Saturday, February 3, 2024

A Diaper...Stuff, Cake and Quilts...

Good Morning, Friends...Hope you all are doing well and are having a wonderful weekend!


Had a sweet visit from our girls last night.  Mom Samantha,  Sloaneygirl and...

Grandma Lolli...

Sloane loves to read...

As we age, life tends to speak to you...sometimes, loudly.  I've had this "feeling" several times throughout my married life. accumulates faster than you can say pie.   
The living room shelves are full...things from my Mother, grandmother...great grandmother.  Books, figurines, two punchbowls, dishes, and on and on.   

Until last evening when the girls came for a visit, I thought I was going to have to put a lot of my "stuff" up for sale or donation.  If anything were to happen to me or Larry, daughter Crystal would have a daunting job ahead of her just to clear the house out.  Furniture is one thing but...the "stuff" hidden in closets...cupboards and the storage shed would be so hard for her and her hubby Tim, to deal with from almost three hours away.  
Last night, talking to Crystal (daughter) and Samantha, (granddaughter), we somehow got on the subject of "stuff".  I was thrilled to find out that Samantha's taste has transformed from minimalism to traditionalism.  I'm over the moon!  Traditional has always been my form of expression where our home was concerned.  I love antiques.  The rocker in the above photo was my Dad's when he was five.  Now I know these things won't just be donated or hauled to the dump.  Sam was over the moon knowing she was welcomed to take what she wanted.  I also let the girls go through my they both agreed on what pieces they wanted, beforehand.  Macabre?  No, I don't think so...What they each wanted and their reasons behind it were truly heartwarming.  Like Larry's and my wedding bands from when we were first married.  Simple gold bands that had seen better days since that sunshiny September day in 1972.  Crystal had always said she wanted them... I told her to take them with her last night...It was a special moment between us.
   I love our babies...and I know how much they love us.   
I also know, doing a deep clearing of "stuff" isn't for everyone.  It's a hard thing sometimes, to do.  But for whatever reason, I'm finding it to be uplifting and freeing.  All I do when trying to decide on whether to throw, donate, keep for us or keep for the children, is remember how so very much easier it will be for Crystal, when the time comes...and it will.   I'm a pragmatist.

I made a lemon refreshing!

Then I got busy finishing up on my quilt top.  You know, if you've started any project, how hard it is to get back in the mood to start on it again after an interruption, like my surgery.  But I forced myself to get back to it! lol

Do Not look too closely at all the mistakes...I'm just happy I've gotten this far! lol  I think I was too ambitious for my first project!  Next time instead of a twin, I'll practice on a baby blanket or placemats! 

This will be the backing...

Larry was also putzing around with this cute cutting board idea on his newest laser.  I'm already using it.

Then he brought this project into the house!  It'll be so pretty when it's done!

Okay friends...Lol...What does this meme say to you??  Leave your answer in the comments...

Well, I need to get back to some more of that decluttering of "stuff".  I hope you have a fun weekend and are warm or cool wherever you may be!
So, until next time...


Jeanette said...

Boy do I hear you on the "stuff". I think about it every time I go into a closet or drawer! I know Shauna wants a few things like my antique treadle sewing machine that was my maternal grandmothers and then my moms now mine. Also the china tea set from Occupied Japan that my dad sent to my paternal grandmotheR when he was in Korea. Plus my mom's "hope" chest that's filled linens and things that were never used! I really need to do a purge though! Sloan is so cute! Loe that cutting board! And ha, ha bed bugs!

Mari said...

I love this. I agree on getting rid of stuff and it's so special when the kids or grandkids want things because they are connected to family.
Love the bed bugs too!

Barb said...

Hi Donna~ Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one with, "stuff". My husband and I were having the same conversation a few nights ago, about who would want all the stuff. What a blessing to know that your granddaughter and daughter want some of your treasures! One of my daughter has already told me that she wants my old hutch, but, no one has made any noise about anything else...very sad. The laser wooden pieces are gorgeous!! I just love the cutting board! Have a great week-end. Barb

Linda said...

Oh must have been listening to our home...we were discussing this very thing with Benton and Rose (fellow blogger Pamela son and daughter in love) today...stuff...the things we have accumulated over the years...our late sons things etc...things we can't bear to throw out etc...but honestly, what are we going to do with it all (not just his, but ours). We have no one to leave it too's a bit unsettling...sigh...

ANYWAYS, love love the quilt, thank you for the many smiles.

Margaret D said...

Lovely photos and Larry work is beautiful, your lemon cake be good to have a bit :)
All the stuff we get, our own, what's been passed down, some expensive, some not so expensive. I'll leave my sons to sort things out, not much else I can do and I certainly don't fret over it. However, I can't give these things away as I still enjoy looking at my stuff.

Ann said...

