Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Making Room...The Gulf, Bagels and Crocs.

 Good morning, friends... The week has passed by so fast!  Been trying to stay busy.  In our living room, there is a wasted space.  The room is long and narrow. the back end of it, I've confiscated the wasted space.  It was becoming an area for chargers!  Larry just kept adding battery charger, after charger, for our vacuums, flashlights, patio blower...etc.  Also, unused chairs and a sofa table that was against the wall.  He's taken over both rooms of our outdoor building!  One side for his woodworking and the other, for his lasers.  I had nowhere, really, for my Cricut or sewing and quilting.  I have two sewing machines and a Cricut machine and all the supplies that go with them.  I need space!  Hence, the back wall area for sewing and quilting and my office for the Cricut.  I'm still sorting but will eventually get there.   
I always wondered why Mom would do the strangest things around the family I know! lolol
I think it has something to do with us older folks making new nesting areas in our lives...

His woodworking room...I think all those chargers have somewhere to go! lol
I said to him, go open the outside building doors...I need to take a couple of pictures...lolol...I know he was thinking, "man...I should have cleaned up out here...".

And his laser room...

My area at the back end of the living room...for sewing.  See the sofa table?  It once was full of chargers! lol

My office in one of the spare bedrooms.  We have a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house.  One is for is for Larry and me and this is the third.  It's tiny...about 13 x 13?  It was our daughter's bedroom, growing up.

I converted it to a work area after she left home.  I'm cleaning out these bookshelves...That's my older computer, on the floor, that I've reset and giving to my cranky sister, Ruth

Now I can do some projects on the Cricut without getting things confused!  Libby was in full agreement! lol
My computer work area is on the opposite wall.

Our granddaughter Sam, hubby Everett and our Sloane went on vacation to Port Aransas last week.  Sloane had a wonderful time!

Sloane and cousin, River.

Cousin Arlis and Sloane...

She loves the boat rides!

Her first real soaking in the Gulf of Mexico...loving it!

A family affair...

All dressed up for a seafood dinner, out...take Particular notice of the clip in her hair...lolol...big girl, like mommy.

Our sweethearts, Sam and Sloane...

I threw some blueberry bagels under the toaster and added sweet lemon butter...oh my word, good!

I made Enchiladas Suisa...with flour tortillas...

Then made rice and tomatoes with butter and salt for an easy lunch.


I ordered Larry some Crocs from Amazon...I got the size right!  Couldn't believe it!  He likes them (shock) and has been wearing them every day!

Well, I guess that's it for me today...We are getting Sloane today because it's Juneteenth.  The daycare closed...No mail delivery if you're wondering why you didn't get any...
Hope you're all well and until next time...


NanaDiana said...

So wonderful to pop in here and catch up a bit. Love that you have a space for your sewing, etc. now. It does make a difference to have our own space! Those kids are all just adorable! Beautiful family.
Enjoy your summer day- xo Diana

Margaret D said...

Lovely photos as always.
You have everything in place in your work rooms, looks good.
Take care and have a good week.

Bill said...

What a nice job organizing your areas so you can work on you projects, it will be a lot easier. Nice photos, have a good week, Donna.

Ann said...

Well Larry has lots of room for all his hobbies it's only fair that you get some space as well. Yours looks very neat and organized. I used to have my craft room in my daughters old bedroom but since Wade passed and I took over the man cave, I've moved a lot of my crafting stuff there.
Crocs are very popular but I have never owned a pair.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Don't get me started on "junteenth" oh my wooooorrddd ... aaarrrgghh ... anyway, I have never work Crocs clogs but I cannot live without my Crocs flip flops. I live in them, hahaha! Sloane is so many different kinds of darling, I simply cannot!!! What a dollbaby! And so big! Good job on mixing it up in the house so that you have the spaces you need for the work you do. That's just as it should be. You should have thought about having some bagel with that butter, hahahaha! Love the tshirt ... Yep, gender is important at milking time. Sure hope Cranky Ruth is grateful for her computer, hahaha xoxo

Mari said...

Good for you for all the sorting out of things. It's nice to have a room for all that.
Sloane continues to be just adorable!
I love the t-shirt!

Dianna said...

Thank you for reminding me why it is that I didn't receive any mail today! But the oddest thing...I still got a package delivered by USPS today. ?

That sweet Sloane is a darling little girl! I know you love her.

Congratulations on reclaiming some of the living room area for yourself! It looks really does the area for your office and Cricut.

