Thursday, August 8, 2024

Sweet...The Girlz, Cooking and Washing.

Good morning, Friends!  It's been a busy week.  Deliveries, eye appointments...Going with the girls to eat lunch...babysitting a new washing machine...watching an ambulance take a neighbor to the hospital...(long story)...he couldn't ahhh...go to the restroom...doesn't take his medications...we think he's having some dementia issues.  I feel so sorry for his youngest daughter living 3 hours away.  Every time he sneezes, he thinks he has to call her to come back home to take care of him...sad.  He hates that she married and moved away...personally, I think he knows what he's doing...anything to get her sad!

The girls (Daughter Crystal, granddaughter Sam and great granddaughter Sloane and I, the old went out to eat at our favorite sandwich joint, Schmaltz's.  Wonderful lunch and lots of love from my SloaneyGirl! 

Crystal holding her granddaughter, Sloane for an after-lunch nap.

My grandbaby Samantha resting...

Samantha's newest commercial photo...I love her so much!

Oh, my word, this pork roast was wonderful!  Added red potatoes, bell pepper and sweet onions along with some butter.

We were craving Chicken & Dumplings...They were really good!

I made Key Lime Pie yogurt...always wonderful.

Had to purchase a new washing machine.  I will NEVER own a front loader machine again!  My fancy front-loader Bosch (10 yrs old) needed a new Mother Board...No Way $$$ .... I'd had enough trying to use the mechanical "go-around" to wash clothes!  It won't spin... Ridiculous...Larry thought it was just fine and that it might be "crippled" but, it still worked... :oo
He sang a different song yesterday when I told him since he was fine jumping through hoops while trying to get the wash done...I believed it was time for him to take over the washing duty! 
He couldn't get me in the truck to Lowes, fast enough. 
My new washer will be

When it would snap up the ERROR message, I'd have to do A through F... 

Our feral cat, Miss Kitty relaxing with us for just a little while before meowing to go back outside.   We really hope we can get her trained to use the dog door, coming into the house, before Winter!  That's Buddy sitting in the chair...observing her.  Both dog babies (Buddy & Libby the pug) and Miss Kitty get along just fine!

Larry bought a new toy...a 3-D Printer... I have no idea why...but if that's what makes him get up in the morning, good enough.  He's 76...77 in October.  He needs to keep busy and have fun while doing it.  He goes in on the 16th of September for a check-up on his bladder cancer.  Keep him in your prayers please.

This is his first's a pattern that came with the machine. I asked if he could make toys for Sloane, and he says he can.  Special project patterns cost, and those prices vary.  Doesn't everything?

Well, I suppose that's all for now.  
I hope you all are happy and safe in your until next time....



The Happy Whisk said...

The commercial shot is done nicely. Not long ago we got a new dryer. Happy almost weekend.

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm so sorry your neighbor had to go to the hospital. I hope he is Ok. I love that picture of grandma Crystal and Sloane. I was just with my babies, and know the feeling of love in your arms. Samantha must be so tired raising a baby and working. It's difficult for the moms these days. Your pork roast looks amazing. There's just nothing like a good pork roast. The key lime pie sounds good too! Your pets look so comfy resting on their favorite spaces. I hope Larry enjoys his new hobby.

Have a pleasant August week, Donna.


Ann said...

That's rather sad about your neighbor. Sounds like he's lonely.
I hate the new washers and all the fancy stuff they have to put in them. There was nothing wrong with the good old washers from back in the day. They lasted longer too.
I bet Larry will be turning out fabulous new projects in no time with that 3D printer.

Mari said...

Your granddaughter is so pretty!
No front loader for me either. I know too many people who had issues with it.
Your pork looks so good!

Dianna said...

Your food looks delicious, as always. I like. Larry's toy boat he made. Our son invested in a 3D printer back during COVID and made the head bands for on the masks and donated them to the health care providers.

Margaret D said...

Your pork roast looks ever so yummy and I'm cooking one for the family tomorrow night for dinner, well one family of 5 to be exact.
How wonderful you all can out for a meal, 4 generations, that's just great. September, prayers coming your way for Larry.
Take care and enjoy your new washing machine.

Prims By The Water said...

I will NEVER buy a front load washer. I repeat. I will NEVER buy a front load washer....or dryer for that matter. I had already heard they dont last long from my friends. How fun to go out with the girls to lunch at their fav place. Sam's photo shoot was really nice. Sending prayers for Larry. Janice

Polyester Princess said...

I'm loving your day out with Sloane collage, and isn't Samantha's commercial photo stunning!
That pork roast is looking mouthwateringly delicious!
I think I need one of those fan beds too :-)
Keeping Larry in my thoughts, and it's good that he's got things to keep him busy! xxx

Jenny the Pirate said...

