Thursday, July 4, 2024

Joy...Project, Potatoes and Fajitas

Happy Independence Day, America!
May we always remain free...

Good morning, friends...Hope you all are doing well.  Not much happening on our home front except doctor visits.   Larry had his 2nd round of BCG treatments Monday morning, once a week, for 3 weeks...I was ready for any adverse responses this time around!  He woke up next day, just fine.

Bright spot!  Sloane and Sam spent the weekend with Sloane's Lolli and Pops.  They had a blast.  It was non-stop fun.  There's so much to do in Magnolia, Tx (suburb of Houston) and surrounding areas.

Sloane and Pops... <3 


Mommy and Sloane...

Cooling things

Nothing like cold watermelon on a hot Summer's day.

We ate out at a small cafe called Muffin's Cafe in Marlin, Texas last Saturday.  These were the hash browns we were served...Paper thin and fried...delicious!  We've never had them like this before...maybe something I can duplicate here at home.

If you're Not a quilter or might want to just skip on past this pattern and electric machine stuff... :oO



Getting ready to finish up on my blue quilt so I can start my new project.  Everything's in its bin...just waiting for me to get off my duff and get busy.  My next project in the top photo is the original pattern of a ribbon...I thought it looked out of sorts so, I changed the design to make the middle tie area and edges, larger and more realistic...for a bow block.  I'm still trying to decide about the top edges, R and L.  
Do you like page A or B

Just some scrap material to tr things out...Love it!  And it will cut up to 6 layers of material!  Just realize that if you buy a die machine, you get a free die with it but if you want more, you'll need to buy them, ranging between $15 up to $300 or more dollars.

My wrists ache trying to cut all the blocks for quilts and such.  I found this marvelous machine at Accuquilt.  It's a Godsend.  If you are a quilter then you know how long it can take to cut out your patterns.  That's 3/4 the battle!  And you want complete accuracy...I played around with it yesterday and it worked great.  My Go Big model wasn't cheap but the hand crank models are more moderately priced. They have different types of machines...mostly with hand cranks.  I just needed the electric machine.  Early birthday gift from Larry! lol
Click here to go to YouTube to check out the machine for yourself, if interested!

My material for the Ribbon Blocks.  I'm gifting it to our granddaughter, Samantha...

Don't forget the fur babies and fireworks!!  It scares them!!

We went to Rosebud, Tx to a quilting store called The Fabric Barn.  I could spend all day in a fabric store! lol
While we were in town, I saw a place that sold these Mocha Frappuccino's.  Wonderful!  It was already 88 degrees out...   

Lastly, Larry felt like cooking fajitas.  They were really good.
Well guys...guess that's it for me this week.  Hope you all are well and happy.
So...until next time...


Ann said...

It was a tough decision but I think I like block B just a tiny bit better. That machine to cut out the fabric must be a life saver. Worth every penny.
Sloane is looking adorable as always.
that dog in the pic about fireworks looks a lot like Gibbs. Love the one about my loan my responsibility.

Catherine said...

Glad Larry feels better this time.
The machine you found looks great saves time.
Sloane is always so cute with a bow in her hair.

Linda said...

Glad Larry is feeling better. I hope you have a beautiful day, my friend.

Margaret D said...

A machine for so many things these days, it's good.
Good to know Larry is ok after the treatment - sleeping it off.
Take care...nice photos.

Mari said...

So glad the treatment went well for Larry this time.
Sloane is a cute as ever!
That machine looks like an amazing time and hand saver.
Happy 4th!

MadSnapper said...

Sloan is precious! so cute and she and poppy look so happy together. love the watermelon shot most of all. Happy 4th of July, we are hoping for a lot less firework noise than last year. it went on for 2 days before and 2 day after. so far only one last night at 9:30... that machine really looks worth the dollars spent. aching wrists effect our lives.. have fun and GO BIG

Sooze said...

Happy Independence Day to you and yours! Sloane certainly had a wonderful day, going by the lovely smiles. I'm glad to read Larry had a better time of it.

