Monday, August 26, 2024

Feral Love...Shopping, Hot Pad and Buddy

Good morning, Friends... The above photo is AI of course, but it looks just like our Miss Kitty.  We have really been working with her, trying to acclimatize her to living with us, inside the house, before Old Man Winter shows up.  And it looks like he may be showing up earlier than usual, this year.  By next Tuesday (not tomorrow), temps will drop from 100F to 87...daytime.  Night times will be in the low 70's!  Not normal for central Texas!  I think I need to get out into the flowerbeds...tomato pots, etc., and winterize things.  Is Winter creeping up on you? 


Miss Kitty and Daddy sharing some time watching Midsomer Murders...I think she may have some British all do since we had ancestors there. With Irish, Austrian, Black German, Cherokee and Italian thrown into the mix.  What a combo! lol


The girlz came by and picked me up to go shopping on Saturday.  We ran errands to Aldis (the market), then stopping in to pick up an order for sandwiches to carry back to the house to eat with Gampa (Larry).

Then Sam layed Sloane down for a two hour nap!  Little girl was tired!


I had to make Larry a hot pad for his 3-D machine.  Looks awful!  It's my first attempt at making hot pads...Now I know what Not to Do!  I've got two more cut out and ready to stitch...One of them is bound to turn out! lol... I haven't sewn anything since I was in my 20's...I'm now 73 with bad eyes...


Larry's favorite breakfast sandwich...egg with mustard on toasted French bread.

Did I tell y'all to Never buy these crackers?  All cracker and you cannot taste anything that resembles peanut butter!  Awful!


I was petting Buddy the other morning when my hand felt a large lump under his throat!  Long worrying story later, it was an abscess from a  tooth!  A vet visit that morning, and $250 later, ( Thank goodness for pet insurance) he's on the road to recovery.  He's a picky eater and the only thing he'll take his antibiotic in, is vanilla ice cream...hummm...I think he's pretty smart,

Well, that's about it for me this week...

Hope you all are safe and happy...and well!

So until next time...


Jeanette said...

What fun to go shopping with the girls! I think your hot pad looks fine! XO buddy!

Bill said...

I hope Buddy is recovering well, I guess with vanilla ice cream, he can't go wrong. :) I used to watch Midsomer Murders years ago, great show. Your pad looks ok by me too. Have a great week and hopefully winter will be put on hold. :)

Lin said...

It is 100 degrees today in south east TN, so NO...winter is nowhere in sight yet. The evenings are getting better though, so that is encouraging. I can't wait to open the windows!
So, I tried to attach a link to a tutorial to do easy machine binding...which would help with the hot pad to make it easier. Google blogspot doesn't like links I guess. Anyway...go to Quilty Love and search for easy machine binding. It is very doable and easy, I promise. It will finish off the edge nicely and EASILY.
LOVE your kitty. I'm glad you are bringing her in for the winter. Or trying to anyway. :)

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Hello......we live in west Texas so I know what you mean about the heat. We have been gone to Hawaii, but my friend texted me that at our home it was 114 degrees the other day. Of course it was in the 80s in Hawaii. When we returned, my outside plants looked so terrible. Thankfully some of them have started to perk up with watering. Hope your Buddy is recovering and that your kitty will like staying inside before cold weather hits.

Mari said...

I'm glad Buddy is ok! Sounds like you had fun with the girls and tired poor Sloane out.
I think Larry is crazy, putting mustard on eggs. :)
Yes, to looking at costs before voting!

DeniseinVA said...

That is such a sweet AI photo, such beautiful eyes that kitty has. I hope you can get Miss Kitty inside before the winter. This week it will be dropping from the 90s with one upswing to 99, down to the mid 70s with nighttime temperatures 68 down to 54. I have been watching Beyond Paradise, a spin-off from Death in Paradise, about a bumbling but very lovable police officer called Humphrey. I enjoy it very much. That’s a wonderful heritage you have there. Sweet photos of your girls, Sloane looks tuckered that's for sure. I like your hotpad. My hubs would love Larry’s breakfast sandwich, I’m going to show him this. We like fried egg sandwiches but never thought of putting mustard on it. Not big on a lot of mustard myself but other half loves it. I’ve have had those crackers and wasn’t my cup of tea, have to say. Buddy is a cutie, glad it was a good outcome at the vets. Glad you have pet insurance! Laughed at the Sam Elliot quote too. Thanks Donna, and have a great week.

Granny Marigold said...

That hot pad doesn't look bad at all, in fact it looks a lot better than any I could sew.
Nice that you got to go shopping with your girls.
I hope your Miss Kitty gets used to living indoors. I wonder, how cold does it get where you live?

Margaret D said...

A lovely AI photo.
Your cat is lovely sitting there watching TV.
Buddy, well that was lucky you found that bump and it's all fixed now, that was rather a good price for the vet.
Sewing, it looks ok and I'm sure your next effort will be good but the one you have done it ok and rather nice anyway.
Take care.

Ann said...

Your cold weather sounds pretty nice to me. We did have a few days of weather in the 50's but now it's warming back up.
Shopping with the girls sounds like fun.
Poor Buddy, glad it wasn't anything too serious.

Donna said...

It has gotten down to 15* before...I just can't stand the thought of Any animal being out in that kind of weather.

photowannabe said...

