Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Labor Day...Fiora, Bad Biscuits and Eye Exam

Good morning, Friends...time got away from me even though it's really been a rather lazy week for us.  The kids went to the West Fest to celebrate Labor Day.  It was founded in 1976 to help the town of West, Texas, raise funds.  Larry and I used to go but after a while, nothing was different...it was always super-hot and there's always a few drunks to spoil things.  Temps weren't too bad for the kids, but it was also a bit cloudy and that helped.

Sam and Sloane watching the parade pass by...

The kids squealed with delight when candy was thrown!

It won't be long before Sloane will be all grown up...time passes so fast...

I made some "Marry Me Chicken", recipe stolen from Mari...it was terrific!!  Will be making this again!

Marry Me Chicken

1 1/2 - 2 pounds chicken breast or thighs, cut into bite size cubes
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
3 tablespoons corn starch
1 cup heavy cream
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
1 teaspoon onion powder
4 tablespoons butter
1/3 cup sun dried tomatoes

Mix corn starch and broth in crock pot. Stir in the rest of the ingredients and cook on low for 6 hours.
Serve over rice.

I used my own frozen diced tomatoes and fresh garlic with a dash of lemon juice.  Try it and make it your own!

The last time daughter Crystal came for a visit, she used my hairbrush...a week later, the above hairbrush arrives in the mail!  I called to say thanks but why did I need a brush?  She says, "because Mom...yours about took my scalp off!  All the little balls are missing!!"...Lololol
I told her that in the "olden days", girls were told to brush their hair with a stiff bristled brush, with 100 strokes to make the scalp circulation better.  She said her circulation was just fine, thank you very much, and to "just use the new brush, for cripes sake..."  Lololol
We had a good laugh...

It did have three balls left on it...now only one...I guess I shall give it a proper send-off...but I hate to throw things out! lol...I know...and I will!  That's how things you don't need start to accumulate!  

Ever tried making buttered toast then pouring on some Mexican Table Cream and topping that with cinnamon sugar?  Yum!

Went to my eye exam...looks like I may have to have surgery on my right eye...a small hole has developed around the retina rim.  When I look at things like a face, their nose appears to be in a swirl pattern.  Dr said I came in early and that was a good thing.  The power also was out, and I thought I'd have to reschedule...nope...Doc saw me using an old method of looking into my eye...anyway, I have another appointment in three weeks...if it's not improved, surgery.

This statue is in his office...

We ordered sausage gravy at a cafe the other day...yuck!  I really tried to eat it but just couldn't.  I felt bad about the wasted money but even Larry said it was bad.  When the waitress picked up my plate, she asked if it was alright...I just told her the truth..."it wasn't very good...the biscuits were rocks and where was the sausage?"
Yes!  I was really nice about it...lol
Asked if I wanted another plate, I said, no thank you baby...sweetly...it wasn't her fault, after all...and we left.  What is going on these days...as if I didn't know.  Cheaping out on how things are made, will just lose you customers...

Rosa's never fails us...

And my homemade granola is really good...
Well, that's about it for me this week.  Hope you all are safe and well and happy.
So, until next time...



MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry to hear you might need surgery and happy you went when you did. that statue is Stunning. Sam and Sloan made me smile, so cute and yuck on bad gravy, been there done that, some make it right some do not. once again you have been a busy bee with lots going on in life

Chatty Crone said...

I love the Made In Heaven House at the beginning - so pretty. Sloane is adorable. I may be an Ostrich too. Sweet about your daughter sending you the hairbrush. The cinnamon toast looks so GOOD! I agree with your socialism meme - and the wolf meme. I am sorry about your eye - I hope you do not need surgery - but I am glad the doctor is a Christian. Good luck.

The Happy Whisk said...

Homemade granola rocks. Easy and fun! I love that saying, I was today years old.

photowannabe said...

Oh so sorry you are going to have surgery on your eye but I am thankful you caught it early. The statue in the office is amazing. Its so comforting and beautiful.
I definitely agree on the socialism and Veg. sayings. Too true.
Don't get me started on bad restaurant food and some service. What's with the dumbing down and cheapening of everything?
Places we used to love to go to...no more... our money is too hard to come by to waste it and food we can't eat.
Always love the photos of Sloane. She sure is growing up so fast.

Bill said...

Hope you don't have to have eye surgery. I don't think I would even want to try the sausages and biscuits, doesn't look delicious. Have fun breaking in your new brush. :)

Dianna said...

That Mari has some very tasty recipes! I have a whole section in my homemade recipe book of her recipes. No joke!

Loved the interaction between you and your daughter over the brush! LOL

I'm so sorry about your possibility of eye surgery. But if it needs it and will take care of the problem, please know that we will be praying for you, my friend.

When I saw the picture of the sausage gravy and biscuits my first thought was, "Donna didn't make that...there's no sausage in the gravy"...turned out I was right.

Red Rose Alley said...

First, I'm so sorry about your eye condition. I hope it improves, so you won't need surgery. I smiled at the toast. When my kids were little, I made them toast and butter and sprinkled sugar and cinnamon on it. Learned from my mom. And I chuckled about your hair brush too, because I still use what is called a dog brush. Those sharp bristle brushes are way too hurtful for my thick curly hair, and the dog brush (a softer fuller brush) does the trick. The "marry me chicken" looks delicious. The festival looks fun, and Sloane is sure having a great time. I was wondering about the statue and what it means? Those tacos look Yummy. There's nothing like a good taco, right? And wonderful that you make homemade granola.

