, I looked over to my right and staring back at me was this wasp...I caught him in the act of making a nest...He got sprayed with a blast of water and is currently looking for new diggs!  Scared the be-jessus out of me!  Their sting hurts like fire...and my face was inches from him.

Got a new little bird feeder...although the squirrels like it too...I don't care though.  I'm trying to get wildlife back into our backyard.  I guess squirrels are also a good indication of life...lol

My Big Boy tomatoes on the other plant are growing like weeds!  Had to tie several branches up so the weight of the tomatoes don't break the branches.

And who is this gorgeous doll?  Our Sloane is getting so big...Will be 10 months old on the 15th of June.
Well, guess that's about it for my world this week.  Please remember Laura in your prayers.  We are so tired of fighting the Dragon...cancer.  Life must go on but it would be so nice if ...oh well...you know.  Live life in Full Every Day...you just never know....but,
God's Got This...
Love to you all...

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.