Thursday, April 11, 2024

Eclipse...Toys, Surgery and Cherokee

Good morning, Friends...I'm sure everyone has had their fill of eclipse photos, by now.  Our grandson, William, took some with his Android phone and sent them to me.  Well done Will!  Beats mine! lol
Then...Remember I told you that Ruth Ann's knee surgery was to be last Thursday and if all went well...she should be home the next day at noon? Yes...well...we are talking about my sister who does things...her way and in her own time.  

William's shot!

My photo...lololol...oh well.

It really got dark here.  The patio lights came on!

And of course, I had to edit Sloane's photo from color to black and white in honor of the last eclipse Larry and I will see, in our lifetimes!  The next one is 2044...I don't see myself lasting to age 92.  Maybe Larry, but not me.

Ruth Ann's recovery (in hospital) took 5 days...should have only taken a day and a half.  First, the pain medication, Oxycontin (!!!) made her there went a day and a half.  Then she decided several of the nursing staff were ugly to her...which in turn, made her less cooperative.  She wouldn't get up and walk!  Had to have two nurses hold her up to go to the bathroom...She and I had a few choice words for each other and several times, I had to leave the room and come home.  I was there daily...but there's only so much hard-headedness I can take.  Finally, by day 5, she was more than willing to get moving.  She got up and walked the hall just to show the rehab director what she could do.  If the director approved of her progress, she could go home.  Oh...did I mention it was raining that day?  Pouring, in fact?  No?  Well, it was.  It was adding insult to injury for I pushed forward.  Director approved and we were out of there.  It was pouring at her house.  Nothing for it but to slosh through it and get her into the house!  And she did it admirably...lolol...first step out of the car?  About 5 inches of water!  Couldn't help it...nowhere else to park that wasn't flooded.  The drive to her house was full of flooded roads and me turning around several times!  I finally went on an old gravel road we'd traveled since we were kids and splashed through.  Made it up the hill and then I had to stop the car at her gate...yes...I had to get out and open said gate.  Lightening made me hurry as well as the sideways yeah.
By the time we made it to her covered porch, we were soaked.   
Then later, after I got her settled in...she told me she needed a nap and that she wanted me to go home...fine, I went home...peeled off all my drenched clothes and started the wash.  About an hour later, she calls to tell me I needed to go get her medicine at the pharmacy...that delivers...but she doesn't like to do that...strange people delivered things to your house...that is unacceptable! then, I found it really easy to tell her that when she called the pharmacy... to tell them to deliver her meds because I wasn't going out into the storm again!
She ended up calling and they delivered her meds...nothing else said to me about it.
Oh, and just so you know?  She's walking around just fine.  I wouldn't have ever left her if she couldn't walk, argument or not.
PS- Some of you may be wondering where my husband is while I'm dealing with my sister and her problems...He takes care of his 98yr old,, etc.  I refuse to ask him to come with me to basically, babysit my sister.  We just come if there's a real problem with either family member.  Otherwise, we give each other a break.  If we both were working, with both his dad and my sister, it would cause burnout really fast.  He's 76 and I'm 72.  We've learned to help each other out...when I come home, Larry has prepared whatever I need...breakfast, lunch or supper...housework.  I do the same for him.  We each, are there for one another.  It works.

One of the days I was there, I needed I made my way to the cafeteria in the basement of the hospital.  Big mistake.  $12 dollars for this?  And by the way?  My diet is messed up so I'm having to start over...I'm 2 1/2 pounds up...  :o(

In other news...I bought a Zwilling pump.  LOVE it.  Now I can save fruit to eat 5 to 10 days longer than in just normal storage Ziplocs.  It pulls out all the air.  This glass bowl came with it and 4 different sized bags.  I also ordered extra bags.  You preppers out there would love this!  $102.  Well worth it...the food that it'll save us...will pay for itself in no time.  You can get just the unit, by itself, for $89.  But you'll need the reusable bags.

No more ruined bread before we can finish a loaf!

My granddaughter, Samantha, sent these photos of Everett (granson inlaw) finding these arrowheads on their land.  The Cherokee use to live and roam this area, years ago.  No telling what else he'll find if he keeps digging.
Well, now that I've written a novel for you today, I'll let you get to it...Have a sweet and peaceful day.
Until next time...


Jennifer said...

Oh my - your stories with your sister. You are earning extra jewels in your crown...I just know it! I am not the patient one and I am not sure I would be such a nice sister!! Kudos to you. I do hope she is feeling better each day and will recover completely. I have heard that surgery can be a bear. Apparently for everyone - lol!!:)

Jeanette said...