Happy September Donna!


Margaret D said...

Just do love the first picture, it's so sweet.
Eye surgery, all the best if you have to have it, sure all will turn out well.
Children do love Lollie's, don't they!
That meal doesn't look pleasurable to me either, if there was supposed to be sausage, where is it!
You take care..

Ann said...

Sorry to hear about the eye. Hope all goes well and you won't need surgery.
That chicken looks really good. I'll have to try that. Too bad about the sausage gravy. I know what you mean though. Once I get bad food somewhere I usually don't go back.

Prims By The Water said...

Oh I hope you do nit need eye surgery. Please keep us updated. My kiddos always loved getting candy at the parade. A few years back a parent complained that their child got hit with candy and then that town decided not to throw candy anymore. UGH It was a shame they stopped and I knew others were so disappointed. Your cartoons are so true. Hope everyone votes the right way. Janice

Jeanette said...

Oh I hope you don't have to have eye surgery! Sloane is precious in her little jean skirt! XO

Sooze said...

I do like recipes for meals that more or less take care of themselves! Throw it all in and leave it to cook until you're ready - sounds good. The eye thing sounds scary, good job you've caught it early as the doc says.

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh I will be praying you don't have to have surgery on your eye. Had to smile about your socialist quote - what a great understanding of how it all works :)!! It does seem like much of our food eaten out is less than good. Experienced here with what used to be the best bakery - not sure what happened but third generation of the family is running it now - wish grandma and grandpa would have passed on their great recipes. Hugs!

Lin said...

The brush made me laugh. I got a new grater one year for Christmas because mine "looked ancient." Who's to judge?! Anyway...it's the thought that counts. And it's perfectly fine to tell the waitress that the food wasn't good. Might be good feedback if the cook cares. It's all in how you do it and I'm sure you were kind. :)

Lowcarb team member said...

Pleased you enjoyed Mari's 'marry me chicken' it's such a great name too!

You may not need eye surgery, have to wait and see if things improve (I hope they do).

My good wishes.

All the best Jan

Latane Barton said...

Hoping for a speedy resolution to your eye problem. My retina tore and I had laser surgery once. It was weird seeing lights flashing where there were none. I love sausage gravy, good sausage gravy. You're looked gross. Glad you told the waitress, the problem. And, of course, I got a kick out of the political graphic!! Hugs...

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Hi Donna. It has been good to catch up with you after my August away . Look at all the things I missed here. August birthdays, we have lots of those in August too. How can Sloane be two now? Belated wishes to you as well xx
Congratulations to your grandson William on his promotion. You must be so proud.
Have a great September.

Anonymous said...

What happened to my comment? Did is disappear into spam folder?

Isn't 'marry me chicken' a wonderful name for a delicious recipe!

Hoping you may not need eye surgery.
My good wishes.

All the best Jan

Granny Marigold said...

So I had to go look at my hairbrush. It has not a single little ball but did it ever? I know I've had that brush a long time. Maybe it came with little balls on each bristle.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

All of the food in this post is making my mouth water. I particularly like the tacos, plated and served on that beautiful table. I’ve heard of the marry me chicken (I think there are quite a few “marry me” recipes), but thought it sounded too gimmick to actually try. I think you’ve changed my mind.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Best of luck with your eye, maybe it will fix itself, hopefully it won't get worse. Medical appointments are exhausting.

Shug said...

looks like a very fun filled festival event. The kids are adorable. I love the first picture of the roses..absolutely gorgeous. I laughed when I saw your brush...mine looks just like that...it works for me.

Linda said...

And that is why I refuse to eat biscuits and gravy out. Ugh, so sorry you had that experience. Wishing you a beautiful Sunday my friend...and keeping you in prayer.

ashok said...

Wonderful pictures Donna .
Hope your eye surgery goes well.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Yum!!! You are right about Rosa's! Hope you do not have to have surgery, but good that you went to get checked out. Your daughter and granddaughter look so sweet.

dori said...

I can understand, that you cannot throw an old hairbrush away, but I think, Crystal safed your life ! :) Really: Sloane is no longer a baby, she is a girl! Where is the time of yesterday? I wait for good news about your eye!
Many greetigs and blessings to you and to all your family from Dori from the Bavarian Forest

dori said...

Ich kann verstehen, dass man eine alte Haarbürste nicht wegwerfen kann, aber ich denke, Crystal hat dir das Leben gerettet! :) Wirklich: Sloane ist kein Baby mehr, sie ist ein Mädchen! Wo ist die Zeit von gestern? Ich warte auf gute Nachrichten über dein Auge!

Viele Grüße und Segenswünsche an dich und deine ganze Familie von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald

Polyester Princess said...

I'm sorry to hear about your eye problem, Donna. Keeping my fingers crossed you don't need surgery, but at least it was caught early and something can be done about it!
The hairbrush episode made me laugh ... and realize that most of the balls are gone from mine as well :-) xxx

Jenny the Pirate said...

So sorry about your eye. Ugh I hope you don't need surgery but noses in swirls sounds like a non-starter. Yes the foray into restaurants these days, hoping for a decent meal, is getting more and more terrifying. Also I have never heard of Mexican Table Cream but anything involving cinnamon and toast has my unwavering support. I'm really going to have to make that Marry Me Chicken! xoxo