Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Two...Birthdays, Hot and Needles.

Good morning, Friends...Well, maybe things will start slowing down for us.  It's been a busy Summer, of sorts.  Birthdays, family visits, work around the house...the hated word...organizing.  It seems that no matter how many things I clean and organize...I look around and there's more!

Two years old...goodness...

Gampa (Larry) made her a step stool for bathroom or kitchen chores.  Mommy Sam wants to teach her to skills in the kitchen as well as hand washing by herself...under supervision of course.
She loved it. Now she can help Mommy make cookies...etc.

Mommy Sam texted me letting me know I needed to watch the above video Sloane made for my birthday...needless to say my heart is smiling!

We gave her educational toys and books to but, when I saw the blinged  out back-pack, I knew she'd love it...She wore it the rest of the night, before bedtime...:O)

It was a really hot day here...even the pups got into the pool!  Fans were roaring while company shared tall tales and just enjoyed the get together. Had to have been 40 people, easy.  Larry and I finally gave up the ghost, after about 4 hours in...space was limited and we didn't know a lot of the folks coming in... People were still arriving as we were leaving...It was going on 7 pm and we were just pooped.  They hadn't opened presents yet...just snacking and visiting. The young carried on! lolol...

Taking a break from swimming...

So... back to regular programming....I made air fryer fried chicken...so crunchy!

For breakfast one morning, air fryer toast with eggs and bacon.

Larry grilled steaks for lunch...so tender!

Enjoyed the leftovers the next day for lunch!

This kielbasa sausage was okay...Larry likes it and cooked it so, I kept my lips zipped and smiled a lot... lolol

Need a guide for what needle, for your machine?

Truth! lolol

Well Friends... I'm off to do some more work on my quilt...I've been so bad in getting it finished!  Maybe soon...
Well, that's another week in the bag of life.  I hope you all are doing well and are safe and happy.  
So, until next time...



Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

That air fryer chicken looks amazing! I don’t use my air fryer nearly enough. I have never tried to make chicken in it. What kind of breading did you use?

Donna said...

Hi Pattie!
I mix a cup of self rising flour...1/4 cup of cornstarch...salt and pepper...any seasoning you want.
Beat one egg in a bowl...add ¼ cup buttermilk
In a large Ziploc bag, put the flour mixture then add the chicken, one at a time to coat evenly.
Dip chicken pieces in egg mixture...then again in the flour.
Place in your air fryer on some parchment paper
Cook at 350 for 20 minutes, turn at halfway mark.
Continue cooking at 385 for another 15 minutes, turning halfway through.
Cook until meat is above 170 temp.

Dianna said...

It looks and sounds as if Sloan had a great birthday. Love that she wore her bling the rest of the evening.

Your food always looks so good, Donna!

And, yes, I remember using those towels. I should have a very healthy immune system.

Mari said...

I can't believe Sloane is two already. Looks like a great party! The stool Larry made is a treasure, and the back pack was obviously a great hit. The chicken looks yummy.

Wanda said...

What a fun birthday. We just celebrated our great grandson's 2nd birthday Aug 4. They grow up so fast. Love the looks of all your Air Fryer food. And that step stool that Grandpa made is perfect!!
Sending love and hugs.

photowannabe said...

Oh my, that step stool for Sloane is super. She's going to be the best helper in the kitchen , Ever!
Love your food photos. You always make me drool, (even the Keilbasa)
Sounds like quite a party was had by all. Fun times but the heat can sure get to you.
Yes, I must be totally immune to everything. Never gave it a thought when they were in the restrooms. Haha
Love Sloane's bling too. She knows what she likes for sure.

Ann said...

Aw, what a sweet video from Sloane. All that food looks so good. My stomach is grumbling now. I need to start using my air fryer more. I would love to try that toast with eggs and bacon

Bill said...

Glad to see that Sloane had a fun 2nd birthday. The food looks so delicious. I remember those machines and I still see them occasionally. Super photos, Donna and have a fantastic week.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Your food always looks so good! Sloane is such a cutie!

Margaret D said...

Happy Birthday to Sloane, do love that video she did for your birthday.
The chicken does look good.
Take care.

DeniseinVA said...

Happy Birthday Sloane, precious photos and an adorable video. I can see that backpack was a big hit, and Larry’s Step stool is beautifully crafted. Your meals look so yummy! Thanks for the how-to on the chicken in your comments. Yes I remember those towels, makes me shudder to think of it, lol, but we probably did have better immune systems! Have a great rest of the week.

Polyester Princess said...

Sounds like a fun (but tiring!) birthday party for Sloane and that video she made for your birthday is absolutely adorable!
Mommy Sammy starting to teach Sloane skills is a great idea and Gram Pa's stepladder will be a great help! How very clever your Larry is! xxx

Catherine said...

Love the video I tried Maxime to sing it in French but he prefers in English ! Your air fryer is really tempting me I had no time to go last Saturday, but I want to go this week to get one.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Everything you make in that air fryer looks so good! I don't have one because I do NOT have anywhere to put it in this kitchen! Ugh! Sloane's party looks like quite the event! The backpack is darling. Dagny has always been the same with backpacks, and Ember is too! In fact all four of my granddaughters love them. Such a useful and pretty gift! I need a crown too, hahaha! xoxo

Granny Marigold said...

Sloane singing Happy Birthday is the sweetest!!! ( Did I miss your birthday?)

Jennifer said...

Happiest birtday wishes to your sweet Sloane girl! That bling backpack totally suits her!!

Lowcarb team member said...

Stopping by to say thank you for your kind thoughts and condolences on Eddies passing.

I do hope to get back to regular blogging soon.
In the meantime, my thanks again to you.

All the best Jan

PS Can't believe Sloane is two! The years fly by so quickly.

Donna said...

Much love and prayer to you, sweetheart…Big Hug…🩷

Red Rose Alley said...

So many things to like on here today, Donna. That is the cutest video of Sloane singing happy birthday to you. Your food is making me hungry haha, especially the grilled steaks and fried chicken. So nice of grandpa to make Sloane a step stool, and I am wondering what that other piece is next to it, looks very nice. Love the glittery backpack you got her, and I'm sure she had so much fun carrying it around. Kid love the glitter. Oh my gosh, I remember those hanging public towels. What were they thinking?

Have a good rest of the week, and a peaceful weekend.


Sandra Cox said...

Sweet Sloane. We just got an air fryer/microwave. I've never used an air fryer......

Romance Reader said...

Your food always looks so good! Sloane is such a cutie, happy birthday!

dori said...

HAPPY HAPPY new life-year for YOU and sweet SLOANE! You BOTH are very sweet sweet! CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS !! Best wishes and a lot of blessings to you and Sloane and all the family!! Your Dori from the Bavarian Forest
Sweet dog in the water!!

dori said...

EIN GLÜCKLICHES, GLÜCKLICHES neues Lebensjahr für DICH und die süße SLOANE! Ihr BEIDE seid sehr süß, süß! HERZLICHEN GLÜCKWUNSCH HERZLICHEN GLÜCKWUNSCH!! Alles Gute und viel Segen für dich und Sloane und die ganze Familie!! Deine Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald
Süßer Hund im Wasser!!

The Happy Whisk said...

Hahahahaa on the crown. Good one! Birthday Wishes!

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh Donna it looks like Sloane is really growing fast. Such sweet photos and adore her back pack...Larry's gift of the step stool looks perfect. Had to smile at your final photo - yes I am immune. Have a blessed day. Hugs!