Bill said...

Sloane looks like she is having lots of fun. Happy July 4th, have a wonderful day.

DeniseinVA said...

Loved all the sweet photos and this week's happenings. Sloane is ever adorable! Food looks incredibly yummy! I wouldn't hesitate a guess on the blocks, they all look great to me. Very happy about Larry! Happy 4th of July to you all with hugs from me.

Polyester Princess said...

Wishing you and your lovely family a Happy Independence Day, Donna!
I'm glad to read that Larry's 2nd round of BCG treatments didn't trigger any adverse responses.
It's always a joy to see cutie pie Sloane's pictures on your blog, and that machine does indeed sound like a godsend! xxx

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm glad Larry did well with his treatments. Sloane is a cuties in these pics. My sister can spend all day in a fabric store too. She used to sew quilts and other things. That mocha drink looks good on a hot summer day. Delicious fajitas Larry made.

Happy 4th of July Donna!


kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Happy Independence Day, Donna,and God bless America. 🙏🏻🇺🇸
I always enjoy seeing your pictures. I hope Larry is feeling better.
Your ribbon quilt is going to be so pretty and that machine will surely help you out. I just embroidered 13 varsity cheerleaders names on towels for Cissy and friends. Keeps us busy!

Lowcarb team member said...

That's good about Larry.
Wonderful photographs of sweet Sloane.
Happy 4th of July.

All the best Jan

Daniela said...

Happy Fourth of July!

Daniela said...

Happy Fourth of July!

ashok said...

Lovely post

Dianna said...

That dear little Sloane! She makes me smile everytime I see a picture of her! Such sweetness!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Absolutely with the student loans! Everyone pay off their own responsible! Happy 4th of July!

Granny Marigold said...

I can just imagine how good those shredded hash browns were. I wonder if I could do that using my mandolin? It's worth a try.
Stay cool if you can.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I love it that you quilt. I love fabric, textiles of all sorts, and I have a large collection of it. Sadly, I don’t do anything with it. I bought myself a nice sewing machine five years ago after my dad passed away, and I haven’t even attempted to use it. There’s just something about sewing machines that scare me. I think it goes back to when I was in Home Ec and ended up with the one machine no one wanted because it had only one speed and that was “run amok.” I spent more time ripping seams than I did sewing. I would love to be able to do something with fabric, I just never do. By the way, those hash browns look wonderful.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Sloane looks like she is having the best of fun.
Glad that Larry did ok this time with his treatment and I hope it stays that way. Have a lovely week, Donna x

dori said...

The LOVE with Larry and you is so true and strong. So you have a blessed family. You have a great faith in the will of the Lord, so you get the power and sensivity you need to carry on your good way. Best wishes to you both! I prayed for Larry.
Sloane is very sweet, she makes everyone smiling and feeling a good heart.
Fireworks are terrible for dogs and cats, birds and many other animals. We have noisy fireworks on Silvester, in neary each garden.. Must this really be???
It's hot in your region. But I heard in radio about a strong storm, is it coming?
Greetings and blessings to you and to all your family from Dori fraom he Bavarian Forest

dori said...

Die LIEBE zwischen Larry und dir ist so echt und stark. Du hast also eine gesegnete Familie. Du hast großes Vertrauen in den Willen des Herrn, also bekommst du die Kraft und Sensibilität, die du brauchst, um deinen guten Weg fortzusetzen. Alles Gute für euch beide! Ich habe für Larry gebetet.
Sloane ist sehr süß, sie bringt alle zum Lächeln und gibt ihnen ein gutes Herz.
Feuerwerk ist schrecklich für Hunde und Katzen, Vögel und viele andere Tiere. Wir haben an Silvester lautes Feuerwerk, in fast jedem Garten. Muss das wirklich sein???
Es ist heiß in deiner Gegend. Aber ich habe im Radio von einem starken Sturm gehört, kommt er?
Grüße und Segen für dich und deine ganze Familie von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald