Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Birthdays...Chicken and Bananas...

Good morning, friends!

Time is passing so fast!  It's already been a week?   Larry still has his cough.  Although, under the assumption that if he doesn't  mind me, I'll be making him a doctors appointment!  Well, he finally took a Claritin (24hr) and the coughing has ceased...he still has a tiny cough, every so often, but nothing like it was yesterday!  I'm also making him use a Fluticasone nose spray called Aller-Nose. It's the generic spray you can buy at Sam's Club...four times a day...without fail...If I don't hear those "squirts", I'm picking up the phone!  I got the "side-eye" from him but a few minutes later, I heard the "squirts"! lol... He's hard-headed but usually listens to reason.  

Samantha and family are on vacation for a week so that means, I didn't get to keep Sloane yesterday.  Hope they are resting and enjoying Aransas Pass (Texas coast).  I tried to use the day cleaning and grocery shopping.  Even got a load of sheets laundered and put away.

For You....


A Chocolate and Cherry Fudge cake with vanilla ice cream.

A Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream sandwich.

Our Sloane, just hanging around with her Dad.

I hate the baby foods they sell in the stores these days!  Gross tasting!!  So, I made some pureed chicken for Sloane.  I'd bought a rotisserie chicken and deboned it.  Then, I put the white meat in my handy Ninja and blended it with a few tablespoons of broth...waaah-laaah!  Wonderful real chicken that taste like chicken and not some drain pipe fodder!  She loved it.  The Gerber brand?  I threw it in the trash!

Then I packaged it up in individual Ziploc baggies and froze what wasn't used. 

I did the same with fresh bananas...although, I forgot to add lemon juice and when they thawed, they turned a dark, unappetising color.

Well, I really didn't have a lot to say today...between Larry coughing and a day without Sloane, it's been a rather boring week.  It doesn't help that that old Texas heat has finally landed!  101 to 107* degrees.  But rest assured, I'm out there every morning watering!  I refuse to lose what I've already planted!  I also have to take Libby and Buddy in for their nail clipping, this morning.  And no...we can't do Libby's nails...she's a pug...and a screamer if she even see's the clipper! lol  Best to take them both in...less stress and over in a few minutes.

Birthday Alert! 
Buddy 13yrs old tomorrow along with our daughter, Crystal...50yrs old...!!!  She's our little love...We are so proud of her...6/28/73.

Libby the Pug...not her birthday, yet...lol

*Quick Up-Date on my sister and our Laura:
Ruth Ann's cancer has been seemingly, eradicated although the Oncologist wants her to finish out her last two chemo treatments (HipHipHooray!)
Laura hasn't given us an update about her melanoma...and we are trying not to pry.  Although, her and her family are going to Red River, New Mexico for a week...so...Ruth Ann and I are assuming she's doing alright?  No clue, really.  I'll let you know if we find out more.
All of your prayers are SO appreciated!

Well,  that's it for me...Hope you all are safe and having a peaceful week so, until next time...