Your stories about your sister makes almost glad I never had one! LOL! I was driving to an appointment to get my eyes dilated when we hit 98% coverage during the eclipse! I made the appointment a year ago so I guess I couldn't have timed it any better! Oh that Sloane knocks me out with her cuteness! You'll get back on your diet and that 2.5 pounds will be gone in no time! XO

Sandra Cox said...

Your sister sounds challenging.
The arrowheads are very cool.
Hang in there.

Ann said...

What a day for your sister to go home. I don't blame you for not going back out for her meds. I would have told her the same thing, let them deliver.
What a cool thing that zwilling pump is. I like that it has reusable bags. Having to buy bags all the time could get pricey.
Holy smokes on the lunch at the hospital. You don't get much for $12.

Mari said...

The arrowheads are so cool!
I'm sorry about what you went through with Ruthann. You are a good sister. Glad she's doing ok!
The eclipse was amazing. Your shot beats mine!
I'm very interesting in the zwilling pump!

Lee said...

Wow! That is an interesting find!....More digging is the order! :)

It's tough having to deal with "hard-headed" folk...but you're doing an admirable job, Donna! Kudos to you! :)

Sloane is such a little darling, and I love seeing photos of her.

Take good care of yourself.

Margaret D said...

You have me laughing about your sister, you two are so precious :)
Sloane is lovely as always.
Never heard of a Zwilling pump, sounds interesting if you are inclined to have food left over before you bought it.

ashok said...

Such an interesting post...nice eclipse click!

Polyester Princess said...

Your sister sounds like quite a character, to put it mildly :-)
I truly admire you and the hospital staff for your/their patience!
William's photo of the eclipse is fantastic, and how incredible are those arrowheads Everett found! xxx

Wanda said...

Donna, I loved your Novel, I'm subscribing!!
Wonderful post.

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm so sorry Ruth Ann, and you, had a terrible time getting home in the rain. It must have been so hard for her after her surgery, especially with the medicine making her sick. Smart of you to drive through the back roads. Little Sloan's black and white is so cute. I didn't notice anything different here with the eclipse, but back in my hometown years ago, I noticed a drastic change in the skies. That's a really nice picture of your flowers, and isn't that neat that your patio lights turned on! Those are cool findings that Samantha came across. And interesting that the Cherokee used to live in that area. Up here, the Wintu tribe roamed this land, and my mother-in-law used to live here and is part Wintu. That arrowhead is very cool.

Hang in there, Donna. I'm sure Ruth Ann appreciates your help, but may be too sick to express that right now.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Donna. So glad that you sister is home and on the mend now. I hope that her recovery continues. Sounds like it has been challenging for both of you.
The Zwilling pump looks very interesting. I have never heard of that. Those arrowheads are very cool. I hope that you and your family have a great weekend. See you again soon!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Not a bad eclipse picture. I was in the 98.3 totality area, so the eclipse was a big deal for me. I decided to go out onto my deck, lie down on my back, don my glasses, and watch. It moved me. I was reminded that the last time I watched with my dad. I thought how vast the universe. How much better this would have been with a pillow. How the heck was I going to get back up? At the moment of deepest emotion a bird pooped on me. 

The Happy Whisk said...

Ovi is ridiculous. I'm sorry they even had that as an option. Sending well wishes.

Granny Marigold said...

I'm sorry you had such a horrible trip bringing Ruth Ann home from the hospital.I hope her recovery keeps going well and that she can manage without too much help.
What you got for $12 from the hospital cafeteria is just ridiculous. How can they justify that!!!
Your grandson got an amazing photo of the eclipse. I wish we would have been able to see it.
Take care and have a great weekend.

Elizabethd said...

Welcome to my Blog (Small moments) Donna, nice to meet new friends. It sounds as though you have a heavy load to cope with. Caring is not for the faint hearted! But it's worth it.

Linda said...

Your sister sounds like my mother-in-law. The prices of things---just crazy.

Love the arrowheads and such. Wishing you a beautiful weekend my friend.

photowannabe said...

I'm with everyone else..Sorry you had to plow through that horrible weather and work through your sister's hardheadedness..More power to you!!
I sort of feel the same way you do after being with your sis...When I get home from my stint with my friend with Alzheimer's, I am exhausted and have used up all my words.
Hubby Dave gives me space and sometimes we just go out for a bite to eat. It really helps.
Love your sweet Sloane and wow on those arrowheads. Such historical treasures.

