Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Father's Day, Ladybugs...Miracle Grow Recipe...Oreo Cookies

Good Morning, Friends
It's really been an uneventful week.  Our daughter, Crystal and hubby, Tim came for a Father's Day visit.  We love seeing them...makes us feel like we're in the land of the living, lol.  If you're over 70 you'll understand the feeling.  We know it's natural for the kids to have their own lives but that doesn't make it any easier...we just miss the old days...busy days of tons of laundry, cooking for six or ten instead of two... I know, you say, get a hobby...I say, how many more can we get to wipe the memory of a happier time in our lives?  It's okay though.  They all are everything we'd ever hoped for.  Bright, independent, hard workers and happy.  It's their time in the Sun...we've had ours.   I'm just grateful to God that both Larry and I have been allowed to live to see our children fly...so many never do.

Daughter Crystal and Daddy Larry.

Crystal is now called Lolli with her own grandchild, Sloane.

Tim (aka Pops)

Larry really enjoyed his Father's Day lounging with the kids.

And lounging some more...lol

Ladybugs...I purchased about 300 through Amazon for about $11 dollars.  They arrived and late that night, I released them on the big tomato plant I have on the patio.  By morning's light, their numbers had dwindled to about 30.  I see one or two around the plants as I water.  Hope a few stick around!  They eat aphids and the bad boys of the garden.

They are actually a red color.  The lighting and my camera were fighting for dominance! lol

I made sugar cookies a while back...

PLEASE check your Spam setting!  I found 100 comments in mine!  A lot of them were actually spam but a lot of them weren't!!  I want to apologize to my Blogging Buddies for not checking sooner!  I corrected the problem and your comments, that you knew you'd left, are now published!  


Here's our cheeky SloaneyGirl eating her first Oreo Cookie (at least in Gamma's house).

She loved it but needed a bath afterwards. Lol

Here's a recipe for Miracle Grow...Lots cheaper and it works!

Hahaa...so true.

Well, that's about it for me this week.  Hope you all enjoyed the Father's Day celebration with family.  Now onward to get the dust knocked off my Cricut machine... (Ann will be pleased ;o) open up the Youtube App and start learning how to use it...hobbies are like that, 'ya know.
So until next time...