Granny Marigold said...

I had to look up Juneteenth. I don't think I'd ever heard about it.
You sure got a lot of organizing done. Now everything is neatly arranged💗.

Red Rose Alley said...

It's nice that you are making room for all your projects in your home. That's a lot of work, and you're doing a great job. I like your craft corner, and have always wanted a craft room. The "getting old" quote sounds about right. Sloane is having a blast on her trip. The family photo is cute. Kids love the water for sure. Those blueberry bagels with the lemon butter look amazing. All the food on your blog always looks wonderful.

Have a good rest of the week, Donna.


Lee said...

Thank you for the smiles...and the awakening of my appetite! :)

The children are beautiful.

Take very good care, one and all. :)

diane b said...

You sure are a busy couple and its good to have the space for all your hobbies.We are trying to declutter so our kids don't have a two bigger job when we fall off the perch. Be careful with all those batteries. Lithium batteries explode and catch on fire quickly.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Donna. It was fun to see how you have rearranged your home to make use of wasted space. Good job! Great pictures of Sloane. Looks like she had a fun time with cousins. As always, your food looks delicious! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. See you again soon!

Debbie Nolan said...

Donna I am smiling at your looks like your hubby has to have more space than you. Somehow those tools take up a great deal of room. Glad you were able to find a place that holds yours. I can picture a great deal of creating going on in that corner of the room. Sloane is really growing. Hope she will remember a little of the vacation to the gulf. Glad to read that Larry likes the Crocs. I hear they are quite comfortable. Well Have a great Weekend - Hugs!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

My office/Studio is a complete disaster. Honestly, I don’t know how it got into that condition. Obviously, I made it this way, but how? Now I’m in the process of trying to straighten it up, and I don’t even know where to begin. I like your idea of lemon butter on bagels. I’m going to have to make some of that.

Sandra Cox said...

Those bagels look especially yummy.
Cute pics of Sloane enjoying vacay:)

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Wonderful pictures of Sloane enjoying her holiday. It looks like she was having a great time. Great that you have been able to repurpose that wasted space so you can enjoy your hobbies as well as Larry having his space to work too. Have fun with your cricut machine.

photowannabe said...

Oh yummm, sweet lemon butter on bagels!! Now I really want some too.
And oh my those enchiladas look so good. think I will make some tomorrow with our left over chicken and flour tortillas.
Sloane...what can I say? Too cute and she sure looks like she had a ball in the Gulf waters. Hubby loves his "knock-offs" and wears them all the time.
Wow, I'm so glad you finally have a space for your wonderful crafts and office too. My office is at the end of our dining room table. I just recently did a blog post on it. View from my Office.
I sure can identify with the "Getting Old" cartoon quote..that's me all too often, only with me it's songs from the 50's and 60's..I AM OLD !!

dori said...

You are very good organized dear Donna! Not - - - toooo perfect, but everone can trust on your pans! Sloane is a princess!

Anonymous said...

Du bist sehr gut organisiert, liebe Donna! Nicht zu perfekt, aber jeder kann sich auf deine Pfannen verlassen! Sloane ist eine Prinzessin!

Anonymous said...

Du bist sehr gut organisiert, liebe Donna! Nicht zu perfekt, aber jeder kann sich auf deine Pfannen verlassen! Sloane ist eine Prinzessin!

Donna said...

To Anonymous... Thank you for the kind words!

Debbie said...

you have an amazing home, decorated with creativity in mind. i find that people who have rooms dedicated to crafting, dedicate more time to creating!! and everything sure is organized, i like that!! those kids are adorable!!

Catherine said...

I know it is difficult to organise a craft room, I have difficulty to organise mine and not scatter all my items in the house!
I also remember the words of the 80’s songs and often forget what I was looking for 😂.

Jeanette said...

You did a good job sorting and organizing! Everything looks so nice! I have a pair of crocs that I seldom wear but always wonder why I don't wear them more often when I do! Sloan is adorable with her clipped hair and I love her little white sandals! XO

Jennifer said...

What a great use of that space in the living room. You are going to be so creative there:) That Sloan is looking so grown up!! My goodness - how does happen!?! Hope you are surviving the heat...I am so behind in blog reading but I enjoyed stopping by today and look forward to getting all caught up soon!

Erin said...

Donna ... yes i got you and Deanna mixed up ... found both your blogs at the same time and enjoyed reading them. Erin from Klein.