I've just read two of your wonderful newsy posts (I thanked God again today that you resumed blogging after a long hiatus and our having to miss you, haha), but first I must say, gimme that fan bed, hahahaha! The other day it was rainy and I needed a nap so I put a fan on HIGH right next to the guest bed upstairs where it's real calm and quiet, and I put on socks and got a heavy blanket and my real pillow from my bed, and WOW what a wonderful three-hour snooze! To be clear, I had been up all night the night before. Did not go to sleep until seven in the morning. I have been plagued with insomnia of late but that was one of the worst nights I've had. It's awful! I'm impressed with Larry's 3D printing machine and can't wait to see what all he does with that! Forgive me if I'm mixing up comment-to-post, haha! UGH newfangled washers and dryers -- I hate them! Whatever happened to just putting in the soap, turning the knob, and the machine adding water and swishing it around, then rinsing and spinning and you're done??? So ridiculous, motherboards and chips and so forth, that only get confused. And the dryers! My old dryer? Press the button and the drum went around while hot air blew in and dried the clothes. Until the drum literally cut through the outside of the housing and, uh, we had to go shopping for a new set! Fancy LG, all should be well; right? But no! In order to not see an error message on my dryer, I have to dry everything on BEDDING setting! If I don't, I will get an error message and the clothes will be lying limp and damp until I discover it and come in and start it up again. The only exception is that the 25-minute manual setting works but that won't get most loads dry, so everything goes on bedding! So ridiculous. My daughter Stephanie is fed up with her machines too. No one makes a product anymore, that is intended to last. It's dishonest but they have us over the proverbial barrel. I hope you are happy with your new set! Your lovely meals look so delicious! And I wish I could have got a picture of your four generations out to lunch at a sandwich shop! That is everything. Love you friend xoxo

Granny Marigold said...

Laundry should not be a hassle but it so often is. No matter which temperature water I choose I get cold. If I'm lucky some days it gets tepid but never hot. I prefer washing sheets and towels hot but obviously my washer knows better. Grrr.
After you've used your Whirlpool for a while please do a "report" on how you like it. For those of us who might need a new washer in the future.

photowannabe said...

I won't make a comment on the front load washer..I might jinx my machine. so far so good for me.
Love your family photos of all the adorable family you have.
I think my Hubby would love a 3D printer. They are quite amazing and Sloane is going to love all her new toys.
Prayers for Larry and his up coming appointment. Prayers for the All Clear !

Bill said...

Your pork roast looks delicious. Love the little boat Larry created. Hope your new washing machine works fine and lasts for a very long time Enjoy your week!

Sandra Cox said...

The 3D Printers are amazing. They look like jukeboxes, don't they?:)
Hope all goes well with Larry. Hugs

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Donna! I hope you like your new washing machine! I had a front loader washing machine when we lived in Arizona and I won't have another one if I can avoid it! Wow, Sloane is growing so big! Time flies. I hope your neighbor is OK. Sounds like he really misses his daughter. Wow, that 3D printer looks like a fun toy for Larry. I hope his bladder cancer check goes well. Have a good week. See you again soon!

dori said...

A home with a lot of true hearts, a lot of love and empathy!! I love the sweet "babies" Crystal, Samantha and Sloane. Lovely photos! Brilliant!!And YOU! Your sweet love makes your blessed home, also for happy dogs and cats.
Many greetings and best wishes from Dori from the Bavarian Forest

dori said...

Ein Zuhause mit vielen ehrlichen Herzen, viel Liebe und Empathie!! Ich liebe die süßen „Babys“ Crystal, Samantha und Sloane. Schöne Fotos! Genial!! Und DU! Deine süße Liebe macht dein gesegnetes Zuhause, auch für glückliche Hunde und Katzen.
Viele Grüße und alles Gute von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald

DeniseinVA said...

Thank you for all these lovely photos of your family, and of Sloane, such a cute card! Sad for your neighbor, especially tough for his daughter who has to travel so far. It is a very cruel disease, one I hope there will be a cure for one day. Your pork roast looks so good, I have already eaten and I want to make this dish, and yum on the lemon yogurt. That bed is a hoot, I hope there are no windows on the other side of that fan, ha! The phone gave me a chuckle too. My machine is a top loader. The only thing is that I will need soon is a stool to bend into it to get the far-reaching clothes as I have to stretch pretty far for my fingers to touch. I can see something happening one of these days, two legs sticking up in the air and like a witch decoration on Halloween! I love the fact that it has no agitator because I can get more clothes in though. Cute picture of your furry family, and so nice that they all get along. Larry’s 3-D printer is impressive and I can see he will spend many happy times making toys for Sloane. Keeping him in my prayers for good results on his check-up. Have a great week and thank you for another special post.

Juvenal Nunes said...

Imagens e relatos das ocorrências de uma família no seu dia a dia, sem esquecer os patudos.
Abraço de amizade.
Juvenal Nunes

Anne M Robinson said...

Sad about the neighbor. I imagine he is lonely. Your phamily is beautiful. Oh these front loaders. I am going broke buying tabs to clean the stupid thing everytime we turn around. Miss my plain ole Kenmore top loader. It is nice seeing you here. Take care and enjoy those grands!