I have a hard time getting rid of stuff. Sadly I don't think either one of my children will want much of it. Or more likely they'll fight over something.
That quilt top looks awesome. I've tried to do something like that in the past but I just don't have the patience for it.

Polyester Princess said...

I'm hearing you on the accumulation of stuff, and I'm sure my stepchildren will not welcome the task of sorting things out. It's a great idea to talk to your children ahead of the time, though. As collectors of stuff - I'm thinking of my vintage Barbie dolls and my brooches - it would be good to tell them what's what and what things are worth too.
I'm salivating over that lemon pie, and your quilt is fabulous! xxx

Chatty Crone said...

Sloane is soooooooooooooooooo beautiful.

Do you have a recipe for your lemon cake - looks great.

Granny Marigold said...

Your husband makes great wood projects! The cutting board looks great and the other object looks amazing. (Sorry, I don't know what to call it).
I have so much stuff too, and I already know more or less who wants what when I'm gone. The rest can go to the thrift store ( where a lot of it came from).

Cute Bed Bugs 💗

Jenny the Pirate said...

Wow now I need a piece of lemon cake. The cars say to me that RHETT HAS BEEN HERE!!! Hahaha he is car obsessed. Let's not talk about all the stuff, hahaha! xoxo

Red Rose Alley said...

It's so good that you are de-cluttering things a little. That's important, and my sister is going through it right now and having a hard time. I've already went through things with all my moves haha. It's wonderful that you keep the special things that have meaning, like that rocker that was your dad's at five years old. I love to keep the figurines and such that belonged to loved ones. So good of Samantha to want some of these things. That lemon cake looks Yummy! And your quilt is coming along nicely. The fabric is so pretty. Wow, Larry's woodwork is a piece of art!

Well, about the cars.....I smiled because in the picture the black car is on the outskirts, away from all the others. Just like me, I keep my distance and am sometimes guarded from the wolves in the world haha.

Your new blog design is really nice, Donna.


Catherine said...

I have done a big de cluttering and sold 72 items and we continue every weekend. I realised I had to do it when I had hard time when my mother died in June!
We feel better when it is done. Your cup feels like mine! 😆

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

The meme made me think of Herbie from the 1960's Disney films.
Larry's laser cutting is stunning and so intricate. You have a clever and artistic husband there, Donna. Your quilt is looking great too.
Both hubby and I laughed over the coffee mug and donut.
Wonderful to know that your special 'stuff' will find a new home with those you love and appreciate their history. Have a great week x

Wanda said...

Lovely post and pictures. Family and Food, how blessed we are.

I've been trying to get the girls to take MY STUFF that they want. All the decorations for this generation are so different from what I have loved and still have.

I have really made very few changes...but now I'm ready for a couple..mainly a color change. To old to start over...haha. Plus I love my "old" things.

Every nick nack has a story!! That's why they are hard to get rid of.

Linda Stoll said...

Donna, hi. And isn't it the most wonderful experience to share our possessions with our kids and grandkids?! I've gotten so much pleasure in passing down precious items, telling the story of their grandma or great-grandma in the process. We've shared hugs and tears and so many 'I love you's.'

Sure beats the family having to figure things out after you die, with relatives pawing through stuff and people arguing. Everyone misses out on the joy of giving and receiving by then.

Jennifer said...

That lemon cake looks delicious. I must have lemon on the brain...but pulled out an old lemon cake recipe to inspire my hubby for his entry in our annual men's bake-off at church next weekend:) I think he is going to give it a try!! Congrats on all that hard work with your quilt top. I am impressed...and did not see a flaw one!!

Sandra Cox said...

My daughter is still in her minimalist stage. So I don't know what's going to happen to our 'stuff'. Some of our china is over 100 years old.
Going through and making some Goodwill runs is on my to do list.
Take care. You have a sweet family. Hugs,

diane b said...

I agree with you absolutely. I feel exactly the same way about stuff.
I have also given my rings to my daughter who loves them and when she wears them she always thinks of me. How sweet.I try to throw something away every day. I got that idea from another blogger.

photowannabe said...

My one son is a minimalist and doesn't want our Stuff but I do think some of our history things will end up in his hands..There is value in aging!
We are purging through eBay too. I just hate to see some things go to the thrift store when I know their true value.
Love your quilt and of course love your sweet Sloane.
Bed Bugs
Larry is such a fine artist. Love his woodworking skills. Gorgeous.
You made me laugh at the coffee cup..too funny.
I love anything I want a piece of that cake..yum!

Lowcarb team member said...

Your lemon cake looks delicious and would go so nice with the cup of tea I'm going to make in a few minutes :)

Haha, love that coffee cup!

Take care, my good wishes.

All the best Jan

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Don’t get me started on stuff. It’s like it’s multiplying in my closets. I don’t understand where it came from, how I have so much of it, or what to do with it. Last week I gave five full boxes to the Vietnam veterans, and it didn’t even begin to make a dent.