Sandra Cox said...

Great eclipse shots and gorgeous dark shot.
Have a wondrous weekend. Hugs,

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

You have the patience of a modern day saint with your sister, Donna.
We didn't get to see the eclipse here so it is great to see your photos and the black and white photo of Sloane is beautiful. I wonder what other treasures Sam and Everett will find on their land. The arrow heads are so cool.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

You and Larry make a good team in each doing what needs to be done for other, Donna. I hope Ruth Ann recovers and can manage. I hope she’s thankful to have you as her sister. I never hear of that Zwilling pump! It sounds like a money saver for sure. I hope you have a wonderful week enjoying Springtime.

dori said...

Grat post, dear Donna!!

The iron-arrow is stunning!

Sloane looks so wonderful, great girl in Black-White like in Grandmas time!

Ruth Ann has such a fine dress! She is brave! Best wishes for her!

You are a blessing for your family and your family is so blessed!

The sun is exciting! We had this adventue about 10 years ago and I drived with car about one hour to find the best position for my arents and my sons and friends, who were with me.

Many greetings and blessings to all your family from Dori from the Bavarian Forest

dori said...

Toller Beitrag, liebe Donna!!

Der Eisenpfeil ist atemberaubend!

Sloane sieht so wundervoll aus, tolles Mädchen in Schwarz-Weiß wie zu Omas Zeiten!

Ruth Ann hat so ein schönes Kleid! Sie ist mutig! Alles Gute für sie!

Du bist ein Segen für deine Familie und deine Familie ist so gesegnet!

Die Sonne ist aufregend! Wir hatten dieses Abenteuer vor etwa 10 Jahren und ich fuhr etwa eine Stunde mit dem Auto, um die beste Position für meine Eltern und meine Söhne und Freunde, die bei mir waren, zu finden.

Viele Grüße und Segenswünsche an die ganze Familie von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald

diane b said...

Enjoyed reading your novel. You must be patient to care for a grumpy sister. So glad you and Larry can help each other get through your caring duties. Getting her home in the storm sounded horrendous. Well done.

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh Donna it sounds like you are put to the test with your sister. That rain if it was like ours was absolutely a deluge. Glad to read you were able to get her home safely. In reality it sounds like she is doing good. Yes the eclipse was special. Not sure I will see the next one either...I will be 87! Wow those arrowheads are special. Hope he doesn't dig up a body :)! Hugs

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I sure hope things will go well with Ruth Ann's recovery. The solar eclipse photos are awesome! Finding the arrowheads was a great discovery.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Haha don't get me started on hospital cafeterias ... my recent experiences are that they are NEVER open when you NEED something to eat! When Erica had her children (two separate area hospitals), all that was available was vending machines unless you left the property. I remember when the cafeterias were open round the clock since that is when emergencies happen and babies are born and relatives may need a good meal! I guess those days are just dead and gone. And yes the prices for what you CAN find are ridiculous. Also don't get me started on people objecting to comments on social media ... oh DEAR if you put it out there, you WANT the attention and it cannot possibly ALL be positive attention!!! What sets me off most is if I read in a comment on an online tabloid story (yes I am guilty of reading the Daily Mail, haha), featuring out-and-about shots of this or that celebrity: "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" or "Leave her alone!!!" WHAAAAT? First of all, looking at a picture online is not DOING anything to anyone! It's a picture! Likewise commenting on it does NOTHING to the person in the picture!!! Such NONSENSE! Haahahah you've got me ranting now. I'm glad Ruth is up and around, and you deserve sainthood for sure. xoxo

DeniseinVA said...

William’s photos of the eclipse is impressive! Yours might even beat mine as we were on the edge and it was a non-event. I forgot to get those special sunglasses also. Ah well, in the next lifetime maybe. Very cute funny squirrel, thanks for the smile. Hoping for the best in Ruth Ann’s recovery and being let out of hospital. Cute photo of Sloane. She is such a sweet little girl. Nice touch in black and white and the eclipse. Enjoy the rest of your week and look forward to your next post.

Catherine said...

Great eclipse picture.
I hope your sister will be better soon and that you can rest with Larry. Sloane is very cute even in black and white 😆
The arrowhead is a precious find.
Your find is very useful to keep food longer now that the food is so expensive.

Far Side of Fifty said...

It is a good thing that you and your husband work well together but apart with your relatives. Divide and conquer!