Oh so glad you caught the abcess in time and got Buddy on the mend.
Days out with the girls is so much fun.
I agree on the Austin crackers. I bought them because they were cheaper than get what you pay for!!!
It was nice and comfortable a few days ago and now its back up to 102F today. Can't wait for the Fall coolness and the idea of turning off the AC and fans.
Yes on the "think about the costs" before voting...

Polyester Princess said...

No sign of Winter here just yet, thankfully, although I'm not at all sure we'd consider 87°F Winter temperatures here :-)
Miss Kitty is gorgeous and I love it that like me she's a fan of Midsomer Murders!
I'm absolutely loving the sound of egg with mustard on toasted French bread, looks very yummy indeed! xxx

Carla said...

Miss Kitty is awfully pretty. and I love the afghan around her. Did you make it?
My husband loves egg sandwiches too and I hadn't thought of putting mustard on it for him. I'm gonna have to ask him if he'd like to try that. He's a mustard guy anyway. I like how you slid that Go Vote blurb in there and who would want to hurt Sam. LOL Good one.
We got a sprinkle today but Bryan-College Station got some good rain and wind.

Prims By The Water said...

Hope Miss Kitty gets use to being inside. Glad Buddy did not have anything more serious, but even the vet bills have gone up. So agree with you on the voting part. I just hope the voters voting are reading what they should be. Janice

Sandra Cox said...

Miss Kitty is awfully pretty. We watch Midsummer Murders too.

R's Rue said...

Sending you and Buddy hugs.

Dianna said...

Oh that sweet sweet Sloan. You and Sam tired her out shopping.:) And I have to agree with you about those crackers! And the cheese ones aren't much better.
I'm glad that Buddy's problem was just an abscess from a tooth and not something more serious.
I laughed and laughed at the last picture! That would be dragging the chair across the floor. :)
Oh...and thank you for the "follow"

Debbie Nolan said...

Ah Donna - you sure got me smiling with this post. Think you did a wonderful job with the mat (I too have not sewed much since I was in my 20's either)...your kitty is certainly lovely - all that gorgeous fluffy hair. Miss mine. Bet you had a fun shopping day with your girls. Your last funny I shared with my girlfriend at work. We both think that Sam Elliot is a handsome fella. Thanks for making me smile today. Hugs!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I love that Sam Elliot quote. He's a favorite actor of mine. So genuine, right? That's a cute picture of Sam and Sloane on the rug. So sorry little Buddy had an abscess from a tooth. Glad to hear he's doing better. Larry's breakfast sandwich looks really good, minus the mustard haha. And I think you did a nice job on the hot pad. Can't see any mistakes at all. You have some Cherokee? I have some Apache, along with other things, Greek, Polish, French Canadian. That's cool you have Italian too. It's an awesome heritage.


Lowcarb team member said...

Hope Buddy is recovering well.
I used to enjoy watching Midsummer Murders.

All the best Jan

diane b said...

Poor puppy and por bank balance. Hope he is better now. Love Larry's breakfast

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

It was good to catch up with you this morning, Donna. I can’t believe your Sloane is two already!! All your good food makes me hungry. I liked your words for how to vote. I need to send that to my sister. Hope Buddy is feeling much better. Happy Labor Day weekend to you.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh poor Buddy! I hope he's feeling better. I'm taking Rizzo to the vet this afternoon, only his problem is at the other end, hahaha! He's been miserable and I have no idea what the deal is but I imagine that for $400 or so they will tell me. Now Donna! Say it with me: I at no time told anyone to buy Shadowline panties. All I said was that I have forever worn a Shadowline NIGHTGOWN. For panties I wear only Bali Skimp Skamps, if you must know, hahaa! Your slipping and sliding in those Shadowline knickers is all on you, hahahaha! I bear no blame. But you do need those Garnier Thiebaut towels. xoxo

Latane Barton said...

It's ridiculous how much groceries have increased in price! How do the really poor people even eat to stay alive? And, gas for the car... and don't even get me started on how much my insurance has increased in fees. I guess you know how I will vote!!

acorn hollow said...

I love Aldis I just never get there much we live an 1hr from it
I have never thought of mustard and eggs bet its good.
Glad your sweet dog is on the mend.

Catherine said...

Miss Kitty is a beautiful cat!nice to do shopping with the girls. The vet here also costs…a Lot!

dori said...

Thanks goodness you found the illness of Buddi's tooth! Hope the trick with the medicie works :)
Kitty is a very special cat. Since when did she find her home in your house?
Sweet tired Sloane! Fine to spend good time with your wonderful girls! You also are a young girl in your heart and mind!
The hot pad you made does not look awful! It looks very nice!
You have very hot weather- we here in the Bavarian Forest, too.

Many greetings and blessings to you and to all your beloved from Dori from the Bavarian Forest

dori said...

Gott sei Dank hast du Buddis Zahnkrankheit entdeckt! Hoffe, der Trick mit dem Medikament funktioniert :)
Kitty ist eine ganz besondere Katze. Seit wann ist sie bei dir zu Hause?
Süße, müde Sloane! Schön, eine schöne Zeit mit deinen wundervollen Mädchen zu verbringen! Du bist auch im Herzen und im Kopf ein junges Mädchen!
Der Topflappen, das du gemacht hast, sieht nicht furchtbar aus! Es sieht sehr schön aus!
Bei euch ist es sehr heiß – wir hier im Bayerischen Wald auch.

Viele Grüße und Segenswünsche an dich und alle deine Lieben von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Midsomer Murders! Now you’re talking my language. I have been watching that series since it first started. I prefer Tom Barnaby to John, but I’ll take anything I can get.